
TX Aggie Skydiving Club

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I was on a memorial jump and came down with the plane so I went to Carol as soon as I got down.
Last evening on the sunset load- Carol, your President, was hurt recovering from a down plane.
She came down hard and I sat with her on the ground as did her close friends and boyfriend. Her left leg is broken femur and tib/fib. right leg maybe, pelvis -not sure.
She was hangin in there as I got in the ambulance with her till they kicked me out.
At the time- the plan was to take her to Brenhnam, how do you spell Brenehem... You know what I mean... There was an Orthopedic on staff there at the time, said the EMT.
The super all around good guy and local EMT, that took care of me was there instantly- and she was immobilzed and was stable and talking some. She was hurting but working the problem.
I will have some more news and you may have a contact to call to find out new info - my information is from last night. I am on my way to the dz now. Those with new info might want to post it here as Carol has a huge amount of friends in the Houston area.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Anyone want a Kitten?

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Ok- Only break in her leg was the femur a rod was surgically implanted.
"She had surgery early this morning the put in a rod to repair it, so it looks like it is going to be ok. She does a two pelvis fractures as well, but the doctors believe they are not going to be a problem as they are not on load bearing areas."
Ah... sounding good so far, this above from her boyfriend. A wonderful charming and fun loving gentleman -Russell.
Heal fast my buddie!! I will tickle you in the bed!!
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Anyone want a Kitten?

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Saw her out at the demo jump for the ACS walk-a-thon thing friday evening ... so I guess this was saturday evening? Best wishes to you for a quick recovery Carol ... you know you have the support of everyone out here.
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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I hope she is doing ok! Not good to hear that your friend that lives across the country is hurt pretty bad! Please, someone from the club, send me an email, [email protected] so that I can send her some flowers at the hospital while she recovers and give her our best wishes!
From: All her friends at CSS, Stephen, Andrew, Justin, Gabe, and crew

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I know everyone's probably wondered why I've stayed out of this thread so far, I've been kinda upset about it and just didn't feel like talking about it here, just with my Aggie brothers and sisters.
She will be fine, but I don't know how this will effect her being in the sport from now on. She was injured a month or so ago with a very bad opening and her mom HATES the fact she skydives and she makes sure that Carol knows that on many occasions. :(
She will be fine eventually, the Dr.s put a rod in her leg and her pelvis will heal, eventually, but it sucks right now.
If anyone wants to send some flowers or a get well card, PM or e-mail me and I will make sure that you get the information. I don't want to post that stuff in a public setting, since I don't think she would appreciate me (or anyone else) doing that.
A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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