
Jump At All Cost ?

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I have pretty much decided that this weekend Im gonna head out to the dz and do the refresher and a recurrency jump.I havent jumped since I biffed it on a low turn and broke my leg.
My problem is that my wife doesnt know exactly how much $$ I have coming from some side jobs I have been doing,she never asked.money is REAL tight right now but Im pretty sure I can swing the jump.If I come right out and tell her,well,shes "the wife",you get my point;).No offense to women,thats just how she is.
When I work,I think in terms of pay this and that and when I can squeeze enough to get back in the air,do it.

Am I being a completely selfish asshole if I go ahead and jump?I put a lot of money(to me) into getting a start in this friggin awesome sport and there is no way she can understand what it means to me to get"back at it".

Im torn between doing the right[:/] thing and doing the RIGHT:)
The Dude Abides.

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Well, this is going to sound bad, but.......I kinda do the same thing with money. I look at it this way, some people will never understand what it means to jump, and unfortunately for us, they sometimes happen to be our spouses.

If you have side jobs that you are getting money from above the normal wage you recieve, I dont see any problem going out and staying current. The problem here is "do I?" or "dont I?" tell her about the cash. If you do, your going to catch shit about spending it on jumps. If you dont tell her, and its not like she asked and you lied or someting, she wont know.

Then you have the whole rules of discovery that married people should go by. In the light of a totally open communication marriage, you should tell her about your plans. And then be ready to not back down from your decision. Dont just come out and tell her that you are going to do it whether she likes it or not, but just talk about it and say you have put that money aside for just this day. Now I use this method when I have already made up MY mind, now you just have to make up hers for her as well. Not as easy. If you cant to this, then I suggest an Addanadtome surgery.

When all else fails.........Visa.

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I love skydiving. But there is right now, and there is then. I went through a divorce over my second World Meet. Seemed really important at the time.

Now, as an every second weekend dad with another couple of thousand dives, when I look at the certificate vs tucking my kids in to bed every night... it was the wrong call.

When you marry someone, they should come first. Always. Over sport, career, everything else in your life. If you can't do that, don't get married.

My GF is a skydiver. If we ever marry - we'll know the score.

I also bust my leg after a low turn and took a year out. Took a lot of getting back into. Skydiving will always be there. Sort your stuff out. Wait till money is less tight. Wait till you and your relationship are stronger. Then skydive.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Skydiving will always be there. Sort your stuff out. Wait till money is less tight. Wait till you and your relationship are stronger. Then skydive.

Wise words. Skydiving was still there when I came back, and I don't regret the time missed at all. If your wife understands how important it is to you to jump, then you can work it into the budget. Maybe not exactly when you want you, but then it works for both of you. Then you get to be a hero and understand something that's important to her as well. And take credit for being a hero and being understanding -- that can go a long way.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Am I being a completely selfish asshole if I go ahead and jump?

Maybe. Can you compromise?

How about surprising her with half the extra cash? "Honey, I saved up some of the money I've made doing those side jobs. Here, you take half and go spend it on something you want to do/buy; I'll take half and go make a jump."

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That's the best idea I've heard. Compromise will save lots of arguments and stress on your relationship. If half of the money won't cover a jump for you, then save some more... or if it is only a little bit, maybe you can get some from her half, then give her more next time. She'll thank you, even if she doesn't realize exactly what's going on. ;)

Good luck man! B|

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