
I got a ticket....

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It was my first one so can I get it thrown out?

Depends on the state.


how much will my insurance go up?

Depends on the state (I guess I could check your profile....)

I got a ticket, too! Grrr. Oh well. 86 in a 65! Woo woo! Great way to start the day!

I just checked out your state....funny...you are in one of like 8 states that I don't have easy access to laws/data/etc. I even have Alaska! :D I'll see if I can dig up anything, though.

If you like to speed move to Montana or Maryland (Maryland has one of the lowest "point" systems for minor violations. You're first violation is given zero points.)
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Screw the ticket as we simply must skydive in April.

Honestly, if you go to court your chances of having it at least reduced is much better. Good luck. Next time let Droopy lead.:S

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Screw the ticket as we simply must skydive in April.

Honestly, if you go to court your chances of having it at least reduced is much better. Good luck. Next time let Droopy lead.:S

I'm looking forward to it as I don't know many of the people on the list for the gathering. Maybe I'll be able to afford it! :(


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I don't know how they do it where you live but here if its your first ticket, you can be very respectful of the Judge and ask if there is any way you can go to driving school or some program like that? If you are young (in school) explain to him that you are saving for school and your insurance going up will really hurt you and you will not speed again blah blah blah. You get the idea.

Here (Alabama) its almost a shoe in that you can get your first ticket thrown out.


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The reason there is a list is so you can make sure to meet some new people. If you need me to explain to the judge that you need the cash to jump I'll be happy to.;)

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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It was my first one

Here's our first case of beer for the Raeford gathering in a few weeks....:)
I just got a ticket a few months ago for doing 75 in a 55. $100 to a lawyer, and $125 to the court, and it was reduced to "improper equipment", which meant no points and no insurance rate hike.


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In my state (MA) your insurance does not go up for your first ticket. It will prevent you from moving down points for a couple of years though.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away..."

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Your insurance company won't find out if nobody tells them. I had a SHIT LOAD of tickets when I lived in Michigan and my insurance company didn't know about any of them, because when I started the policy I had zero. Then I moved to NC and had to get new insurance, so the insurance carrier ran my record and my rates were through the freaking roof. So just don't change insurance carriers and you'll be okay. Unless your state has some policy where the DMV calls your insurance company and tattles on you.

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