
Freefly suit for me!

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My wonderful loving darling boyfriend bought me my very first freefly jumpsuit for my birthday! Actually he gave me an order form and a box of colored pencils..
So help me out here. He said I could get whatever I wanted and I'm thinking Firefly or Flight Suit but I'd really like to ask you freefly chicks out there what you wear and what works. Basically things you like and don't like about the suits that you have.
I'm thinking 2 piece so that I have the option of jumping without the top part.



(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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I'm thinking 2 piece so that I have the option of jumping without the top part.

Feel free to post any pictures of that...>:(:P

Ok, I'm kidding.

Personally, I'm a HUGE fan of Freedom Means Choice, but out of your two choices I'd go with FireFly.

If you search in the FF forum, then you'll see a couple lengthy threads along those lines.
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Hey, chickie-mama, that Stinky Jim is allright;)

Darlene just got a new suit, she took it out yesterday for the first time. It's the really light fabric, and it vibrates or whatever so fast and hard while she's head-down that it gave her a rash on both her arms, and she said it really hurt. Maybe think about multiple layers or maybe the heavier fabric.

Go with the BAS colors so you can inherit rigs and stuff;)

I like my Bomber Freefly suit, but I really like Keith Myer's Firefly too. And Gravity Gear does great custom designs. OOOh. Flames and stuff!


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Personally, I'm a HUGE fan of Freedom Means Choice, but out of your two choices I'd go with FireFly.

If you search in the FF forum, then you'll see a couple lengthy threads along those lines.

cool thanks, I'll take a look.

Does Freedom Means Choice have a website?


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Woohoo! congratulations girlfriend! hey, actually, this is how i got my first freefly suit as well. aren't thoughtful boyfriends great!? high-5 to him! B|

i would totaly get a two-piece. they are so freakin' convenient. i love mine. it's firefly and the two pieces fit together so well, it looks like a one-piece.

sherry from firefly is no longer in CA, but you can e-mail her at [email protected] and she'll help you out with design options, color schemes and all of that. you can check out their fabric colors here.

good luck with whatever you choose. it's always fun playing designer. ;)

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Definitely Freedom Means Choice girlie! Especially if you want the 2 piece. Call up Karen there and ask her to send you a pic of Babydoll's pants! they are soo cute...I just ordered mine and can't wait to get it!

And you can get them with dropzone.com down the side if ya want;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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Hello Crystal,

Just a quick question in regards to those winter jumps. Do they always do them?

Take care and blue skies!!!
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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