
the French

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People who dont learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. Just as we let Hitler build up a military and stood by idly, we cannot afford to do this again. With someone such as Saddam who has repetedly commited crimes against humanity, we just cant sit by and let him build chemical, Biological weapons. He has demonstraited he isnt afraid to use them against his own people. So he will not be afraid to turn them against anyone else.
I'm not 100% sure war is the answer yet, but diplomacy is failing fast.
The one question everyone has to ask themselves is would I give, or even risk MY OWN LIFE for this? I for one don't think I would enlist, so thus my opinion doesn't have much merrit. I would like to hear from some enlisted people on the subject of the possible war. I know this doens't have anything to do with the French but this subject has changed a lot.

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"Going to war without France is like going deer hunting
without your accordion."
-- Donald Rumsfeld

I hope your opinions are better informed than your signature.

From snopes:

"These words were spoken by Jed Babbin, a former deputy undersecretary of defense in the first Bush administration, during a 30 January 2003 appearance on the political talk show Hardball. The full comment (offered during the course of a discussion about differences between U.S. and European policy towards Iraq) was: " . . . you know frankly, going to war without France is like going deer hunting without an accordion."

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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People who dont learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. Just as we let Hitler build up a military and stood by idly, we cannot afford to do this again. With someone such as Saddam who has repetedly commited crimes against humanity, we just cant sit by and let him build chemical, Biological weapons. He has demonstraited he isnt afraid to use them against his own people. So he will not be afraid to turn them against anyone else.

That's a non-sequitur. His own people were unable to strike back, the rest of the world is very capable of punishing him most severely.


I'm not 100% sure war is the answer yet, but diplomacy is failing fast.

It is?


The one question everyone has to ask themselves is would I give, or even risk MY OWN LIFE for this? I for one don't think I would enlist, so thus my opinion doesn't have much merrit. I would like to hear from some enlisted people on the subject of the possible war. I know this doens't have anything to do with the French but this subject has changed a lot.

The value of an opinion depends on how well informed it is, not on the job of the person giving it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>Yes you can. It is called conspiracy. It can be applied to any crime.

OK, and I will agree with that analogy. If you can show that Hussein is conspiring to invade the US (i.e. spies in the US, ships headed this way, buildup of troops in Cuba) I'd agree we have the moral imperative to stop him.

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The value of an opinion depends on how well informed it is, not on the job of the person giving it.

In other words, the value depends on how many classes you've taken on the subject or how many books you have read? Give me a break.

School and reading gets you ready for the world. Nothing replaces experience. The type and amount of experience can be determined, a lot of times, by the job you hold.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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The value of an opinion depends on how well informed it is, not on the job of the person giving it.

In other words, the value depends on how many classes you've taken on the subject or how many books you have read? Give me a break.

School and reading gets you ready for the world. Nothing replaces experience. The type and amount of experience can be determined, a lot of times, by the job you hold.

I'm sure you have a lot of valuable experience and a responsible job. I wouldn't trust your opinion on, for example, the heat transfer properties of the Columbia's tiles as much as I would my own students' opinions, since they study such things.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm sure you have a lot of valuable experience and a responsible job. I wouldn't trust your opinion on, for example, the heat transfer properties of the Columbia's tiles as much as I would my own students' opinions, since they study such things.

Well, I have a BS in Aerospace engineering and I have studied heat transfer also. I would never put my opinion over an aerospace engineer that actually works in the field (since I never have). Get my point?

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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That's a non-sequitur. His own people were unable to strike back, the rest of the world is very capable of punishing him most severely.

Humm depending on who you listen to the "rest of the world" has no stomach to punish him.
I would like to hear from some Gulf War Vets on: Depose saddam or let he alone??

The one question everyone has to ask themselves is would I give, or even risk MY OWN LIFE for this?

I spent time in the military and combat. But my 16y/o nephew just got his drivers license and a new hot girlfriend. I suppose the last thing he wants to think about is sucking gas in a desert 10k miles away from home.

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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"These words were spoken by Jed Babbin, a former deputy undersecretary of defense in the first Bush administration

I was wrong as you are wrong about Iraq. He's had 12 years. And he is still refusing to comply. Oh but now I feel safer because He had made WMD illegal. Some may fall for this but it is not me!!!!

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I'm sure you have a lot of valuable experience and a responsible job. I wouldn't trust your opinion on, for example, the heat transfer properties of the Columbia's tiles as much as I would my own students' opinions, since they study such things.

Well, I have a BS in Aerospace engineering and I have studied heat transfer also. I would never put my opinion over an aerospace engineer that actually works in the field (since I never have). Get my point?

In that case, I was wrong and I apologize.

Since you are well educated, what is your opinion on much of the incorrect American "history" that has been seen in these threads recently, mostly written by Americans? I can provide examples on request, but I know you've been following the threads.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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what is your opinion on much of the incorrect American "history" that has been seen in these threads recently,

Hell, I have to look up most of the details myself and I went to a military college. We were required to take lots of extra military history. I studied military history in my officer's training in the military and I just enjoy it and read some on my own. I can't bust on them too much.:)

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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In Reply To

I'm not 100% sure war is the answer yet, but diplomacy is failing fast.


It is?

Yes, actually it is.


Asked Wednesday whether there was any evidence that Iraq wants to disarm, Blix said: "I do not think I can say there is evidence of a fundamental decision, but there is some evidence of some increased activity."

He said an important test of Iraq's cooperation will be whether Saddam complies with the order to start destroying his Al Samoud 2 missiles by Saturday. A panel of international experts determined earlier in February that the missiles exceed the range limit set by the Security Council at the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Iraq's response to Blix's order will likely influence whether the council supports the U.S.-backed resolution that would pave the way to war.

And it is an associated press story, so it matters not that it came from Fox.

The ball is in their court. If the really want to disarm, they will begin destroying missiles by Saturday. Personally, I would say signs http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/02/27/sprj.irq.main/index.html indicate that may not be the case.
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On a lighter note....since this thread was supposed to be about the French. Don't blame us....the British invented the French joke. I just watched the Holy Grail yet again last and I was laughing my ass off. Monty Python and his flying circus was making fun of French and their insults 30 years ago.

King Arthur: [W]hat are you then?
French Soldier: I'm French. Why do think I have this outrageous accent, you silly king.
Sir Galahad: What are you doing in England?
French Soldier: Mind your own business.

All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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ok, my 2 cents.
I think there is somthing funny about all of a sudden having to disarm iraq after 10 years of non-compliance. What that is I dont know. There is a very good possibility that we dont know the half of what is going on with sadaam. Its also possible that Britian dug somthing up and was unable to move on it alone thus getting U.S. to act as leader. that would explain Blairs single mindedness towards this war even though it will cost him his career. I dont hink he would do that just to stand by Bush's side.

I enjoy making fun of the french and the germans also but lets also remember the bravery shown by the french resistance. Not all french were vichey.
Remember also those german,belgium, and dutch that hid jews, some at the cost of their own life. remember the Polish who though their country was defeated, never gave up and fought as poles throughout the rest of the war.

On the other hand i have a french rifle for sale... never used and only dropped once.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time"

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I agree. I think that their is intelliegence in the higher echelons that we have no idea of. Perhaps, we should not always distrust the players in the big poker game if we cannot see the cards. Not saying I blindly trust governernment. But I think history will show that sometimes things are kept within military intelligence for good reasons...including the freaking dumbass press filming everything, airing it internationally and then interviewing a dictator.
All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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You guys opened my eyes today.[:/]

I am French and I came here because I thought French people sucked. They are ignorant, dum, they stink and are dirty and above all they hate Americans! I had to get out of there and see what was up here.
You know what I discovered?
I discovered that there were ass holes here too. I discovered intolerance, and ignorance, like in France!

Bottom line 1: you don't have to be French to prove to the world you're an ass.
Bottom line 2: the good thing is that there are tolerant people in the US, in France and in the rest of the world that accept our differences.

And you know what else? Willing to go to war or not is not only a matter of where you're from, it's a matter of what you think is right.
With all the antiwar actions in the world AND in the US, and according to some of you, it could only mean one thing: There is a LOT of French people in China, Russia, Europe, Africa, USA...[:/]

That said, and to make you happy I also believe freedom is not free.

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