
fits....terms you use

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anyone ever heard or use "caniption fit" soryy my spelling is probly way off...... just wondering if i'm the only one here of that has regularly heard this growing up... and what exactly is a caniption????

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I've heard "Don't have a coniption" meaning calm down, like somebody was really pissed about something.

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"Conniption fit" is kind of redundant, like a "fun jump." But, a conniption is not your average fit of rage. No, sir! It goes beyond mere rage, and is best exemplified by mothers with teenagers.

Bill Cosby gave a good explanation of a "Conniption" during his "Himself" stand-up routine. I recommend you watch it!


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While I don't use that term anymore, I've heard it many times...the first time in joke from a skit Bill Cosby was making about feeding breakfast to his children (chocolate cake :D)...

Nowadays I use/hear terms like:

"Getting panties in a wad" or
"Reaching critical mass" or
"Lost it" ....you get the picture... :D

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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yeah, thats the scientific name for bad breath. right?

or was that mary poopins, super fragil senses extremely bad case of haletosis

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