
Cheapest place to buy a new canopy

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As I said before, I will gladly buy local, assuming the local guy gives me the best price on the very same product that every other dealer sells.

That's really awesome of you, and I'm sure your local dealer appreciates you being willing to do that for him.

But I'm wondering why you even want to pay at all. I mean, you have 5000 jumps, you must be a really good skydiver. With a little effort, you could get a new canopy for 50% off or maybe even free. Worked for me for both a main and a container, and I'm far from a really good skydiver.

Sorry, bytch. I'm way beyond any more futile conversations with anonymous, sarcastic wannabes. Butch up and back your words with identity or don't bother.

I just hope you're single. I'd hate to think there's a guy or gal out there putting up with your sh*t on a daily basis.

Lisa is anything but an anonymous wannabe. Surely, you've been around dz.com long enough to know that, right?

I won't comment on putting up with her shit, tho! :D;)

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As I said before, I will gladly buy local, assuming the local guy gives me the best price on the very same product that every other dealer sells.

That's really awesome of you, and I'm sure your local dealer appreciates you being willing to do that for him.

But I'm wondering why you even want to pay at all. I mean, you have 5000 jumps, you must be a really good skydiver. With a little effort, you could get a new canopy for 50% off or maybe even free. Worked for me for both a main and a container, and I'm far from a really good skydiver.

Sorry, bytch. I'm way beyond any more futile conversations with anonymous, sarcastic wannabes. Butch up and back your words with identity or don't bother.

I just hope you're single. I'd hate to think there's a guy or gal out there putting up with your sh*t on a daily basis.

Lisa is anything but an anonymous wannabe. Surely, you've been around dz.com long enough to know that, right?

I won't comment on putting up with her shit, tho! :D;)

She's anonymous to me. I don't know her, didn't know her name, and she doesn't identify herself on her profile. If I don't know someone's particulars I have no idea how to take what they say to me. What might be a smartass remark when said by a highly experienced jumper might just be a statement out of ignorance if said by a newbie.

She seems to enjoy trying to jab at me because she doesn't like my stance of local enforcement of common sense canopy progression and flying behavior, and got irritated when she couldn't budge me with her single-minded rant of forcing another BSR down our throats.

She'll deny that's the issue, of course.

Glad she's jumping a free rig and main, though. Similarly, I once gave a young lady a backstage pass at a major rock concert, but I'm sure that was completely different.;)
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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As I said before, I will gladly buy local, assuming the local guy gives me the best price on the very same product that every other dealer sells.

That's really awesome of you, and I'm sure your local dealer appreciates you being willing to do that for him.

But I'm wondering why you even want to pay at all. I mean, you have 5000 jumps, you must be a really good skydiver. With a little effort, you could get a new canopy for 50% off or maybe even free. Worked for me for both a main and a container, and I'm far from a really good skydiver.

Sorry, bytch. I'm way beyond any more futile conversations with anonymous, sarcastic wannabes. Butch up and back your words with identity or don't bother.

I just hope you're single. I'd hate to think there's a guy or gal out there putting up with your sh*t on a daily basis.

Lisa is anything but an anonymous wannabe. Surely, you've been around dz.com long enough to know that, right?

I won't comment on putting up with her shit, tho! :D;)

Old age does that to people:P

I hadn't realised that she had deleted her details. But as she used to be a mod from memory, and her name and who she worked for are pretty well published and bounced around on the forum over the years.
Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.

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Chuck, Bytch might have been being serious about getting a sponsor.

Could be, but I'd be very surprised if a manufacturer wants to give me a canopy just because I've been around track more than a few times.

And I could have been too quick to assume her motivation. I'm sure she's very nice, but she doesn't seem to care much for me.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Chuckakers, et all. I removed the last several posts as they serve no purpose to direct this conversation in the right direction. If you were one of the people who posted a response to Chuckakers and your post is also gone, do not take it personally and you didn't do anything wrong but there is no way for me to edit out just the offending bits without creating a thread that makes no sense when you try and read it.

Chuckackers, your reply to Skybytch was and is totally inappropriate. Understanding that you didn't know at the time who she was or what her experience is, is also no reason for that type of response and isn't a viable excuse. In all cases, your response to her was a violation of the rules and as such you will be taking a short time out from this forum. See you in a week, hopefully with a better attitude.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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As I said before, I will gladly buy local, assuming the local guy gives me the best price on the very same product that every other dealer sells.

That's really awesome of you, and I'm sure your local dealer appreciates you being willing to do that for him.

But I'm wondering why you even want to pay at all. I mean, you have 5000 jumps, you must be a really good skydiver. With a little effort, you could get a new canopy for 50% off or maybe even free. Worked for me for both a main and a container, and I'm far from a really good skydiver.

I agree.
Chuck... I have an old Parafoil 252. I'm sure I could work out a deal at 50% off. Call me. B|
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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I agree.
Chuck... I have an old Parafoil 252. I'm sure I could work out a deal at 50% off. Call me. B|

I have TWO of 'em, a REALLY old heavyweight rainbow pattern from the early 70's, and an F1-11 orange & black one the looks like the great pumpkin...HECK I'd give him 75% off if he takes both! :ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I went crazy with a spread sheet.

I sat down and figured out exactly what I wanted

I sent an email/requested via phone for a quote for said items.

plugged the various numbers in my spreadsheet, added pros/cons to the lists.
This process made it easier to make the decision.

searching the forums here will verify that the choices I have made were the right ones..
Rigs N Things and Chuting Star have proven to me to be top notch, go-to places. Most places have great customer service, some have even better prices.

I bought my pilot from chutingstar and was very happy with the price and service. I find myself keeping on buying from them :)

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