
Photoshop Contest!

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Yes, its that time again, to dust off your copies of Photoshop...

Yeah, this is a spoof on the masturbate/kitten pic from Fark a while back, but it makes sense to our little community :ph34r:
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."


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Can I get a volunteer for a redecorating project for my office? I'd like to make some skydiving magnets to decorate my old metal file drawers in my office. If I send someone a picture of a skydiver under canopy, can the color be taken out, leaving a black and white version so that I can color the canopy and the skydiver in the colors I choose? I tried this in paint, but it was a lot erasing and I ended up deleting the lines stuff. More time and effort than it was worth, I'm sure there's a better way to do this.:$:S

So, if you're day is slow and you don't have anything better to do than mess around with a pic . . . let me know.


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This is an incredibly simple thing to do with even the simplest picture editting software. Unfortunately, I don't have any of that software on my computer at work, otherwise I could do it for you in about a minute. :)

Actually you can do this even in Paint. Here's how. Bring up the picture in Paint. Then click on "Image" in the menu bar and then "Attributes." That will bring up a box and in that box you can change from color to black and white. Then just click on "OK" and then resave your picture.


However, I would still recommend using a higher quality program to do this, as the quality of the resulting picture is likely to be better.

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project

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Aaahhh, thank you for offering!!

I thought there was a coloring book option in paint, but that must have been an earlier version, because I couldn't find it anywhere on there. Even after all the erasing that I did and drawing lines back in, it wouldn't let me dump color into each of the canopy sells.:P

Any other takers?


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Sorry bout that, here it is . . . [:/]

"Mommy quick look at that redneck standing in the middle of the *SPLAT*.....mommy why is his leg look like a curly fry from sonic?

I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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That brought back memories....in my college days, one of our drinking buddies down the hall had wallpapered his entire room with labels removed from beer bottles. He also built a coffee table out of crushed beer cans.....it took four people to move it, and about 30 people 7-8 months to provide the "raw materials"....:D


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30 people 7-8 months to provide the "raw materials"

man, you went to a conservative college, didn't ya? :D

Dave !

You worried me with your comment (I don't *think* I'm conservative...) so I did some math

Table weighed about 450 pounds.
16 cans to the pound = 7200 cans.
7200 cans * 30 drinkers = 240 cans each
240 cans * 7 months = 34.28/month = 8.57 cans / week

Damn....that IS lame ! ( I feel so ashamed now.....)

(but you have to admit it still isn't too bad for a group of seminary students......) :)

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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