
BOOOOOBIES...An artistic approach!

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and Clay...60 days is hecka long!

You're tellin me....I might have to remedy that this evening though. It's supposed to be cloudy here tomorrow so I think it's time to go on the prowl at the local Ho-bag hang out....:D Or....I'll just go to the DZ and get really drunk and play Grand Theft Auto 3 until 3 or 4 AM......:(
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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Sure. We believe you. Really, we do.

No...it's not a titty bar. I actually haven't been there since I was home on leave from the military about 4 or 5 years ago. See...the place doesn't get going until around 3 AM. That means you can't go home till at least 730 or 8AM. That wrecks Saturday at the DZ so I usually forgo the partying for jumping!
"I only have a C license, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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I think the link is pretty cool. I just showed it to my daughter. We had mother/daughter bonding time of critiquing the women and their paint jobs. And other mothers just bake cookies with their daughters! :D
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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