
Devastating day for Suz :(

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My parents house is riddled with termites.
They low income earners and it's going to cost thousands to fix.
I offered to give them my savings, which was saved for my skydiving.:(
But what can you do?? When you see your mother cry like I did today, you gotta give all you can.
So very sad

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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Don't fret... Giving is wonderful...

Karma will pay you back ten fold!!

On a side note, Don't they have insurance? Do they live on some type of community that has association dues that covers that? Is the city responsibly for termites in that area? Lots of questions you can ask before forking up the dough. Was the home treated before and under some sort or warranty for termites?


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Long story but here goes. I dont know full details, but. The house was built in the 70's. The main four posts that the house sits on is steel. The patio is different, however. The three poles that holds the patio up is made of wood. That's how the termites got in. But the other house either side( they were built around the same time) have all steel poles?????????
My parents replaced the patio and the stairs not even two years ago, and the builder just replaced the pole with wood. (Mum doesnt remember who the builder was). The area we live in is apparently the worst in the town for termites. I've said to mum that surely someone can get sued for this, but she seems to think that nobody can. I'm with you man, I reckon that with some simple research that they'll be able to find a way to get around this.

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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Thanks Rhino, I will.
In the meantime, I feel like taking my mother up to the dz and through her out of a plane. I cant wait until I knock off work tomorrow....BEER O'CLOCK!!!!!!!
This week has been exhausting for wee lil' Suz

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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That's terrible, and you're a wonderful daughter. I've heard that Australia is horrible for termites; a cement siding product (Hardiplank) was developed there in part to give them less food to eat.

Can you set up a work day with local DZ folks (FREE BEER) to get some help with rebuilding type of stuff?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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It's always something isn't it? Just when you think you have everything 'in line', life changes the course:(.


Yeah no shite. My car gets paid off next month, i've almost sold my other car.. and now all that car money I was thinking i'd get to save now goes to pay for this. Bleh. Always something. life is interesting is it not?

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That sucks! If your parents are fixed (or low) income, many cities have assistance available for emergencies like this. It would be better if you didn't give them money until they check into this. If they deposit your money into their account, it could disqualify them from some programs. Tell them to contact their local housing authority. Good Luck! I hope there is help available.


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Wow Suz I hope this works out for you Mum. In the U.S. homeowner insurance policies don't cover wear and tear, insets and vermin. I recently dropped my Treminix policy for Carpenter Ants (similur but not as destructive.) they were charging me $37 a month to come out for 2 minutes and spray + warranty. I figured i can spray myself, but have not found out what to use. Here we also no longer build on posts, the house must have a concrete foundation. The ants can still drop out of trees or just crawl up the side of your home, at night. Does anyone know how to treat against termites and carpenter ants????

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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If you can find Amdro , treat the mounds and it WILL be their last meal . Amdro is about the best you can get that is still safe for homeowner use . Termidor is about the best control on the market for termites at this time . Termites and ants will never go away completely , the best you can hope for is suppression . I know what Suz is going through with termites . I had a major problem last year and had to rebuild my two year old house . Lets see if termites can eat steel !

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Yes, Australia is terrible for the little white bastards, more damaging than a cyclone or floods....because you dont know the damage, until it's too late!
It's especailly worse up the top end of Oz, where it's more humid weather... I think our surname has jinks us somewhat...(steele-ha ha ha!)

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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Thanks guys for all your support, you are angels!;)
I've done some research, and the verdict still remains the same. Well....sort of.
When my parents first replaced their patio and stairs from termites, they treated the house themselves....hence, no warranty to fall back on.:S
Insurance doesnt cover the little shits.

BUT! there is something good that comes from this. Firstly, I slapped my parents for trying to be their own heroes ( by spraying the house themselves - best left to the experts).
Secondly, the pest control dude said that only the patio needs to be replaced, as the stairs are free of the wee white bastards.(Whoopie!)
So, my parents aren't in need of my money. Although I am happy to help them out if they need it.
It's going to cost $1700 to just spray the house, and do "check up" visits every quarter, for a year. Friggin hefty price to kill ants, if you ask me. But because my parents dont have to replace the stairs, it evens out everything. The patio still needs to be replaced, but the whole thing is going to be considerably cheaper then first thought! WAA HOOO!
I'm off to the dz tomorrow, cant wait to get in that god damn plane!:)

Don't bother me, I'm living happily ever after

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