
pot heads?

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I used to jump with Fred all the time. I looked him up last summer at Lost Prairie. First of all his wife about threw me out of the manifest building, because I had a beer in my hand. I was on the wrong side of the road (for beer). And then when I did find Fred I hardly recongized him. We're both pretty bald now. And yeigh that does make since. The women were kinda ugly back then, but that's okay. I'm pretty ugly too. I would never call a sheep a dirty slut though. I always thought sheep were kinda cute little critters. Steve

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You have got to be shittin me!!! Fred is a Skydiver????? No WAY!!! I have consumed more than a couple beers in his bar before catching a flight out of Missoula. If he is around Lost Praire this year you have to introduce me to him. The first time I ever saw that bar I laughed my ass off. A little purple titty bar in the corner of a truck stop....:)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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When I went through SF training in the 70's you needed a secret security clearance. If you had an arrest record for using pot, you were out. So it was a good thing I never got into it. I did about everything else though. Ended up in the hoosegow for drinking, more than once, (while a teenager). They didn't even mind that I was rather fond of sheep and from Montana. So if anyone has any good secrets, you can trust me. Steve

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I had to take a drug test before I could start a consulting gig I had a few years ago. It was all very formal, I even had to visit an off site lab of their chosing to have it done.
Here's the catch - I failed, or at least I must have. I'd smoked something just a few nights before. I peed in the cup knowing full well that I was gonna fail.
I never heard a thing. They gave me the job... They were anal enough to require the drug test but didn't have the courage to stick to their principles when it came to hiring time.. I ended up quitting a year later..
Generally, I think this specific company was one of the most mis-managed ones I've ever worked for, and I've worked for quite a few...
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Mari-ja-wana's bad... don't do mari-ja-wana. Mmm-kay?
Mmm-kay who's got the mari-ja-wana? Anyone? Mmm-kay, whoever's got the mari-ja-wana just pass it up front mmm-kay?
Uh oh...
"Zero Tolerance: the politically correct term for zero thought, zero common sense."

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I don't know if I'm 18D or not, but I like goats also.

18Ds are the special forces medics. In school they reportedly shoot a goat and the 18D student has to stabilize it and keep it alive for a certain amount of time in order to pass. Is that what you are talking about Clay?

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When I was in it was called dog lab. They used dogs. This was kind of secretive because I think they were worried about the humane society finding out. I was in weapons so I don't know all there was to know about this, but I heard that each medic was issued a dog. It was then shot in the leg with a rifle. (Is anyone getting sick yet, I know this sounds inhumane). The medic would then treat the animal for shock, amputate the leg, nurse it back to health, and do some other things with the dog. The animal was finally put to sleep later. The medics I knew had a hard time putting the animal to sleep because of all the hours they spent working with these animals. I had a lot of respect for these medics. They spent around a year and a half to two years just in training. When they went to Vietnam they were performing jobs that only a Doctor would do here in the States. Steve

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