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so there I was standing in the singles line (the skiing/boarding was very good today, Crystal Mnt, WA has some steep stuff!) and I'm trying to figure out who I'm gonna ride with (i.e. hot or not;)), anyway, I look back and there's a chick with a HUGE bugger on her forehead, she must have had it on her goggles, put her goggles up and it stayed there... I wish I had a stealth camera at that point...:)

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anyway, I look back and there's a chick with a HUGE bugger on her forehead,

The forehead is not the usual body part we commonly associate with the bugger.:D He must have been very small ( and very confused)!!:D
Speed Racer

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When I was out at frost fire this weekend, we saw almost the same thing.

We are loading up on the chairs I am the odd man out on this run (5 people). This really good looking girl comes up and I am about to ask her on the liift WHEN, I see that she has snot running all down her face.:|

"Get away":( I am thinking, " I just got this new jacket and don't need snot all over it"
I rode up with a group of 12 year olds instead.[:/]

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools." Napoleon Bonaparte

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with a HUGE bugger

If I'm not mistaken bugger is a Brit term for geting bunghole'd.

Main Entry: [1]bug·ger
Pronunciation: 'b&-g&r, 'bu-g&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English bougre heretic, from Middle French, from Medieval Latin Bulgarus, literally, Bulgarian; from the association of Bulgaria with the Bogomils, who were accused of sodomy
Date: 1555
2 a : a worthless person : RASCAL b : FELLOW, CHAP
3 : a small or annoying thing
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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it's hard to be "hot" with a ball of green snot on your forehead.... in case you were wondering:)
If you saw Goldmember, it was like the "mole" scene.:)

Think of it as a conversation starter. ;) Maybe she didn't have many social skills and just wanted to be noticed. She'd probably had it up there all day, waiting for chivalrous guys to walk up and say "Ummm... do you know you have a snot ball on your forehead?" :ph34r:

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As long as I'm telling "booger" stories I may as well tell one more. Don't read any further unless you have a strong stomach.

Many years ago I went to the gym to work out. I did a pretty fair job of blowing my nose before I started lifting weights. After about 20 minutes I stopped to admire my manly physique in the mirror. And there was this huge green thing on my black shirt. I'd wondered why everyone had been frowning every time they talked to me. Booger Steve1

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