
Depression thread

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This post is for anyone who may be depressed and who may have become confused in the (now locked) thread that was started earlier.

Before anyone takes the advice of someone posting from dz.com, whether it be me, Rhino, Michele, anyone, if your depression is serious enough that you have a hard time getting out of bed, have difficulty working, have lost the ability to experience pleasure in activities you used to gain pleasure from, or have had ANY suicidal thoughts, even if you would NEVER act on them, PLEASE see a licensed, competent, reputable psychiatrist or therapist. If you can't afford one or your insurance doesn't pay for one, PM me. I may be able to help with options unknown to you.

Edited to add: and be careful/wary of professionals whose ONLY recourse is to push meds. Notice I said ONLY...

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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agreed with 110%

Depression is a chemical imbalance that can be treated extremely successfully by MDs and PhDs. Take APPROPRIATE steps to treat any illness you have regardless of whether there is blood, broken bones or a broken heart. It can all be just as severe. :)
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Someone clinically depressed wouldn't even want to look in the mirror for that long:|

Chris (in the process of getting back on meds not as a result of ANYTHING posted on DZ.com or anywhere else for that matter)

--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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PLEASE see a licensed, competent, reputable psychiatrist or therapist

What exactly are your credentials - to be able to suggest to people that they see a licensed professional? You can't just despense advice like that anonymously...

it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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we just , as of last friday, had an young(20-ish) airman take her own life!

she didnt work in my shop and I didnt know her. BUT unfortunatly these things usually start a chain of suicides. we get breifed on these kinda things and its not the first time Ive seen it.

though personal experience, as I was growing up, Ive seen this happen and have dealt with it.
it isnt too cool! depression hits everyone,but "clinical depression" should be something we should learn about before its too late.

there is no way out of clinical depression alone!
if you are or know someone who you think is depressed MAKE THEM SEEK HELP if you have to![:/]
death should be something we do when were old.
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When I was in high school, my best friend left a suicide note in my locker, and I didn't think twice about taking it to the counselor to get him professional help.
I'd already lost one friend because no one took him seriously. Depression is a serious issue, and it's good to know that people out there realize that.

Blondes do have more fun!

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This is one topic that has been completely beat to death.

FYI, hard physical workouts are a good "natural" treatment for depression if you dont like taking meds.

Endorphins rock B|

This has made MY life far better and seriously smoothed out the peaks andvalleys of my own mood swings.
Meds did nothing for me, working out was a big help.

This doesnt mean its for everyone!!
It CANT hurt to try :-)

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I've recently made some deep and fulfilling friendships on dz.com.

I thought we were keeping our freindship a secret.

I guess I'm doing pretty well right now.

If I don't make Rantoul though...http://www.co.brown.wi.us/Mental_Health_Center/ :o
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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somehow during high school I was elected the peer counselor...not through the school.

I had alot of freinds call me or come to my window when they had their fill of it all.
I am still to this day glad that I know that there are two people on this planet today because I was able to talk to them!

I actually had i friend who had cuts on her wrists by the time i got to her house[:/] not a cool feeling.
I guess I knew how to show them that things arent so bad.

my school life was very different but I learned alot from some good and some bad experiences
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You can talk! You've got a hot FF boy meeting you there!

Who needs a middle aged, luke warm newbie vidoegrapher?

Well, at least I have good taste in food, beverages, and friends.

Especially friends!
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Why do you think that?


Only because I've seen many long threads on the subject
where dozens of folks offer differing opinions and advice and then someone else completely disagrees :-)

Different things work for different people. People suffereing from depression need to find what works best for each of them. Its between them, their doctor, and their higher power.

Suggestions are great as long as they are taken with a grain of salt and not accepted as gospel. Not only will some not work for some folks, but some might actually be harmful.
Arguments about them are useless and help nobody.

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sounds like customer service on a helpdesk...

Sort of...we troubleshoot electrical products, which means a lot of people who claim to be electricians call not knowing what they're doing!

Blondes do have more fun!

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You can talk! You've got a hot FF boy meeting you there!


Who needs a middle aged, luke warm newbie vidoegrapher?

I love hanging out with you...and you can use your video skills to record my all new never before seen panty tricks!!


Well, at least I have good taste in food, beverages, and friends.

Especially friends!

I hope i fit into that category. Smooches to ya baby!!


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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I totally agree with you on the exercise bit.
there is a certain amount of activity a human needs to function properly!
without it we find a rut and camp out. IMHO it has a shitty effect on ones outlook!
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Who needs a middle aged, luke warm newbie vidoegrapher?


I love hanging out with you...and you can use your video skills to record my all new never before seen panty tricks!!

Beware the range of Nightshot. I got a bunch of Sony credits when I got my camera. I've got an infared booster now. 100 foot range, in pitch black conditions. Runway numbers anyone? >:(


Well, at least I have good taste in food, beverages, and friends.

Especially friends!


I hope i fit into that category. Smooches to ya baby!!

Ooooh yea! and Ditto! (He better bring that canopy, dangnabbit. I'm gonna try to sell the Sabre there, so I can buy it from him....)
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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