
Cross Post: BASE Nazi Rant

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WOO HOO!!! CN#2 approves...

Tom.. prohaps droping some initials of those that said those two know what they are safe and know what they are doing might help some other newbie stay away from that person as a mentor.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Unfreakingbelievable! I am surprised either of those two had that many jumps with that kind of judgment.

You should have kept them there long enough for your fellows to land. Then, yer buddies could have held them down as you hook knifed the lines off the risers to send both canopies back to their "sponsor" with a nice little note like the one you posted.

Really, unfuckingbelievable! >:(

Thanks Tom.


Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills--You know, like nunchuk skills, bow-hunting skills, computer-hacking skills.

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It is a sport for the humble. That is you can be humble and learn or your experiences will surely humble you. Their pie is yet to be served and Darwin is the chef...

death,as men call him, ends what they call men
-but beauty is more now than dying’s when

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Well, at least they will look cool when they eventually kill themselves, right?

So how exactly do stupid people get sponsored?
I would think a company would only want to sponsor extremely experienced people.

Blue Skies
Ok, so it's pink, but I'm secure in my manhood, and I still look cool coming in under it!

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You handled them gracefully. Some fools need to hear the same message from two or three different people before it sinks in.. The challenging part is maintaining a civil tone while giving them the message.

Reminds me of a conversation I had last weekend with a visiting skydiver who did several hook turns in the middle of the pack. He was emotionally upset that one of the guys he cut off spoke to him in a firm tone of voice.
I replied:"Sorry, dude, but you won't get any sympathy out of me. I will tell you the same message in a more polite tone. If you continue hook turning in the middle of the pack, someone is going to get hurt."
Then a past-chair of the CSPA Coaching Committee suggested that he tone down his approaches.

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And they wonder why some of my (professional) peers arrest base jumpers. I usually arrest people solely based on the stupidity factor, these yahoos certainly qualify.
Personally, I believe in the gene pool cleansing itself....really, this kind of stupid shit gives ALL base jumpers a bad name.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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