
ok, q about dz's and personal relationships...

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Skydivers don't lose their girl(boy)friends, they just lose their turn.

I'm sorry, but shouldn't this read

...they just lose their slot (or is it spelled slut?):)

how high can you fly with broken wings ...
life's a journey not a destination

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I am kinda jumping in late on this conversation, but as far as DZ relationships go I've never had one and never really wanted one. There seems to be too much gossip and too much useless talk that goes around DZ's and I never liked to get in between any of it. Starting a relationship with someone at the DZ would make me vulnerable to all this gossip. Besides, whuffo chicks have been doing it fine for me.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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How do you deal with a situation where you hit on some guy you think is gay and it turns out he's straight? Cuz my guess is those situations would get a little... um... tense. :o

I used to be bad about this. In my college it was COOL to be bisexual. It was so cool that all sorts of straight people SAID they were bisexual so they'd appear more open minded or something. Anyway, lots of people made themselves look available when in fact they weren't. So I had a long history at college of getting turned down by straight guys. What a drag. :(

How do you deal with it? I dunno. You move on, no? I suppose it's not very different from anyone propositioning anyone and getting turned down. It's a drag if you were really interested. And the straight guy might be offended at the offer, but that's true of anyone. Girls are offended at their straight boy suitors all the time, or so I hear.

Personally I can't remember ever being offended at someone for being interested in me. I've felt turned off by them, or trapped by the pressure of turning someone down nicely, but never offended. I don't understand why some people react that way.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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as far as DZ relationships go I've never had one and never really wanted one.

Is it a "DZ relationship" if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and they discover skydiving because you suggest it? My boyfriend and I go to the DZ together all the time, but somehow it doesn't seem right to call it a "DZ relationship".

Or is it only a DZ relationship if you meet them at the DZ?

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Is it a "DZ relationship" if you already have a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife and they discover skydiving because you suggest it?

No i wouldnt consider that a DZ relationship.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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"naked twister? indoor or outdoor? "

Should always be indoor. Outdoor - blowing leaves tend to stick to the baby oil. Call me a traditionalist.

I still have Twister in my trunk from Rantoul. We never did get around to playing it in the dz.com tent.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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...getting back to the issue at hand...

i know it's a little awkward now since he's leaving, anyway, but i say approach him in person. tell him, "gee, i'm really sorry things didn't work out for us. the time we spent together was really fun. i know we'll be seeing each other around, so i don't want things to feel weird. maybe we can jump together sometime..." something along that line - and just leave it at that. this way you are taking the upper hand, you're not a victim, you're not chasing after him, you're not accusing him of anything, and you're not demanding that he explain himself to you. then he shouldn't feel that he has to avoid you or put on any stupid act in front of you (although he may, anyway...then you know he's just a pathetic child...).

NO VOICE MAILS! it's important that you confront him face-to-face. it's possible that he didn't want to get involved since he knew he was going to be leaving. something like that happened to me once...the guy turned out to be a real flake ;)

whatever happens, don't EVER EVER EVER EVER let anything or anyone like this make you feel like you have to stop doing what you love, going where you want to go, or being who you are.

the end
spiral out...keep going...

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