
What's Wrong With This Picture?

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"the natives are getting restless" i can't believe they haven't "took him out" yet, i was watching the news yesterday evening and i could see the rifle scope lenses reflecting in the foreground. this ol' boy has got some sand! ;) he has a US flag hung upside down on the back of his John Deere, but you can barely see it in the news story url. what's the world coming to? is he a squirrel looking for a nut, or a nut looking for a squirrel? and ya'll think i'm a radical...HAH! ;)

so's not to have to post another topic, it seems "mother nature" dealt Wyatt Earp, & Doc Holiday a severe "blow" today, no pun intended a severe sandstorm blew out of the gulf over here today, and with winds of up to 50-60 mph the sandstorm is so severe you can't see your hand in front of your face, it just hit here about 45 mins. ago. "divine intervention?" i bet Earp & Holiday weren't counting on this! :D
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Yah, he's gotta sleep sometime. Plus, do you think they want another Kent State? I doubt it. But wasn't this guy's protest about tobacco prices rather than the war?

Wouldn't want to have to open up on him with the ALFF behind the capital building. Good thing he's not near Disney Land.

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the "Belarus" is a Russian made tractor. they have just about run JD out of business in some states because they're tractor's are just as good, built better and are a 3rd of the costs, plus they're bright orange.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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the Belarus Here

regardless of where they're manufactured, they're good tractors, but i have a JD...i don't like the Balurus's color scheme, strictly color now, not the fact they're mad abroad! B|

"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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Some time remind me to tell you the story of the first mass produced russian made tractor back in the 1930s. Its actually fairly comical. Hopefully they've gotten their act together since then.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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As for color, I like Kubota :)

So dave, I am reminding you to tell us that story!

And also agree about the news register. I won't do it out of principle...might have to change in a few years, but not yet. I am still amazed at how few people see the issue with registering to view articles which are 90% associated press.

All the flaming and trolls of wreck dot with a pretty GUI.

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now, no one should have to register to see the culmanation of this event. glad they didn't kill him, but he is a Darwin Candidate now. he might make the top 100 with this little stunt. later.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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I was listening to the radio and they said he was pissed about the government cutting tobacco substidies. I have always thought that it was rediculus that one branch of the government pays farmers to grow tabacco and another branch is sueing tabacco co's. He should grow pot, I mean corn.;)

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I heard somewhere that the number of smokers in the USA has dropped something like 25-30% since the '80s. So some of these tobacco farmers might wanna get a clue & try growing something else.

Of course, this particular individual has a few screws loose on top of being in a waning industry.
Speed Racer

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Yeah he is getting support from the buggy whip, typewriter, and belly mount reserve coalitions. Last time i checked the population in general in this country is just a little over weight. So he might try growing food. No lack of markets there. :)

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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