
Well, THAT Was Interesting....

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I should be leaving DFW about now for Houston. Instead I'm still in Indianapolis waiting for the 4:30 flight to leave. :P

We take off this morning, and about 20 minutes into the flight I hear this big WHHOOOSSSHHHHH!! sound coming from up by the main cabin door.

This was sort of an unusual sound so I start watching the stewardess. By the look on her face this was an unusual sound to her as well. She sort of stands back from the door, gets on the cockpit phone, then gets in her seat and starts going over emergency landing procedures all the while telling people not to panic. :o

Naturally most people were pretty freaked out.

By this time it became pretty clear to me that the pilot had the plane under control, so I wasn't as worried, but I had a pretty good idea of what was coming next. The pilot hauled ass to prolly around 7-8K or so. Naturally, this freaked the others out even more.

We made it back without incident but at least I got a nice little adrenaline rush out of the deal. :S

Cool thing about skydiving is that you're around planes so much you sort of know what's going down (no pun intended) and it doesn't bother you as much.

I'm sure others here have some really good airliner horror stories to tell....

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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a cold day at DZ.only me and another guy wanted to jump.We were going to jump of a Cessna182T(yes i come from Cessna land:S),in 3300ft.I was sitting next to the pilot,But flyiong bagwards.Im terried afther the nigth before,so i was near a sleep.While the plan left the runway the door suddenly opend,i thourgt that i was going to make the lowest "skydive"ever.. That was pretty scarying.
Be Safe!!!

ps. sorry to tell that it was me who closed the tor before take off.[:/]

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I had gear on at the time but dont blive that i would have manneged to deploy,before i would taste the sollid ground aprox 2m/6ft below..B|

But it was funny to talk about after..But dam scarry when it happend.

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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A couple of years back I was flying in from Italy. As the plane was comming in on final it seemed to me as if it was going a bit fast. And it was. It was the roughest landing I ever had to experience. We hit the ground and all the overhead compartments came flying open. Some baggage fell out. I hit my head on the side if the cabin.

Another story happened to my family a couple of years back. I wasnt on that flight. They were heading for Acapulco and about 15 minutes into the flight all of a sudden the pilot turned the plane around, said they were having problems and that they were going to do an emergency landing. At that time they starterd dumping the fuel out of the plane from the wings. What happened was that one of the engines caught fire. Thats a pretty scary one
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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Sounds like you had a fun flight. Kinda makes you wish you had your rig with yeah, eh? That would have been funny (not to the other passengers or flight crew) if you would have had your rig on your carry on, and put t on when that happened. Then got up and walked to the door...

So did the airline do anything special for the passengers or just say "we'll have you home sometime or another..."
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Been there several times when I worked for the airlines. Not fun, but definitely an adrinaline rush to say the least. You haven't lived until you have evacuated an aircraft via the slide.:S It was pretty wild to see the terror in peoples eyes when there was a small problem but we secured the cabin just to be safe.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Ted, I think they're called "Flight Comfort Engineers" or something like that now. Stewardess will get you into some trouble!

DOH! Maybe that's why she threw the peanuts at me. :S

Funny thing is, she was probably the most freaked person on the plane. :D

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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