
What are some of the dumbest things you have done with Fireworks?

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I doubt if what you saw was a BLEVE Bunky, they are very destructive. They usually involve things like railroad tank cars, or the big storage tanks at chemical plants and such like. You probably saw what we call a UVCE or unconfined vapour cloud explosion, a much more tame affair.

This is a bleve.......


He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson



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We used to have huge firework wars.. The normal stuff throw bottle rockets at each other, shoot roman candles in the direction of the enemy ect...

The best explosions I've {heard} :) about was to take a large Hefty Garden / Grass garbage bag fill it with aceteline {sp} an a small amount of oxygen. Use a long long rag as a fuse.. Lite an run like hell the other direction. It's been known to blow out windows 2 blocks away an to bend sheet metal building walls inwards at blast point 4 feet. We did this 3 or 4 times until the FBI & DEA an all those acronyms for the law enforcers came screaming into our bomb testing area. Did all this while at work too... The welder an old guy taught us everything we were doing. I was in my early twenties an he had to have been old.. maybe his mid thirties.. ;) I'm 35 now waiting to pass this great knowledge on.. Hey maybe I just did B|

[disclaimer] DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!! YOU COULD DIE OR INJURE YOURSELF!! THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS![/disclaimer] butif you do an dont get hurt post some pix!! hehe :D

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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Same as you, except in Tejas, we can't get them year round. But, when they were, watch out, the guys were gonna have a big ol rocket war.
The best was when a buddy of mine (on my team, too - thank goodness), showed up with one of those 'grenade launcher' type things mounted on a 'wooden gun' (he always was a little off balance).
So the war commenced. My bother and his team, collectively put all their fireworks in one big pile, so they all knew where to return for reloading. Only 5 minutes into the battle, this buddy of mine fires the luckiest shot in all of firework battle history, from literally a 100 yards away, STRAIGHT INTO THE BIG PILE O FIREWORKS.
Needless to say, the ensuing panic-striken, butt-hauling of my brothers team from their 'hide out' was hysterical. But not nearly as hysterical as the huge 'explosion' of fireworks that followed.
We declared ourselves the winners of the war :D

A well-informed person is somebody who has the same views and opinions as yours.

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Oh god, let me try to list them all. Believe it or not I actually work at a fireworks store. Yep, some poor misguided souls actually pay me money to take care of explosives;) Anyway here goes. I got hit in the eye with a bottle rocket (that stung a bit), I accidently started a grass fire about 10 yards from an open loading dock at our warehouse full of fireworks. I get bored at work sometimes and mix and match all kinds of things to see if they will blow up. Have you ever made a sprkler bomb? If you build it right it'll put the old m-80's and cherry bombs to shame:ph34r: Let's see, what else...oh yeah, this is fun! I love taking the artillery shells/mortars and using them without the tube. They make for all kinds of fun, you just have to make sure you throw them far enough that you don't get caught in the burst cause that's embarassing. Also, this is kind of a tradition with some of us at the store, but every fourth of July after we close the store we liberate a bunch of rockets and mortars and go up on a hill overlooking the highway. We usually liberate a fair amount of tequilla, too. All those unsuspecting people driving by, well, you do the math.
Oh yeah, almost forgot, we like to go camping an dump bottle rockets on the fire by the case. usually two or three cases at a time. Just to let you know the numbers there are 25 gross per case. Makes it interesting!

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Someone gave me a bottle rocket and i thought it was a sparkler.....I kept talking and it took off in my hand:S. Thank good ness it didn't blow up:D

One night we were throwing bottle rockets at the dz. Light it, let the fuse burn down, whip it. A jumpers' 13yo son joined us. We kept telling him, "throw, throw". He would hold them in front of him. Sparks would land on his shirt. Launch the rocket, put out Bobby. Launch the rocket, put out Bobby.:S

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Attempted to launch a model rocket with the parachute section fill with gunpowder over the lake at night. Dropped the fuse accidentally, moments before a police cruiser came to patrol the beach.

Yup, did that one, except we were sitting in a canoe in the river. Rocket goes up..up..up..up....um...um, coming back down straight for us...!!!

Man, I'd love to do that crap again. Too bad that if you've 16 it's called messing around. If you're 26 it's called jailable offense.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I don't know how to post a link, but check this guy out! He lights charcoal grills using liquid oxygen!


Yeah, Professor Goble, EE Dean at Purdue, and the godfather of all mayhem artists everywhere. He was featured on the "Radical & Extreme Hobbies" website (now defunct). Sure miss that.

Anybody here ever seen http://www.cirquedeflambe.com/? They're based here in Seattle and appear at the Fringe Festival. Pyro Boy's act is an experience that shouldn't be missed! Wally has been on Ripley's and other programs. http://www.arfarfarf.com/pyroboy/pyroboy.html

The first time I saw a web video of Pyro Boy I started choking so hard from laughter, red-faced and tear-eyed, that people thought there was something wrong with me. All I could do was point at my monitor.
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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During the "winter" in Florida, we find a short log with a hollow center (looks like a short cannon). Once the bonfire gets going, put a RightGuard (this works best) or shaving cream can in the hole and step back. Makes a great explosion/mortar...or so I've heard. :)

Also called "Fougasse"
"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I won't name the person or the dz.... but in a moment of drunken stupidity (i hope..) a neighboring dz's owner shot a bottle rocket OUT OF HIS ASS (stick in ass, then light.... ) needless to say, he had problems sitting for awhile (from what i hear.. i wasn't there).

makes me cringe just thinking of it...

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I'd have to say putting 2 packs of bottle rockets into a longneck Bud bottle and drizzling a starter fluid fuse down the driveway. Lit it just as a cop pulled into the driveway!!:o He was surpisingly cool. We WERE pretty obnoxious (drunk)--and sobered up immediately.:$
Ahhh, youth..............

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next to skydiving and guns, fireworks are my life here is an awesome thing to do :

1. get an empty coffee can
2. open 3 gross of bottle rockets (1 gross = 12 packs of 12)
3. put them into the can sticks down
4. spread them around 360 degrees to make a "V" in the center.
5. cut the top of an artillery shell
6. pour contents onto bottle rockets
7. pull out the fuse from the artillery shell and hang it over the edge (get it far enough into the bottom of the can)
8. light it and run
it's cool in the day or night but for looks do it in the dark

"the sweet just aint as sweet without the bitter "

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Just toss a can of WD-40 into a fire - simple, yet much more entertaining then anything commercial firework vendors can provide "legally." Also, go to your local pool supply store and buy a bucket of powdered chlorine - real good shit for making stuff to blow yourself up, or at least gas yourself to death in the process.

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