
What's your excuse?

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I don't feel like going out.I have a bottle of wine chilling and some steamed shrimp. I'm gonna kick back. I also have a friend that's in Bosnia,he's feelin' kind of low. I figured I'd keep him company and work on my post whoring skills at the same time!

Happy New Year!

"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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sorry to here that freeflir29. at the present time i am consuming copious amounts of coors light!;) i will drink one for u in your honor! btw, look on the bright side at least u will get to elevate your post numbers!:P

It is better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool!

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Coors Lite?! It's fucking New Years! Break out something half decent!!:P sorry:D

I've got a home brewed Christmas Ale, IPA, blonde ale, and Irish stout in the fridge.B|

I'm here temporarily. It's only 8:55 here and I'm only a few minutes' walk from the pubs, so I am "pre-drinking!";) anyone here ever do that?

Speed Racer

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I'm also workin'.

Tune into the ABC / Dick Clark New Year's Eve special and watch the shots coming from Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure. I'm the one getting the signals from point A & B to point C.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Just waiting for the fun to begin. Speaking of which...;)

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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which ones?

Heh. Well I'm not taking my gear so the second number is already known - a big zero. And I'm hanging with my #1 booty call guy so it's guaranteed the first number will be something other than zero. ;)

If things go according to plan, I just may owe a case or maybe even two of beer by Sunday night... :$

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Because I have to fly early tomorrow morning and I know if I go out, I'll hurt myself. I keep getting calls from some friends at a local bar, but don't want to go there because they always feed me insane amounts of alcohol there for free. [:/]

Hook high, flare on time

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I'm home with my kids. So far, we've ordered pizza, a girlfriend came over and she and I drank a bottle of champagne, the girlfriend left and now we're watching Ice Age, and then we're going to play Monopoly until midnight. Guess which family members got to pick the schedule for the evening? ;)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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then we're going to play Monopoly until midnight

Damn Andrea..I'm jealous....I'm just going to leave work, hope I survive the 50 mile drive to the parents house, sit on the couch and drink a beer, then go to sleep. [:/] Big day tomorrow though.....shitload to do so I will have the time to get a couple jumps on Friday! I hope...

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I don't feel like going out either. I just called and blew off a party. I still may end up at the gay bars before the night is over...but I doubt it.

I'm sleepy! And it's no fun being out at midnight with no one to smooch!
Skydiving is for cool people only

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