
IT's That Time!!

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I was a Girl Scout leader for 4 years, and at this time every year I would have 2000 boxes in my garage. I gained 5 pounds every year from those cookies! And, everyone in the family had a different favorite, so I spent a ton of money too.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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support your local GirlScouts..buy some cookies

Already done, misskriss...bought 8 boxes from colleagues' children. And will, as always, take them to open houses and serve them to the folks who come in. And if I'm lucky, I'll even get a few, too!


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Cult hero??? Isn't that what you are here on dz.com???

Hmmm....I guess it's happening all over again. :D


my trip to Atlanta was postponed till mid March..but you don't live there anymore anyway..

Awww.....dammitt. Nope my stuff is still there scattered between two differen't houses. Have to collect all that up and move it to Cleveland at the end of April. Sorry I'm going to miss you. I'll be on the New Jersey shore about then. B|

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when I was in 7th grade, we lived at Lajes Field in the Azores (a six-pack to the first non-military dz.commer who knows where that is). Being a very secluded military base, we didn't have access to much, let alone girl scout cookies. So, my industrious mother, who was also the girl scout troop leader, convinced the father of one of the girl scouts to load up his P-3 orion sub-chaser (a 4 turbo-prop navy plane that is still in service) w/ boxes and boxes of girl scout cookies from the states and bring them back. I still vividly remember my dad taking us out to the plane and off-loading all those damn cookies!! My mother was the hero of the base for that stunt. The best part was that we kept the cookies at our house and I would sneak box after box in middle of the night... that was when they still sold chocolate chip. Yum Yum!!!

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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