
these BOOBS were made for walkin'

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hey party people! this is in fact a boobie thread...well, kind of. ;) not only that, it's a help SANGIRO thread.

because i was not able to participate in Jump For The Cause, i fundraised for it a lot on the side (mostly with hottamaly). NOW, i will participating in an event in support of the boobie cause. i'll be walking 40 miles over 2 days, the first weekend in september.

i'm required to raise $1750 :o, which will be a challenge, but is totally do-able. B| i came up with something for all of you out there that only have a little change to spare, but really like to help good causes. :)
for every dz.com donation, i will kick over 10% of the donated amount out of my own pocket to the sangiro bail $$ fund. :)
So really, with every donation, you get 110% or your money going to good causes! B|

it is super easy to donate with a credit card on my personal site, it takes like 2 minutes. there you can also read more about why this cause is so important to me. CHECK IT OUT HERE!

it allows you to put your name on a scrolling donor list, so please make sure to note dz.com next to your name when it asks you how you want your name to appear. that will make it easy to tally how much i need to send to sangiro's bail fund. (you'll actually see that shark has already donated. i hit him up as an elsinore local/friend, before getting this brainstorm to include my dz.com family. :)
i appreciate all of your support!! i'll keep you posted on my training progress. after making my first few jumps back from a 16 month break, i feel like i can do anything...40 miles...i hope i haven't gotten in over my head. HA! :o


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I don't do the credit card thing right now due to various circumstances but I would definitely like to help out. PM me with any info on other ways I can help you out on this (other ways to get you some $$$ or whatever).

I'm also gonna turn some other folks onto this cause who are interested in this kind of thing but who don't watch these boards.

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
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i'm not big on flashing my boobies, although, i have never had anything against those who do...and actually, i'm all for it.


what if, i offer something less entertaining, but still a nice gesture? like...uhh...i don't know, if i can get at least $250 in dz.com support, i'll post the picture of me from the britney spears costume contest i won a few years back? would that do? i thought offering the kickback to sangiro would be enough, but i suppose i can tack that on too. or is that totally uninteresting? hmmm...

well, sorry for the boobie disappointment.

in the meantime...


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well...uhh...what if i get like grasshopper or shark to flash their boobs? :P no? that doesn't count?

well, thanks anyway for promising to donate chachi! boob-flash or not! ;)


marky mark and the funky bunch...i made mention of your donations in my original post!!! i'm on it! don't think i wouldn't give you da props! B|


woohoo! i'm currently at 9% of my goal of $2000. my website updates immediately with online donations. i forgot to mention that if you want to send a check, PM and i'll give you the details. checks are made out to "avon walk for breast cancer".

thanks for tolerating my begging guys!!!

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Last year I donated to this event and the JFTC event. this is something I will donate to as often as possible!
the WFTC I donated to last year was in the name of a friend of mine who lost her mother. (She did the Walk in Florida)
Just wanted to bump this up for ya! If I can scrape up any cash I will send it your way....
unfortunately, Im not in a very good finanicial light right now so I wouldnt count on it!

but by september who knows,!i may be able to send some $$ to ya!!
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Hey JT! i'll take whatever kind of support you can give! sometimes a nice little BUMP is just as good as a donation! ;)

big thanks to:

(and TheRus...donation on it's way via snailmail)

they donated, and for that, i'm super thankful! i am now at 27% of my fundraising goal of $2000! B|

and i'm keeping track so that i can make sure sangiro gets the right amount in bail money submitted in honor of the dz.com support the boobies donations. :P

thanks everyone for the well wishes and the $$!!


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i wasn't sure what kind of amount i'd end up with in donations, so i didn't know what 10% of that would be...

i chose a bail money donation, cuz it was open-ended. i guess i could make the condom donation a few times over if the amount ends up being more than $10 that i give to sangiro... :P

mayeb those who donated can vote on what to give him...options listed here:


hmmm...maybe this was a joke...slappie, i know you've been around long enough to have seen the donations page, right? i so confusededed.:S

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You go girl. I know you can do it. And guys...quit making her show her boobs. This is a good thing and I don't see you "boys" out there getting donations for good causes. So I challenge you here and now (throwing down the gauntlet) for every time you say (or type) boobies until Sept. you donate a nickle. That should bring up the total donation X's 3:)running and hiding

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WOOHOOO! Thanks for your PHAT donation TitaniumLegs! B|

DZ.COM donations total out to $150 so far!!! YAY!

Hitting 60% of my goal is so exciting!!! It's crazy to see! That totals out to be $1,190.00! HOORAY! :)
Thanks for all the support guys, bumps and bucks and all that biz! ;)

I'll keep you all posted on my progress...

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if i can get at least $250 in dz.com support, i'll post the picture of me from the britney spears costume contest i won a few years back? would that do? ;)

Time to post that pic baby!!B|:D:o

I believe in the cause and only donated to support it not to see the pic, yeah right!:D

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You go girl. I know you can do it. And guys...quit making her show her boobs. This is a good thing and I don't see you "boys" out there getting donations for good causes. So I challenge you here and now (throwing down the gauntlet) for every time you say (or type) boobies until Sept. you donate a nickle. That should bring up the total donation X's 3:)running and hiding

LOL I donate ALOT (too much ) of my salary to good causes!

I would actually do more community work if I didnt work these hours![:/]
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chose a bail money donation, cuz it was open-ended. i guess i could make the condom donation a few times over if the amount ends up being more than $10 that i give to sangiro...

mayeb those who donated can vote on what to give him...

Please let's not waste valuable time voting here... just go with your original idea! :ph34r:
Safe swoops

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WOW! well, brains just bumped the total up to $250 in dz.com donations! :)
as promised, here is the pic...i am on the right with the poofy crap in my hair. ;) we were headed to a school girl/boy themed party and i ended up winning 100 bucks for the best britney costume. B|

it's not a very exciting picture though. [:/] sorry i don't have anything better to reward your generousity.

anywho, i am now at 66% of my goal of $2000!!! i can't thank you guys enough for your support! :)


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as promised, here is the pic...i am on the right with the poofy crap in my hair. ;) we were headed to a school girl/boy themed party and i ended up winning 100 bucks for the best britney costume. B|


Does Jake make you wear that costume a lot??:ph34r:

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Does Jake make you wear that costume a lot??

wouldn't you like to know!!! :o ;) ha ha ha!! :P

hey man, when you find a man that is your best friend, your lover, your rigger, your jumpmaster, your part-time packer...and will walk 40 miles with you in the fight against breast cancer...you wear whatever the hell you can to keep him around!!! :)

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