
PEORIA -- Skydivers at Festival -- Press Clips

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I don't even really know what to say about this one other than it's pretty uncool to knock your competition this way in the press. Especially when the exact same thing could happen anywhere, anytime.


Sky divers drop by for festival

June 15, 2003

of the Journal Star

PEORIA - John Seipold hurtled toward the Illinois River from more than 4,500 feet above the ground. He was a long way from the lemon shakeups, funnel cakes and carnival rides below, but he was getting there pretty fast.

Seipold and three other members of the Illinois Valley Parachute Club were the main attraction Saturday at Steamboat Festival in Riverfront Park. It was the last day of the three-day event.

The jumpers' goal was to land in the Illinois River in front of the park. It was Seipold's first water jump, but he wasn't worried.

Seipold guided his white canopy toward the river as the eager spectators shielded their eyes from the sun and gazed toward the heavens to watch the daredevils.

He waved at the crowd, did a few turns and twists and, with flair and a splash, made a successful aquatic landing.

He detached his gear as an emergency crew boated out and picked him up.

"I knew the guys were down here and would take care of me," Seipold said while stuffing his wet parachute into a garbage bag. "We do water training as part of the licensing program."

The training, according to Seipold, taught sky divers how to land in the water, how to get out of their gear and what to expect when they hit the water.

"Mainly on a jump like this, it's putting on a good show for the people and not making the sport look bad," said the 30-year-old Glasford resident. "We get enough of that from Skydive Chicago."

Seipold was referring to the June 7 incident in rural Ottawa in which Roger Nelson, owner of Skydive Chicago, died after another sky diver collided with his parachute. Nelson's death was the 14th since the facility opened in 1993, with 10 deaths occurring in the past five years. The fatality rate has been as high as eight times the national average.

But for adrenaline junkies like Seipold, the risk just comes with the sport.

"I've never seen anyone leave the sport because of (an) accident," said Glen Owsiany, safety and training adviser for the Illinois Valley Parachute Club, when asked how fatal parachute jumps affect the jumpers' psyches. "It reinforces the safety issue in everyone's mind. It also makes the club look at its procedures and operations to make sure we have the highest safety level we can."

IVPC sky divers go through a four- to five-hour crash-course training session before they are allowed to jump, according to Owsiany, who said he's made more than 4,100 jumps.

While that may not seem like a lot of time to train, Owsiany said IVPC hasn't experienced a fatality at its training facility, only minor scrapes and bruises, and there weren't any of those at Steamboat this weekend.

Linda and Ken Seipold, John Seipold's parents, have learned to live with their son's need for an extreme rush.

"He likes speed. I've learned to accept it," his father joked. "He's always been game to try something."

Both were at the riverfront to watch their son do his first water landing.

After she spent most of her day playing in the Marshall Plaza fountain, 12-year-old Tabitha Stephens of Peoria and her 9-year-old sister, Elizabeth, took a break to watch Seipold and company.

A drenched Tabitha remarked, "It was really cool."

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Both were at the riverfront to watch their son do his first water landing.
***I couldn't agree more!

I know that club...and a lot of the guys there.
Trust me, that's not the general sentiment of most of the members.

I think it's more a case of someone pumped on adrenaline,
not thinking before they speak...

At least I hope that's the case!

First water jump...at a demo?

Does that mean he doesn't have a D license?

Sounds like the area may have even been such that a PRO
rating was required...


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I don't know if you guys have ever had a newspaper reporter "quote" you on something, but they'll twist you words surer than line twist on a static-line (always). Notice he didn't actually say what he was inferring there, the reporter could have cut out half the quote before or after that last line. She definitely was not quoting the actual stuff about Roger. Just keep an open mind, I'm sure the guy wouldn't knock Roger or Skydive Chicago, it's just not good for the sport and its disrespectful to the diseased and his family.

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yea I dont think (or would like not to think) that the guy was "REFFERING TO" anything! I would rather think they didi the old bait and switch with a quote in order to sensationalize it!

for any skydiver/dzo/staff member to make a statment like that ESPECIALLY about an icon would be a disaster for their business!

the atricla was in good light until that dumb statment was (mis?)quoted[:/]
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First water jump...at a demo?

Does that mean he doesn't have a D license?

Sounds like the area may have even been such that a PRO
rating was required...

First intentional water landing. The jumper in question has a D license. Is it a big surprise the newspaper doesn't know how to word it correctly?

All the jumpers information, including USPA number and license number had to be turned in before the jump could even take place.


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I don't know if you guys have ever had a newspaper reporter "quote" you on something, but they'll twist you words surer than line twist on a static-line (always). Notice he didn't actually say what he was inferring there, the reporter could have cut out half the quote before or after that last line. She definitely was not quoting the actual stuff about Roger.

You said it perfectly. It was a shameless way to try and plug the incident at SDC.


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First water jump...at a demo?

Does that mean he doesn't have a D license?

Sounds like the area may have even been such that a PRO
rating was required...

First intentional water landing. The jumper in question has a D license. Is it a big surprise the newspaper doesn't know how to word it correctly?

All the jumpers information, including USPA number and license number had to be turned in before the jump could even take place.

? So he has had some un-intentional water landings before this?

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Not trying to split hairs here...
Wouldn't the intentional
water jump to complete your license requirements,
be you first intentional...?

I didn't have to make an intentional water landing for the license process. I simply took the water training where i jumped into the pond at SDC and had a canopy thrown over my head. I don't think anybody has to actually make a jump for the licensing process.


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? So he has had some un-intentional water landings before this?

Do you have to do everything in life un-intentionally before you do something intentionally for the first time?

I've intentionally eaten a cheeseburger....i've never un-intentionally eaten one....


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I've intentionally eaten a cheeseburger....i've never un-intentionally eaten one....

That's great!!!

BTW: that's right, no "intentional" water jumps are required for licensing.... The only thing I did to pass my water training requirements was jump into a pool with gear on... I almost drowned trying to get the gear off, but it was a lot of fun...

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I've been there a 'few' times...

Even before it was Tillman field.

I know a bit about the club...and something of it's members.

As I said aboue, I doubt the quotes reflect the true sentiment of that group.

As demos go...I certainly understand about the paperwork that must be turned in.

There's paperwork...and then there's paper work.

...nuff said ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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