
My whuffo colleague

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My whuffo colleague is a very nice guy. He always informs me about skydiving incidents and frequently reminds that my projects will be taken care off if I go in. My whuffo colleague is familiar with math and statistics. He periodically calculates the probabilities of going in for certain jump numbers. Every Monday he looks at me and his eyes say: "Hm I am surprised you are still ok". My whuffo colleague saw the Good Staff and some RW videos. He even wanted to make a tandem jump at some point, but he decided not to after he called his mama and she warned him about the danger of jumping out of planes.

I like my whuffo colleague. He makes a really good coffee. :P

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Well, Good Stuff would be skydiving porn without the typo... Bad acting...no plot...lots of gratuitous skydiving sequences.

That would be hardcore XXX skydiving porn, whereas your Cutaways would be softcore, Skynimax productions.
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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He always informs me about skydiving incidents....

The next time you see him, comment that you're surprised he wasn't killed in his car on the way to work this morning. After all, since he likes statistics, he should know that driving is *statistically* much more dangerous than skydiving. Make sure to tell him to be safe on his way home that evening, and that his work will be taken care of should something happen.

Just my 27890 Turkish Lira.


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My whuffo colleague is a very nice guy.

No. He isn't.

He sounds like a typical office drone cubical wanker.

Which is what I believe your point was all along -- or at least I hope it was.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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He always informs me about skydiving incidents....

The next time you see him, comment that you're surprised he wasn't killed in his car on the way to work this morning. After all, since he likes statistics, he should know that driving is *statistically* much more dangerous than skydiving. Make sure to tell him to be safe on his way home that evening, and that his work will be taken care of should something happen.

Not true. Simply comparing the numbers of incidents is not correct.

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