
Tim Daughters accident

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Dear Friends
For those who haven't heard, my best friend and best man, Tim Daughters was
killed in a skydiving accident on Friday. I'm still in shock and denial,
but try as I might, I can't wake up from this nightmare. Tim leaves his
wonderful wife Melissa, and daughters Paige, who turns three in a couple
weeks, and Jamie, two months old.
The memorial service is planned as follows:
A memorial service for Tim Daughters will be held at 7PM on Thursday
evening, July 11, 2002 at the Lima Family Sunnyvale Mortuary at 1315
Hollenbeck Avenue in Sunnyvale.
Directions: From northbound 85, exit at Fremont Road, turn right and proceed
on Fremont to the intersection of Fremont Road and Hollenbeck. The Lima
Family facility is on your right before crossing Hollenbeck.
From southbound 85, exit at Fremont Road, turn left, and proceed on Fremont
to the intersection of Fremont Road and Hollenbeck. The Lima Family facility
is on your right before crossing Hollenbeck.
Dress casually. Tim would want it that way.
Further information, photos, etc. will be posted on
This web page may move, but a link will be provided from this URL. We also
plan to have a message board.
I realize that many of you are too far to be able to attend, but I thought
you might like to know.
Bluer skies...
Peter Learmonth

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Oh Pete. Oh man. I think about you guys in California a lot. I can't believe Tim is gone. That is like a mule kick to the chest this morning. Shit.

Tim was such a nice guy. I really enjoyed flying him at Monterey Bay years ago. Timmy Dollars.

You know.....you meet people through your life....you may have to move on and you don't keep in touch as much.....but there is that chance that you can run into them again at some boogie or just an email once in awhile. But now...no more. For awhile.

Blue Skies Timmy Dollars.

My condolences to Melissa and his daughter and all his Cali friends.


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I can only tell you how sad it is to loose Timmy D. A couple of us were there at Hollister friday afternoon when it happened. This is a tremendous loss to the local skydiving community and his family. I can only hope and pray that the healing can begin soon.

Tim to say the least was one awesome individual.I do not know what else I can say except that I will never forget him. Ever.
~Peace my Brother and Eternal Blue Skies~

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Although i doubt i have ever even seen Tim at a boogie or anything, I am truly saddened by his passing. This has been a particularly cruel year for a lot of us...I can certainly sympathize with those he left behind.
My most sincere condolences to his family and friends.

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