
war hungry?

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the iraqis potrayed were sheite muslim kurds. of course they were cheering our arrival. there is much more footage from a kuwaiti television station being aired here, than there. no one sees the same news at the same time unless it's real time, at least this is cnn's claim, not mine. i just know when i'm home from my observation, i see a lot less of what's actually happening over here. there were riots in Cairo, Bahrain and Yemen in the last hours as well, phone service has been out for some of our guys, today was they're "mother's day" and none of them could call.
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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the iraqis potrayed were sheite muslim kurds.

The ones we were shown were in the South of Iraq so they were probable just Shi'ite, not Kurds. They were also tearing down a mural of Hussein and chanting "Iraq" and "Bush". Does their religion or race make their cheering any less important?

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Does their religion or race make their cheering any less important?

here it does. the first thing i experienced when i came here was "cultural shock" even though most of these gentlemen are of the same creed, there is a difference on "where" you originate from, not where you live. and there are, as you know different sects of the muslim religion, and some of them absolutely don't care for each other, thus the "ethnic cleansing" we've observed in the past. i think we need to start something like this in the states, yeah, let's get rid of the southern baptists and mormons, J/K...J/K. :)
"We Will Not Be Shaken By Thugs, And Terroist"

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what is your definition of bloodthirsty then?

couple examples SH, SH's sons, Paul Potts.
side note last night S&H caused 3 civilians death. This does not seem blood thristy to me.


get in touch with reality. that was a "selective" length of film. what it didn't show was the bediwens shaking their heads in shock at what they saw when the 7th cal. rolling by at 40 mph. with choppers flying at 50' agl just ahead of them.

No I don't think so. They were given a hero's welcome on todays cnn

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this is evident in your expressed views.

I believe in defending the USA against all threats. I find it funny that the left was screaming that GW didn't do anything about 9-11 ahead of time. Now he moves to prevent more events and the left screams foul. See a pattern here? I do.

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It's interesting to me that the current reasoning for attacking Iraq is so the Iraqi people can be liberated. At any given time, there are dozens of tyrannical dicators running slipshod over the the basic human rights of their people, but we rarely step in to "liberate" them.

yes but this leader has invaded other nations, used WMD and is training and giving safe haven to terrorists (some of which may have been involved in 9-11)


I'm not going to get in on the debate of whether or not we should be over there, but for the love of god, let's not kid ourselves into believing that that it's all about helping the poor, oppressed Iraqi people when we have such a spotty history on that front!

it seems to me the most people of Iraq seems please to see our troops except SH of course.

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If you give someone freedom, or set them free, then you should not expect something in return. Like you expect from France. If you want something in return than you not liberating them. It is just the opposite.

My problem with France is two fold. as little as 2 weeks ago the sold stuff to iraq that was outlawed by 1441. The fact that they would not even talk about enforcing 1441 after thwy signed the 10 other agreements.

Do we need the french, no.

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Unless someone else called you "war hungry", what I said is that I didn't share your unseemly enthusiasm for the prospect of war. I did not disagree with you as to the need, rather pointedly, I agreed; but I stated I did not share in the bloodthirsty attitude you and several others here have exhibited.

no it wasn't pointed at you, that's was a risk of not putting someones name on it but i didn't want this to turn into a personal attack.


I think you and a few others had best take a look at what we say and then take a good hard look at the messages you have been sending. Do you really want to have the reputation you have built? Is that truly how you want to be perceived?

I have thrown out stuff to make people think, is that so bad? I support the safety and security of the USA. I have posted links about training camps, links of the Iraqi people asking to be free. I have posted about the peace marchers roots w/ links. If posting what I have found makes someone unhappy all I ask is lets talk.

I have tried very hard to stay on topic, not turn this into a yelling match. I have learned a thing or two and would hope others did as well. I owe Comrad a case of beer(you know who you are ;) ) I have no trouble with Wendy, Bill Von. There are a few here that have stated there position less than intelligently. You all have the right to say what ever you want, protest all you want, but know the company you keep. But above all lets talk, argue and discuss. It's part of what makes America great!!!

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If you expect an ally that you assisted in the past to support you in the future then you are enslaving them? (enslaving is the opposite of liberating)

Maybe it was to rough statement, but...If you expect from someone to be your ally (in your future actions) and disregar their opinion, and their interests, then what is that? If someone who helped me to extinguish my burning house, expect (because he helped me whit my burning house) that I will help him in the bank robbery, then what he did to me?
There is a line in returning a favor.

I guess that means there has never been a liberation in the history of the world.

I don't believe in liberators (unless they are from your own nation) True freedom comes without commitment.

Blue sky

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And before anyone steps in saying that the US hasn't asked France to rob any banks. Nope, we haven't.

France is taking care of France's interests. They want to keep their independence, and not becoming a satellite of the US or any other country is extremely important to them. That's their right as a country.

Using our right to trash-talk France because of that makes us look childish. To some people, they look childish. Right now the trash-talking looks really petty to the world.

Not everyone comes to the same conclusion when presented with the same collection of complex facts.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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YES. Thank you for speaking my mind.


"It's interesting to me that the current reasoning for attacking Iraq is so the Iraqi people can be liberated. At any given time, there are dozens of tyrannical dicators running slipshod over the the basic human rights of their people, but we rarely step in to "liberate" them. I'm not going to get in on the debate of whether or not we should be over there, but for the love of god, let's not kid ourselves into believing that that it's all about helping the poor, oppressed Iraqi people when we have such a spotty history on that front!

So when we went into bosnia and somalia it was about oil or war hunger or retribution for terrorist acts at home or to hide the massive white house sex scandals caught on tape by the vivid video crew?
All of the above are possible, but.
You are right our foreign policy can be spotty at times. We still have to have one. We can't be everywhere all the time, but sometimes we can be somewhere and really mean it. Glen

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I don't believe in liberators (unless they are from your own nation)

If the US had believed that the French would be speaking german.


True freedom comes without commitment.

but not without a great price :( I lost a uncle in Normandy and one over the skies of Germany

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>>I don't believe in liberators (unless they are from your own nation)

>If the US had believed that the French would be speaking german.

My country was liberated from nazist in WW2 by communist partisans. My great grandfather and my grandfather fought in war whit partisans, and all my relatives. Actually some of them were founders of first antifascist squad in Europe. Are we thankful to them today? Yes. Do that gave them right to rule my country forever? No. Are we in duty bound to them? No. Why? Because it would be just plain stupid. We now (my country) have different interests than 50 years before.
And about price of freedom...I know how expensive it is, trust me.

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My country was liberated from nazist in WW2 by communist partisans. My great grandfather and my grandfather fought in war whit partisans, and all my relatives. Actually some of them were founders of first antifascist squad in Europe. Are we thankful to them today? Yes.

but how does that relate to this?

I don't believe in liberators (unless they are from your own nation


Do that gave them right to rule my country forever?

we will not be there forever. GW has made that clear.

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I was referring to France, not Iraq.
Like you liberated France, partisans, (they were my own people, my nationality) liberated my country. We have no any obligation to them any more, just like France have no any more to you.
And if you think that they should have, at any circumstances, then that was not freedom that you gave them.

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couple examples SH, SH's sons, Paul Potts.

I agree with you, that Paul Potts chap from Ally Mcbeal is truly evil. I hope someone drops a cruise missile on him soon. Or maybe you actually meant this guy?

Don't worry I get names wrong all the time too, I really must stop confusing Forrest Gump with George W. Bush. (one's a bit thick and the other can run really fast)

(edited to fix bad link)

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How beautifully said. What does Kinaa think we expect from France for helping liberate them? As far as I know we have never asked them for squat except common courtesy. Nor do I see a list of demands prepared for Iraq when this is over. Hell I don't even remember a list of demands for Japan after we rebuilt them and they were our enemy.

Way to much U.S. bashing here.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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My country was liberated from nazist in WW2 by communist partisans. My great grandfather and my grandfather fought in war whit partisans, and all my relatives. Actually some of them were founders of first antifascist squad in Europe. Are we thankful to them today? Yes.

but how does that relate to this?

I don't believe in liberators (unless they are from your own nation


Do that gave them right to rule my country forever?

we will not be there forever. GW has made that clear.

The income tax was just a temporary measure, too.

How do you know when a President is lying?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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