
politically correct BS

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someone fwded me this and i thought it was pretty good...

> >
> Subject: This Says It All
> This says it all!
> After hearing that the state of Florida changed its
> opinion and let a Muslim
> woman have her picture on her driver's license with
> her face covered this is
> an editorial written by an American citizen,
> published in a Tampa newspaper.
> He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!
> this nation worrying
> about whether we are offending some individual or
> their culture. Since the
> terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, we have experienced a
> surge in patriotism by
> the majority of Americans. However, the dust from
> the attacks had barely
> settled when the "politically correct" crowd began
> complaining about the
> possibility that our patriotism was offending
> others.
> I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge
> against anyone who is
> seeking a better life by coming to America. Our
> population is almost
> entirely made up of descendants of immigrants.
> However, there are a few
> things that those who have recently come to our
> country, and apparently some
> born here, need to understand. This idea of America
> being a multicultural
> community has served only to dilute our sovereignty
> and our national
> identity. As Americans, we have our own culture, our
> own society, our own
> language and our own lifestyle. This culture has
> been developed over
> centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by
> millions of men and women
> who have sought freedom.
> We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic,
> Chinese, Japanese,
> Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you
> wish to become part of our
> society, learn the language!
> "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not
> some Christian, right
> wing, political slogan. We adopted this motto
> because Christian men and
> women, on Christian principles, founded this nation,
> and this is clearly
> documented. It is certainly appropriate to display
> it on the walls of our
> schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you
> consider another part of the
> world as your new home, because God is part of our
> culture.
> If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like
> Uncle Sam, then you
> should seriously consider a move to another part of
> this planet. We are
> happy with our culture and have no desire to change,
> and we really don't
> care how you did things where you came from. This is
> OUR COUNTRY, our land,
> and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every!
> citizen the right to
> express his opinion and we will allow you every
> opportunity to do so. But
> once you are done complaining, whining, and griping
> about our flag, our
> pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I
> highly encourage you take
> advantage of one other great American freedom, THE

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I agree 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000%, GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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Definately a nice editorial, but the guy who wrote is forgetting a few things, like even though almost everyone in the US speaks English, it is not our national language and our founding fathers intended this to be a free country, therefore, an official language could not be established. I like what they wrote about God in schools and on the dollar bill. When the country was established, it was done on a belief in God, but the freedom to worship in whatever religion you believe, so putting up simple messages like "in God we trust" or "thou shalt not kill" shouldn't be a problem for anyone, but unfortunately it is...

I think people's motivation for learning our language and culture and getting their license pictures without a hood over their face should be to make life easier for them. I mean, ok fine let them into the country speaking spanish, but they probably won't be able to communicate with any local businesses or people. Ok, let her get her drivers license taken with a hood on, but nobody would probably accept it as a form of ID since you can't see her face.

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> But
> once you are done complaining, whining, and griping
> about our flag, our
> pledge, our national motto, or our way of life, I
> highly encourage you take
> advantage of one other great American freedom, THE

In Europe, flag waving and pledging are heavily associated with extreme right wing political groups; the kind that started so many of the wars. I think this is why a lot of Europeans find this part of American culture a bit difficult to adjust to. I know I do, but like is said, if I decide to make the US my home, it's my responsibility to adjust.


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In Europe, flag waving and pledging are heavily associated with extreme right wing political groups; the kind that started so many of the wars. I think this is why a lot of Europeans find this part of American culture a bit difficult to adjust to. I know I do, but like is said, if I decide to make the US my home, it's my responsibility to adjust.

Blue Skies and May the Force be with you.

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but the guy who wrote is forgetting a few things, like even though almost everyone in the US speaks English, it is not our national language and our founding fathers intended this to be a free country, therefore, an official language could not be established

I'd have to look this up, but actually I believe English was officially declared to be our national language. And that immigrants applying for citizenship are required to display proficiency in the English language.

Fortunately for our president, this test is only required of immigrants.:P;)
Speed Racer

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In Europe, flag waving and pledging are heavily associated with extreme right wing political groups; the kind that started so many of the wars.

which is how quite a few nations are thinking about America at this very moment..

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Well.. telling other people (other cultures) to get out of the US, just because they have other habits and beliefs is considered kind of radical in a lot of other countries..

..edited for you reading pleasure..

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Ben from England,
whasssuuuppp? Its Erica from England.. whats this about you hugging all the girls - didn't know you were still hanging around this side of the pond...

I have some quite blackmailable pics of you in tight jumpsuit rolling around on Elsinore packing mat
Any offers???

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Tell me...would your country allow this woman to get a piece of identification, (which is one of our primary ID's) with her face covered??? That is like getting your fingerprints taken with gloves on!!!

What other countries believe to be radical is fine. When I go there I'll abide by their rules. They come to the U.S. they abide by ours.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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So what part of the general U.S. mentality do you find radical? I'll gladly explain it to you from a U.S. point of view. Most of the U.S. quirks are founded on SOME sort of logic.
Most of my European friends don't understand our love affair with guns, and feel that this makes us war mongers or violent...which is not the case.

"Call me Darth Balls"

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I'm not saying the U.S. mentality is wrong or immoral, it's just more different than I thought it to be even a few weeks ago. This has to do with a lot of aggressive pro-war posts from some of the most obvious pro-war fanatics over here. I feel there is more of a nationalistic attitude coming from Americans than I thought possible.

Some things can probably only be understood fully after experiencing it.

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>This has to do with a lot of aggressive pro-war posts from some
>of the most obvious pro-war fanatics over here.

Well, keep in mind that there are always extremes. People who want to kill all the Iraqis (i.e. "kill em all and let god sort em out") are as much in the minority as people who are dissing US troops because they don't like the war. The great majority of americans are far more middle-of-the-road than that. They generally wanted UN approval before starting the war, but once started, are reluctantly supporting it as the least-bad choice of several bad choices; most hope the war will be over quickly and that US troops (and to a lesser extent innocent Iraqis) suffer as few casualties as possible.

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English, it is not our national language and our founding fathers
the founding father did vote on a national language. English won by a very slim margin over German. It is now our language of education, law, aviation, industry, politics ect. ONE of the many thing that make us great is the ablility to communicate, and exchange ideas. :o

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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