
TSA today

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They did OK. Not awesome, but perfectly reasonable. I took my dad to the airport to go visit his brother. Since he's 85 and very visually impaired, I generally take him down to the gate.

He was picked for random screening. I think she intended to pick me (based on the conversation), but he got the nod.

Once they realized that they were randomly inspecting an 85-year-old nearly blind man, everything slowed down. Gotta take the coat off, then the shoes, then find the stuff in each pocket that the metal detector finds, then be reminded to put his arms up again -- the works.

The guy was really nice, and really thorough. Just what I want in an inspector -- if you're going to do that, do it RIGHT, even if it seems pointless.

Maybe a pain in the rear, but they even asked what time the flight was. I have no idea what they would have said if we were in a hurry, but at least they figured it mattered.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I get pulled every time I get on a plane and I always thank the people that do it. I realize they probably hate their job, but they are keeping us safe!

I got pulled into a little room once and got strip searched, I saw the guy pull out the rubber gloves, I told him "I hope your better than the last guy, he didn't even think about giving me a reach-around"
we laughed for minute about that then...BOINK!;)

A good friend will bail you outta jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!!!'

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I had a friend just get back from a tunnel camp who was held up for 30 minutes carrying her rig on. They didn't understand why she couldn't let them open it despite having the cypres card. I wonder how well trained they really are...

I went through LAX a month ago and they found glycerin on my suitcase (probably from soap). That was a pretty big hold up. I wonder what that would have turned into if I had my rig to boot...

I sometimes think the terrorist have already won...

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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execuse me, are you trying to say that "security personal" at an airport are allowed to preform a cavity search on your body and you have to sumit to it ?

Steve M
for me -- SkyDiving is a life sentence -- for it has saved my life.

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I just flew from Indy to Mobile and back on Northwest - never even got a second glance from the TSA people.
My checked luggage did have a "we opened and inspected your luggage" paper inside of it. I can't really blame them, you see a case full of electronics (camera, etc) and a bag full of odd looking stuff (altimeters, googles, gloves) and I'm sure the helmets look odd on the xray.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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"I sometimes think the terrorist have already won... "

I had a negative experience on my way to the PIA Symposium. After waiting around Pearson International Airport (Toronto) from midnight 'til dawn. I had just enough time to grab my bags, clear American Customs and walk 20 minutes to my boarding gate.
Well it was clear that the guy Sikh from U.S. Agriculture was bored. It was first thing in the morning and he had quota to fill. So he tagged my bag and insisted on searching it, despite my reassuring him that there was not food in it. He was all very polite and professional, but the bottom line was that his 5 minute inspection put me 5 minutes too late to catch my flight. so my 6 hour lay-over in toronto dragged into a 10 hour lay-over. My patience deteriorated even further.
I do not feel any safer than before. I just feel like they are wasting my time.

The scary thing with all these new levels of security is that once you have installed a bureaucracy, you can never dismantle it.
What really scares me is that now the Canadian gov't is promising to issue us with national identity cards.
After their last fiasco with gun registration, they expect me to trust them on ID cards!

Too late!
The terrorists have already won.

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TSA is a friggin joke.

At an un-named bay area airport around Xmas time, in a waiting room, waiting to board...

Someone goes out the wrong door (as best anyone could guess), alarm blairs for like 5 minutes (people were holding their ears and stuff). 10 feet away from us, the TSA baggage screener people just did their own thing, clearly the attitude is "that ain't MY responsibility", ignoring the friggin alarm.

Finally a cop pokes his head in the waiting room, looks around, does a very intense investigation, "Anyone see anybody come in that door?"

Everyone shrugs...

We all get on the flight like nothing happened.

While I dreaded it, I was kinda hoping they would re-screen everyone, or at least look for tickets, or SOMETHNG....

What would Vic Mackey do?

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I had been up for the last two days partying with friends, I looked suspicious I guess, I felt numb!!:S

A good friend will bail you outta jail... A true friend will be sitting next to you saying "That was fucking awesome!!!'

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Please tell me you're joking. I'll take a bullet between the eyes before I let that happen. Regardless, I hate the TSA and I'm not afraid to say it. I've been subjected to random screenings so many freaking times, and I always think of ways that I could be hiding something that they would never find. You can only keep honest people honest. Air travel is safer than before, but that is not because of the TSA. It's because of the attitudes of the passengers on the airplanes. If some asshole tries to hijack an airplane now, he'll get his ass kicked. I don't need the TSA. I'll keep myself safe, thank you.

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MMMMMMMMMMMMm TSA. Good subject!

To make a long story, long:

Dulles International three weeks ago, trying to carry on my new Mirage, missed a flight because neither TSA or United Airlines knew their own rules. I had the Cypres card in hand, but they didn't care.

Some snippets of my hour wait at the big xray machines as they watched my checked baggage:

Fat TSA woman: You can't take this on board...You are going to have to check that...Does it use CO2?...I have to call United's hazardous materials handling division...you are going to have to open that up...

Then, during that 45-minute phonecall (during which my plane had boarded and closed the doors):

United Lady #1: (something about D.B. Cooper) I am sure that's why you can't carry it on. (I procedeed to try to explain how impossible and totally INSANE it would be to try to leave an airbus at 550kts from 32,000ft.)

United Lady #2: I have always wanted to skydive, where do you go?...

United Lady #1: You are going to have to check that parachute thing of yours...

Me: I am not checking a $6000 anything. Would you check your child if somebody told you you had to?

After knowing I missed my flight and very pissed off at this point, yet still somewhat respectful, I asked the fat TSA lady if I could talk to whomever was on the phone. She hesitantly agrees.

me: What's the problem? Both TSA and United Airlines have policies in place to allow parachutes containing AADs as carry-on luggage.

united dude: Is there C02 inside?

me: No it does not contain C02.

united dude: Oh, it's one of the new ones?

me: (Ummmm) Yes. And it does not contain CO2.

united dude: Oh, that's okay. Have a nice trip sir, Could you please put the lady back on the phone?

Two seconds later I was good to go and on my way to the walk-through checkpoint. Funny thing, I don't think that any of the TSA guys at the walk-through screening area even knew about the first TSA incident. The just never said a word as they watched my Mirage ride through the xray machine.

Conversely, Orlando International a week later...Walked RIGHT through without a second glance or a word about the rig. Guess they are a little more up on the parachute thing.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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I haven't had the opportunity to carry a rig on in the new TSA era. However, the most a baggage checker has ever said to me concerning a rig PreTSA was "It sure is a fancy backpack!"

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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I had a minor problem at palm springs in January that took all of ten minutes to resolve with a TSA lady supervisor who was familiar with parachutes etc..

I also sent about a 5 page letter with Cypres and USPA support documentation for my rig back to the TSA director for Palm Springs who wrote me back a nice letter that he would see that his screener staff was made aware of the Cypres and USPA testing on rigs etc.


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I bring my gear alot. I usually put my rig, pro-track, logbook and video camera in a non-descript carry-on suitcase. I then put all my clothes in my gearbag and check that. My carry-on never seems to get a second glance and of courseI could give a shit if they rifle through my clothes and toiletries...
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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I have a friend that was recently working a contract as a "Master Training Technician" for the TSA baggage screening program. I asked him what guidlines TSA had given him regarding parachutes. Since...after all....he's one of the head mofo's training all the screeners. He looked at me for a second and thought hard. His answer....."None" So......what has USPA done for me lately?

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