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Sesame Street on the other hand has always been about living in the inner city, poor, relying on yourself and your community, not the government or society.

That's 100% true. I heard they were thinking about including Warren the Squeegee Man and Three Card Monte as part of the next wave of new characters.
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I heard they were thinking about including Warren the Squeegee Man and Three Card Monte as part of the next wave of new characters.

LMAO!:D Don't forget the hooker muppits...unless that's Miss Piggy.


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"It's just another move towards more political correctness . I think parents should be doing sex education instead of Bert and Ernie . "

Political correctness has nothing to do with it. We're talking about trying to stem the tide of an epedemic. Whole villages are beging killed in South Africa. It's not even about sex education. Do you really think this new character is going to demonstrate how to put on a condom to 6 year olds? Of course not. It's just about educating kids about the world.

And for the record, seeing as so many parents do such a crappy juob of raising / educating their kids I say if someone (eg a school) is brave enough to try and fill in the cracks all the more power to them. If someone in my high school had of made gay issues more prominent and acceptable then maybe my friend wouldn't have gotten beaten to a pulp.

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I hate getting into threads late...

OK, so along with the high self-esteem, will the muppet actually become ill? Do we get to see the muppet's HIV-positive status deteriorate into a full blown case of AIDS? Do we get to watch the muppet slowly die over the course of several years? Do we get to watch Big Bird wipe this muppet's ass when she no longer has the ability to do it herself? Or will this muppet be strong and healthy for the next 33 years of Sesame Street? Granted, with current medications a reasonably healthy life can be achieved for some. But this is a much less common outcome on the African continent, or the inner cities of the United States.

I'm not insinuating that an HIV-positive character is wrong; though it does seem to be inherently problematic. Just curious as to how the Producers of Sesame Street plan to deal with the development of the character.


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It's just another move towards more political correctness . I think parents should be doing sex education instead of Bert and Ernie .

I was going to respond to this until I remembered the rule about no personal attacks. (even if you do see an astoundingly ignorant statement)

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75% of the military in Africa are HIV positive. Civilian infected infected men rape children with the belief it will "cleanse" them of the disease. With a reprobate culture like that, I'm all for educating any one that might be at risk.
Now what does this have to do with skydiving
"Slow down! You are too young
to be moving that fast!"

Old Man Crawfish

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It's just another move towards more political correctness .

I don't think that word means what you think it means.


I think parents should be doing sex education instead of Bert and Ernie .

Dude, that's what Seseme Street IS. Goign back 30 years ago, Seseme Street was designed for parents who don't parent! Be glad they're there to give kids the good stuff, cause way too often nobody does!


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I still think that... they should

give kermit genital warts and mrs piggy uteran cancer. and that swedish chef(is he still around) should get alcohol piosoning every once in a while..

is itr wrong to quote oneself? I think it is, but I am doing it anyway!
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