
Big way adventures!

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OK, I know we've got folks on here that don't see 60 way as big. But it's the biggest I've had a chance to do, and we completed a 2 point sequential on Sunday at Lodi, which is supposedly the NorCal sequential record. 3 Otters, I was a diver in the lead plane on the first ring of the 16 way base.

Three amazingly bad spots out of 9 jumps, one north into an area of tract houses we all barely avoided and got into a field, and two southern bad spots, one of which put me into one of the hairiest landings I've ever made (onto a maintenance path between grapes staked on metal stakes supported by barbed wire!) and the other bad southern spot was a little further east, so I was able to land on the freeway cloverleaf (see pics, one at deployment, and one of where I landed).

The points were completed on Big Tom's 1000th skydive, and that was fun, cause I jump RW with him quite a bit.

Big thanks to the organizers, who were very positive and helped me learn a lot. Thanks to Bill Daus for buying that second Otter!

Good stuff!

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Glad to see your hand up on your front riser for an off field landing. B|:P

Kinda hard to resist the temptation, huh?

I didn't. I had to riser to get down into that cloverleaf. I let up when I had my target made and came straight in from there.

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Damn, you should have said "yeah, I ripped a fat-nasty 270 and swooped 4 lanes of traffic before setting down in the clover-leaf for a standup landing..."

Actually, you have a good example of why you should learn to fly your canopy to the fullest, with all the different inputs you can give it.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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OK, I know we've got folks on here that don't see 60 way as big. But it's the biggest I've had a chance to do, and we completed a 2 point sequential on Sunday at Lodi, which is supposedly the NorCal sequential record.

Just a DZ record, not NorCal. Still a lot of fun, and great to see some jumpers getting their first opportunities at formation loads and big way skills. There was a lot of improvement since we started doing these in June. A big thank you to Bill Shipley for driving this!

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JP took the "easy" out; the large cloverleaf on the east side of the freeway. I landed in the tiny cloverleaf on the northwest side, and it was so much fun I ended up there again the next day. It looks like a nice big area until you notice the power lines, the tractor, and the giant wood pile right in the middle. You can't see them on the video capture, but trust me, they are there. The best was watching Keith downwind it across the cloverleaf- he left a rooster trail from one corner to the extreme opposite corner.

And it was all good...

2 point 60 way, beer, a DZ wedding Saturday night, more beer, great skydives with old friends I haven't seen in too long, and - despite the early spots - the pilots did a fantastic job dialing in the exits. When we left from the right trail plane, the base would be right smack in front of us. This had a lot to do with the success of the entire weekend.

A great job by all - especially Bill Shipley, Gareth and Charlie as plane captains (and Mad John as substitute on Sunday), and Big Al as coach and general motivator. As Al said, it was awesome watching how well the "Tree People" and the "Hangar People" played together.


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where is his main?!:o:o

Good eye, V-man! That's Chris DeBar, and he signalled breakoff by pulling from the center. You can see his risers coming up before he gets stood up.

And Kathy Daus made the announcement that it was a NorCal record, I just figured she knew.

It's my personal best so far, and that's plenty for me :)

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Ummm.....ever hear of jumpers NOT climbing out on the lights properly? Yah, it's always the pilot's fault. Never the jumpers.

Touche! I was just saying the same thing to someone the other day! IT was ment more as a joke.

[walks away grumbling about pilots and stuff]


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i learned my lesson with (no offense) trusting pilots and GPS years ago. Where are you Jack Gramley?We got out of a Porter at 15 or 16k looked down and saw that we where going in the trees whether we like it or not. I guess if we had had more then 1000 jumps between the 10 of us we might not have gone. Bottom line 2 guys ended up in trees and I missed a huge drop off by no more than 15 ft. :S

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Congrats. Doing a two point 60 way isn't easy. Just think about it, you have to have all 60 jumpers giving 100% on those jumps.

As for the bad spot, don't shoot the pilot! I can understand how some formation loads get spotted out. It's kind of hard to bring in floaters on the other planes once the lights go on.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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where is his main?!


Good eye, V-man! That's Chris DeBar, and he signalled breakoff by pulling from the center. You can see his risers coming up before he gets stood up.

I was about to ask the same question;)


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I wanted to show y'all where we were at breakoff. At the highest possible point of breakoff. Like Moshe said, we had outs, but it was an invitational, and we all had more jumps than me at 650.

Two other jumpers made that grape stake trail, one of them even made it not a downwind after watching the two of us rip into the dirt.

Serious, experienced jumpers. A real pleasure to share the sky with. I had a near collision with Russ later, but both of us saw it coming and we both made a right turn to avoid.

Nice. Experienced, serious jumpers. Can't wait for more.


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Can you say, WTF! Shoot the pilots! Shoot the pilots!

Pilots are not making you get out of the plane, it's odd that skydivers have given spotting responsibilities to the pilot, look before you get out! Never trust a pilot, they’re just glorified bus drivers.

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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".....Dear Rob, I believe you know Jay. Hear what he's saying about you? You know what to do. Have a nice day........Chris...."

Oh tell Rob "hi" we're good friends.

I believe the entire statement is "Pilots are glorified bus drivers, until something goes wrong, then they become god"

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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I believe the entire statement is "Pilots are glorified bus drivers, until something goes wrong, then they become god"

LOL......nice back peddle. Actually, I had not heard that one before. And after spending 4 hours being tortured in "the box" this past sunday I wasn't in any mood to take no lip. ;)

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You big girly. I was tracking off on the same ring as you, pulled at the same height, and made it back to the landing area both times.

You need to haul that fat ass up on the rear risers, pull the slider down, and undo the chest strap to the fullest. That'll get you the extra mile.

Having said that, the 60 way went very well. I designed it with no spare slots and no bench. We went to do it with the people we had, and it all came off rather nicely. I'm already designing the 80 way sequential that we'll move up to next.

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You big girly. I was tracking off on the same ring as you, pulled at the same height, and made it back to the landing area both times.

You need to haul that fat ass up on the rear risers, pull the slider down, and undo the chest strap to the fullest. That'll get you the extra mile.

Having said that, the 60 way went very well. I designed it with no spare slots and no bench. We went to do it with the people we had, and it all came off rather nicely. I'm already designing the 80 way sequential that we'll move up to next.

But Gareth, you ARE a skygod.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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