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Described as everything from amazing to wonderful, hot air ballooning has capitvated people since mankind's first (successful) flight in France during 1783. Intrigued by bits of paper flying up a chimney, the Montgolfier brothers constructed a bag to capture heat from the chimney, unlocking the simple principle that when heat was added to air it created lift. By using this principle, the brothers became the first people to master flight. Today modern hot air ballooning still captivates the hearts of people around the world.
Similar to sailing, a balloon travels with the speed and direction of the wind. With the ability to "steer" the balloon by changing altitude, the pilot will note different wind directions at different altitudes and navigate accordingly. Balloon pilots are FAA certified.
An eight- passenger balloon is about the height of a nine story building. Ninety feet in diameter, with 200,000 cubic feet of hot air,a balloon of this size creates a lift inertia of about one and a half tons. The balloon is called an envelope, and is made of a strong light-weight, ripstop nylon fabric which weighs about 350 pounds. The basket or gondola is made of wicker, which possess an elasticity and strength unsurpassed by any other modern material. The basket supports the burners which convert liquid propane fuel into heat required for a normal one-hour passanger flight. A large basket with 60 gallons of fuel weighs about 700 pounds.
A large passenger balloon can cost $45,000 or more. The average life span is between 300 and 600 flying hours which translates to about 5-6 years.
As a standard, hot air balloons fly only at sunrise and just prior to sunset. Cooler temperatures are an asset, but more importantly, the thermal activity (wind) is normally calmest at the begininng and end of each day.
Information supplied by Gary "Burner" Born High but Dry Balloons. I thought it interesting, hope you learned a bit too.

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$45,000 for 5-6 years! Wow. I just got a lot more sympathy for the $65 balloon jump.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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$45,000 for 5-6 years! Wow. I just got a lot more sympathy for the $65 balloon jump.

It's been awhile since of looked but I'm pretty sure that's for the whole enchillada - envelope, gondola, burners, instruments, whatever. And I thought the envelopes lasted longer than that unless they were used a lot. Then again, I can't say I'm sure what I'm talking about. :S:P

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"The basket or gondola is made of wicker, which possess an elasticity and strength unsurpassed by any other modern material."

I'm off out to weave myself an Otter.....;)


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Intrigued by bits of paper flying up a chimney, the Montgolfier brothers constructed a bag to capture heat from the chimney, unlocking the simple principle that when heat was added to air it created lift.

How interesting! Thanks for the "enlightening" information! I cant wait to jump from a balloon!

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Information supplied by Gary "Burner" Born High but Dry Balloons. I thought it interesting, hope you learned a bit too.

I did, thanks for bringing it to my attention. The website is:


Cool site.

Now, if I can someday get the courage up to jump from one! :S Someday....


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$45,000 for 5-6 years! Wow. I just got a lot more sympathy for the $65 balloon jump.

Wendy W.

Is this Burner at Eloy? Who does 4 lifts a day every day as far as I can tell? That balloon gets used :) Real nice bloke too. I also love balloon jumps B|
Rich M

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45000 is the cost for the envelope and the basket, burners, tanks, etc. You can get new envelopes for 20000. They last into the thousand+ hour range easly. 4-5 year replacement means the balloon is getting worked hard since the average balloon flight is about an hour to two hours and there is only about 4 hours a day thats flyable. I've known a woman that had an envelope that was 10 years old and still had a lot of life left in it.

20000 every 10 years is'nt that bad, less then the cost of replacing your car every 10 years.
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