
too good to be true?

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i dont know if i am getting my leg pulled here, but i feel like this is too good of a deal to be true. i had posted an ad looking for a used rig for a beginner and i had an email response with a rig that had these stats:
Vector Micron: Dom 01/2012
sabre 2 190: Dom 08/2012
Cypress 2

because i am new to the sport i feel like this could be a scam but i am not sure. the User ID has zero posts and was created about 2 months ago. should i be warry of this?

sorry if this is in the wrong forum, but i figured it pertains to gear.

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Ya, and the next email will ask you to send the cash by wire transfer. I think you understand the danger here. Hint: always use Paypal. And if the seller is legitimate he will be able to provide the name of a DZO and a rigger as references. And of course there's always escrow services as others have suggested. $3220? oddball number there

There is no reserve listed here, but assuming there is one this offer is for one year old gear at approx half of it's new value. This kind of deal falls into the "to good to be true" category. Gear generally depreciates at a rate of about 10% per year, maybe 20% in the first year.
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All the above (escrow, get S/N's etc) and...

DOM of the Cypres 2?
Is there a reserve here?
Or am I looking at parts that may or may not make a rig?

Definately get a pre-purchase eval by a rigger YOU choose/trust.

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Also get the serial numbers for all of the components.

Then get on the phone an check those same numbers with the manuf!

UPT and PD will help verify the listed owner, and this is something that they are glad to do!

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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UPT and PD will help verify the listed owner, and this is something that they are glad to do!

I don't know anyone that buys used sport gear and immediately contacts the manufacturers of all of the equipment and updates themselves as the registered owner.

It's not a catch all, but with gear this new, it *MIGHT* work.
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Not everyone updates with the manufacturer's, nor do I think they offer that service, Mark K? at UPT do you guys do this??

But almost everyone I know of makes a notation on stolen gear and or where the gear was sold and who the original purchaser was!

This information is invaluable as to size and if everyone who bought or wanted to check might just save some individuals a lot of pain and cash!

Last I spoke with PD they indicated this was a bit of a pain, but they were always "glad to help." And they added they wish more would follow suit! Most all of the manufacturers that I have spoken with will provide this service, they just don't want ot freely give out the original purchasers private information.

When you tell them why you want to check they all have indicated they want to help prevent theft and fraud as much as anyone else.

I have checked out a number of containers and canopies on DZ.com doing just this and have felt all the more comfortable making on-line purchases. But this does take a bit of effort to do this and not many do?

Many times I can find the original store and they know exactly who is selling what. I always verify in this mannar if I can't get the seller to use an escrow service! In fact at this point if the seller won't escrow via one of the established stores I won't buy from them period, just not worth the risk.

The only negative thing is that in many areas of the U
S, there are not a lot of nearby skydiving equipment stores!

Perhaps more jumpers should report private sales to the manufacturers, they seem to be in the best position to keep records, regardless of this being a pain or not??


But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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I'm having trouble separating the sarcasm from the real advice, so I'll give a little insight.

Yes, it sounds too good to be true.

Escrow can be good if you use a trusted rigger or loft. Don't forget, there are escrow scams where the scammer tries to get you to send money to a fake escrow service.

Paypal is also great, but there are multiple scams that use paypal, including receiving your money into a hacked (stolen) account.

It might be stolen, but more likely it's just made up gear, the description taken from a legit for sale ad from this or another website. Dates of manufacture might be changed to make it more appealing. (I responded to an ad here from someone who tried to sell a 2006 Sabre 1. (doesn't exist)

Good on you for asking questions here first, rather than getting scammed.


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I didn't want to show some kind of favoritism by naming particular stores over other stores because of my ignorance or lack of space here on DZ.com. There are so many fine riggers out there that I didn't think it fair to mention places like Chuting Star, The Gear store, The shop at Perris, Eloy, Don Mayers Parachute store, etc...

See what I mean, by making a list of places that all will help any skydiver out with gear escrow services, some for a fee because there is work involved with this I have left out Crosskeys, Square one sattilite locations etc,...

But there are a number of fine places that the skydiving community are aware of...

So I don't see the reason that they are not being fully utilized? It seems people would rather take a risk and shop in a hurry than a more cautious and proven route?

But what do I know, "I only have one tandem jump."

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So I don't see the reason that they are not being fully utilized?

As long as some people are willing to buy it without going through a middleman, then the sellers will prefer them because it is less hassle and a quicker payoff. The buyers know that, and are pushed into taking more risk because they know others will.

If buyers can get some sense of the seller's history by getting someone that "should" be trustworthy to vouch for them and/or the gear, that goes a long way toward satisfying the benefit of having an escrow. If the last rigger to pack a rig can be established as someone that isn't likely to misrepresent the condition of the gear, that goes a long way toward satisfying the benefit of having an escrow.
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I just bought a canopy thru DZ.com using my rigger as an escrow agent. The seller and I agreed on a price based on his description of the canopy's condition. When the canopy arrived, the condition was not near as good as it had been described.

My rigger pointed out several problems (all fixable) that would affect the actual value of the canopy. I contacted the seller and we came to an agreement as to the actual value of the canopy. Done Deal!!

Escrow is the way to go. It benifits everyone and is only a disadvantage to someone trying to cheat another.

B| ... and, Thanks Mark!

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