
Help! I was drunk and...

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Without a doubt...
It will be tough. May end your relationship but he will never be able to say you lied to him. Or tried to hide your transgressions from him. To me maintaining that integrity if you will, is worth the risk.

S.E.X. party #2

..It is far worse to live with fear, than to die confronting it.

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Well, I really wouldn't blame him if he did dump you. It doesn't matter that it didn't mean anything to you, it's the basic issue of trust that you broke. Maybe this will be a good lesson learned for you. And, maybe you shouldn't drink so much in the future.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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If you really loved your so, you wouldn't even be able to look at another man! Think about why you did it (I don't buy the *I was drunk* excuse) and what you are really looking for. Be honest with yourself first, then talk to your so.
good luck!

Hmmm...she probably does love her so. She doesn't want to buy the other car, just take it for a test drive.:ph34r: In the future, try and drink copious amounts. If you are going to get in trouble anyway, might as well boink him. Just here to help. ;)

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Do you have any idea how boring DZ's are with no drunken booze hags!!!!

So sorry, Clay. It was really inconsiderate of me not to take into account the needs of men who want a easy woman! Please accept my apologizes! :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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What the hell is a "so"? Yeah, from the context I can figure it out but where the hell did that term come from? I thought I'd heard it all.

"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Come on now, only we MEN are allowed to "make mistakes." Let's not piss in the pool for everyone else by suggesting that women can also have meaningless drunk indiscretions. We all know it's not true. When they do that stuff, it ALWAYS means something. ;)

Tara, since you "know" he'd break up with you, any chance that's exactly why you did it in the first place? Not saying you had any kind of evil motive - maybe just fear of commitment, or maybe you knew he's not the one, and you wanted HIM to be the one to end the relationship, because you thought you'd have a hard time & feel bad doing it yourself?

Just food for thought - I've seen it happen before... anyway, best of luck whatever you decide to do about it.


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I have a question for all the guys that say..don't tell. How would you feel if it was your girlfriend asking this question and people told her not to tell but you found out later??
Would that advice still stand??
Just curious:P.

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