
Okay which one?

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"injured by the first day" remark...

Now isnt it clear Im exagerating?

NOW it is.

All I can say is, go away.

Another question...
is this more moulan roughe or can can dancer? i'm smart... too big to be a stripper though. Damnit, Vallerina & I were just about to sign up for lessons to.>:(

I "think" Im the one who started this thread so dont tell me to "go away", why dont you "go away". I dont think anyone around here asked for your opinion in the first place.

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You want help on a financial decision. There are 15,000 registered users on this site, but probably less than a dozen actually surf enough and post in Talkback to know the answers to your questions. You are asking the wrong people. Yes, it is Talkback and you can post what you want here within reason. But, you're not interested in skydiving, you're interested in surfing. I'm sure you will find people who are much more interested in what you have to say on the surfing forums. It seems you haven't made too many friends here and I see no indication from you that you are about to take up skydiving after all this time. It just blows my mind that you keep hanging around here talking about surfing all the time! :S In addition, I am seriously losing my patience at having to monitor your posts in Talkback. If you're not less agrumentitive and obnoxious in the very near future, I'm going to ban you just to give myself a break!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Gauging from what he's written, Jumprunner knows about as much about surfing as he does about skydiving. He's somewhat literate (drops a couple of industry names & terminology, etc), but the bottom line is that living in the desert = mega uncurrent = he'll never get past locals only rules = dat boy don't surf.

I'd wager that he's on surf newsgroups polling if surfers prefer 180 or 270 hooks.

Whatevuh. He's bored. Aren't we all, otherwise what the hell are we doing on a forum rather than jumping out of planes?!?

ps: Hope to see you at Zhills soon! I've missed the Skymama appearances thus far...

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You want help on a financial decision. There are 15,000 registered users on this site, but probably less than a dozen actually surf enough and post in Talkback to know the answers to your questions. You are asking the wrong people. Yes, it is Talkback and you can post what you want here within reason. But, you're not interested in skydiving, you're interested in surfing. I'm sure you will find people who are much more interested in what you have to say on the surfing forums. It seems you haven't made too many friends here and I see no indication from you that you are about to take up skydiving after all this time. It just blows my mind that you keep hanging around here talking about surfing all the time! :S In addition, I am seriously losing my patience at having to monitor your posts in Talkback. If you're not less agrumentitive and obnoxious in the very near future, I'm going to ban you just to give myself a break!

Are my posts the only posts you monitor around here? And I dont suppose anyone else is being argumentative or obnoxous, huh? Yea, right, whatever.

FYI - I thought I was interested in both, one at a time, but I guess youve decided to dictate to me what Im interested in. According to you, if I mention one thing at all about what some people think about a surfboard, then Im talking about surfing all the time. I dont suppose youve seen any posts from me about skydiving on the forum? Or maybe its because I put those posts in the appropriate place and you just forgot to look there?

I will agree with you on one point...I havent made too many friends here, but even that tells me something productive, that I just dont get along with most people who skydive. As odd as that may seem.

As far as banning me to give yourself a break, you might want to take a look at the next thread I post...you might be a bit surprised. It has to do with me not getting any work done because I keep using this forum as an "escape", its comming up any time now and I had this decision made since last night.

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Gauging from what he's written, Jumprunner knows about as much about surfing as he does about skydiving. He's somewhat literate (drops a couple of industry names & terminology, etc), but the bottom line is that living in the desert = mega uncurrent = he'll never get past locals only rules = dat boy don't surf.

I'd wager that he's on surf newsgroups polling if surfers prefer 180 or 270 hooks.

Whatevuh. He's bored. Aren't we all, otherwise what the hell are we doing on a forum rather than jumping out of planes?!?

ps: Hope to see you at Zhills soon! I've missed the Skymama appearances thus far...

Okay, Im exhausted, having to carry on these stupid arguments at one time with too many people. Ill leave you to argue amogst yourselves.

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Dude, you win two awards. Award one, the most amount of text typed in the shortest time while still remaining grammaticaly coherent. I mean, you must spend your entire day typing responses, so you definitely have the quantity over quality part down. Award two, least amount of life and most amount of arguing over really stupid stuff.

Please lock this thread.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Oh, sorry, I didn't see your post about the raft. I want to hear THAT story! ;)

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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Jack and Jill went up the hill both with a buck and a quarter. Jill came down with 2.50 OHHHUUHH that fukin whooooore.- Andre Dice Clay (at a Vegas slum lounge near you)

Accelerate hard to get them looking, then slam on the fronts and rollright beside the car, hanging the back wheel at eye level for a few seconds. Guaranteed reaction- Dave Sonsky

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