
funny thing to try with a swivel chair

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This is great (you need a little space for this).

Sit on the chair, put your left ear on your shoulder (ie tilt your head sideways) and get someone to spin the chair quite fast. After about 20 revolutions, stop the chair quickly and see what happens (make sure you have lots of space ;))
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officially the "coriolis position".....any stimulation of 2 out of the 3 semi-circular canals in the inner ear, induces a false sense of motion in the third canal. you wind up with a what can be described as a spinning or tumbling sensation.........

but cool stuff anyway! A form of spatial disorientation....So, you got some time on your hands i see!B|

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I hate to do that.

In my ex-socialist (now capitalist), developing little country the Civil Aviation Authority requires skydivers to pass a medical test (the same test as for Private Pilot Licence) . Don't ask why.


They have a nice test, they put you in a chair-like deivice, you
lean forward they spin the chair, stop it and you have to take an upright position (in the chair), but you fail if you swing left or right a lot .


I know this little game.


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:( I dont have a swivel chair!

But another thing to try is this -
put both your pinky fingers in your mouth and bite down on the nail section of them for a good 30 seconds. When the time is up, monkey grip them together, and pull. Feel the sweet sensation!!!!:D:D

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I had a lot of beers yesterday. Having a bit of a hangover.

Here, jump in my boat! I am still feeling like crap after last night's bourbon binge. Ouch.

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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