
Freeflyz Quote of the Day

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"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing" Socrates

i've got a quote, from none other than freeflyz himself.

Why are you so hell bent in fucking things up.Everybody has went out of there way to help you!!!! You do not demand people to do what you want them to do!!!! You jumped without the proper training and you almost kill your stupid ass!!!!You will never be a real skydiver ever, you do not have the HEART!!!!!!!! All that crap you did sat,fucked it up for everyone not just the skydivers,BUT MORE important then us and you, Ela's mother and father,I'm not the type of person to judge people but notice it's all about you and no one else.All you had saturday was hate,your hurting your self and others,i hope in time you'll admit your mistakes,all we tryed to do is help you!!! So sad,your just a lost cause.I hope you get out of this sport before you kill someone or yourself!!! - freeflyz, november 11, 2002

namaste, motherfucker.

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Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something!

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Yo Luis did you get one of those little quote of the day calenders for X-mas or all of a sudden get smacked in the head with enlightenment?

Hot new rig and quotes from Buddha...I'm impressed buddy.

x's and o's,

Hol :)
When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?

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