
naked women jumps?

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My tone and demeanor in my previous post was respectful and I expect the same in kind. Generally speaking I refrain from digressing to a level as such when correspond on the Internet; however, my normal diction does follow similarly to yours sometimes, even though I try to refrain from posting like that simply out of respect for everyone else reading these posts.
Posting as such has earned you a bad reputation in the short time you have been in our community, and the advice given to you on occasion by some fellow posters is to help you with your relations in the community. We know that you are a Marine but just about every Marine that I have ever met had some skill as a leader; furthermore, a valuable skill anyone in a leadership position learns very quickly to implement in his dealings with others is tact. Looking back through the archived threads, generally speaking, the threads that were locked or deleted due to the actions taken by yourself would not have happened if a little tact had been used. Although there really is not a right way to express your opinion and we live in a country where through the noble deeds of warriors past we have a secured right to express our opinions, there is, however, certain conditions observed in polite interactions with people in our society. These conditions have not been observed.
Take my advice as you will, especially since I am not a person of authority in this online community; moreover, you need to remember that “This ain’t no democracy” (HH) and on more then one occasion a fair number of persons have expressed their desire to have your username and IP blocked from posting. The moderators and HH have refrained from taking this path simply due to the fact that more then one of the members of our community have had a rough start, but they have realized their folly and have been accepted as one of our own. Also, more then one of the former and current Marines that frequent this site have expressed their absolute embarrassment in how you conduct yourself here. As of yet, I am not a Marine although I am aspiring to obtain that status, if I had positioned myself in such a manner, embarrassing not only myself but my beloved Marine Corps, I would feel quite a bit of disgrace.
At this point, no amount of the immature dribbling babble that usually constitutes one of your responses to a post such as mine will ever impress me and will further serve to prove my point.
David Lund
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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I have gopt to be honest.
AGGIE-- sorry BIG TIME< bro btu just klike i dont x-pect any one to read my long posts um....I am DRUNK! i cant concentrate that long. i KNOW FOR A Fact that i weill come back here and read this post in full but as for now...THAT QWAS WAYY TOO LONG!
UM, I dunno i havent noticed but post whoring (blah blah blah < I"m drunk on Liquid Sunshine) hehehehe
wear protection!!! and for GOD SAKE get your kid back.
(in no way did I mean to offend or DEfend any of you...I love all skydivers) ...................................AND I AM DRUNK!!!:)p.s. it tokk 3.5 hours for me to post this.........................................................................................................................................................
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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hehehe jt you really are fuked off your nut arnt you lol. next youll be tellen everyone bout the $2 whores you pick up every week lol,its only like 20 days till you come down under, getten excited yet lol
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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Let me explain something to you..
This is a community yes.. This is Sang's web site and it is not a democracy yes.. Some people on here don't like me I'm sure.. That's o.k. I won't be loosing any sleep over it..
There have been a select number of you that have decided you don't want me here. That I can live with. You "some people" have continued to single me out in the guise of pointing me in the right direction. When in fact the real reason is to push buttons and elicit responses that will hopefully have me removed from the site. Again I won't loose any sleep over it.
As far as being a Marine goes? I will pretent you didn't go there. You don't know the first thing about leadership or the Marines and especially about Semper Fidelis. You are in for a rude awakening when you hit the Marine Corps. They eat politically correct people like you up in no time.. I sincerely hope you grow a spine and a bit of individuality so you don't get Marines killed worrying what everyone else thinks about you. I hope you make it..
Some people on this site have been honest and some people are painting themselves to be people they aren't. If their is anything I have added to this wonderful community it is a sense of honesty no matter what anyone thinks. In a great many of the so called heated debates we have I get PM's saying I agree with you.. Only difference is I am willing to say it to your face if I do or don't agree. That happens to be one of the things I like best about this site. Speaking your mind in a mostly controlled manner.
As far as waisting Sang's bandwidth.. I have already apologized to him stating that wasn't my intention at all.. Some of the others that have prompted my logo change know who they are :)I have surely never responded in a way on this web site that was not warranted. I do not intend on leaving the site. If I am removed then I guess the gang rules and the honest ones will remain quiet. Again I won't loose sleep ;)
Blue Skies!!
New logo is for those who chose to stay on my ass ..... ;)

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actually, on the down wind leg the slider does sound different. it goes from flying into the wind and getting a "flap flap flap flap" sound to running with the wind and getting a "fuh-lop fuh-lop fuh-lop" sound:)HAWK---yes on two things..I was totally "fukt off my rocker" and yes I am excited as someone who hasn't been skydiving in 7 months to go down under!
Dave--I read your post as a sober guy. maybe i still missed something. but I DID read it.
getting high is fun, but coming down is the best part

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