
Claims of torture in Guantanamo Bay

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I am not superior but in fear of being blown

Why do you feel the need to share your homophobia with us in this thread?

Take it the way you want, you will always be home and expecting to make your point without even doing some factual action to make it better. You have shown me that you expect others to be perfect and concise and never think you are wrong.....

Guess I forgot those are your french genes kicking in....

Or maybe a little more imagination to what blow in that context meant Blown up as in BOMB?

"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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If I have to stereotype some people to add security or at least my illusion of security then so be it. I'm not a racist because of it.

Explain to us why you stereotyping a group will add security?

And IMO, it does make you a racist.

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I guarantee the odds are better that a middleaged middle eastern man would be the bomb carrier on a plane as opposed to the Mother with 2 kids, or the 80 year old lady.

And I guarantee that millions of people fly on planes with Arabs and aren't blown up. To take your gambling analogy further, lets play poker. Are you going to fold every time you see another player has 2 suited face cards because they might have a royal flush? The odds of them having it, although remote, are much much better than the odds that you will be the vicitim of a terrorist attack.

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Oh really? So good fortune awaits us in the world people....go out and have fun, you should not have any problem traveling around the world, you wont be kidnapped in Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Philipines, etc, etc,etc........and if you lived in Boston and NewYork, you should have been the vast majority not affected whatsoever by those damn planes knocking down those 2 pesky towers...
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Well, unfortunately for my world view, I have way too many friends that are farsi-speaking Iranians. In fact, I hung out with the Iranians and the Mexicans because they were the coolest folks around.

It's not the guy with the turban that you have to worry about in daily life, much like it's not the Tom Metzgers of the world who will actually being the ones lynching.

The guy sweating on the plane and speaking in Arabic is much like my buddies Sia and Reza speaking in Farsi on a hot day. For me, I just got used to it. (And if you dudes wanna go "yard" try getting into a Persian wedding!!! ;))

In other words, you cannot tell who is good or bad. And I'd rather go through life trusting people than fearing them.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I would like to see an actual, by actual mean factual, report and graph to illustrate what the Race/ethnicity and the Weapon used as well as the number of people killed and where the action took place, to see truly where the most bombings and terrorism exists.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I know you're being sarcastic, but what you're saying is fundamentally true. I choose not to live in fear of terrorism. I believe we should do what we can to limit our risk exposure, but we should do it without resorting to immoral tactics. People like you think it's ok to sacrifice our national integrity to feel a little safer. If you're truly that scared of dying, you're exposed to much more risk from many other of your daily activities. For starters, I wouldn't skydive anymore if I were you.

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Um, February 26, 1993 ring a bell? Ramsey Yousef and Mohammed Salameh? Bombing the WTC on US Soil?

Actually, I was there in 93, as I was in 2001. Different factions with different command authority which didn't go up the chain as the 2001 WTC did. You are right however in that 2001 wasn't the first.....

Skydiving isn't scary;...but clowns...CLOWNS are scary!

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That is the exception to the rule. Not the rule itself. I didn't see any documentation linked to that incident either.

It was not hearsay, it was direct evidence. Are you calling him a liar?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I would like to see an actual, by actual mean factual, report and graph to illustrate what the Race/ethnicity and the Weapon used as well as the number of people killed and where the action took place, to see truly where the most bombings and terrorism exists.

middle eastern males between the age of 17 and 40.

United Nations report dated 2000

HOWEVER...nothing I've written here, regardless of my expertise in the area, is, nor ever will, be meant to imply that I think that ALL of any ethnic group is bad, or a threat. Some groups have a higher percentage of individuals willing to cause us harm, but even in those groups, those that are a threat are a very small percentage. Simply be aware that bad things exist in the world....treat everyone with respect until they prove themselves as individuals to not deserve it, then take whatver action you feel appropriate. We CAN just get along, except for the bastards that don't want to....then the rest of us can kick their asses ;)

Skydiving isn't scary;...but clowns...CLOWNS are scary!

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Well, some people here are more concerned about the poor terrorists, and the actions taken to defend US soil.

Until found guilty, they are just "alleged terrorists", not "poor terrorists".

There is a reason for due process, although it seems to have escaped you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The guy sweating on the plane and speaking in Arabic is much like my buddies Sia and Reza speaking in Farsi on a hot day. For me, I just got used to it. (And if you dudes wanna go "yard" try getting into a Persian wedding!!! )

I was best man at my two friends' wedding ten days ago.

Back... way back.... gone! Home run! It was an absolute blast one of the best I've been to.


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I would like to see an actual, by actual mean factual, report and graph to illustrate what the Race/ethnicity and the Weapon used as well as the number of people killed and where the action took place, to see truly where the most bombings and terrorism exists.

Try here: http://www.terrorism.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=Attacks&file=index

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That is the exception to the rule. Not the rule itself. I didn't see any documentation linked to that incident either.

It was not hearsay, it was direct evidence. Are you calling him a liar?

If I said that I was 7'2" tall would you believe me? It's possible, right? Just not likely.

You would think that conditions like this would be reported by the media, and as you can see very clearly from the stories lately, when there is a problem, the media jumps on it so hard that it blows up 10 times as big as it should, unless of course you think that the papers and the tv and the radio stations are collaborating in a grand coverup of some sort.

Someone had to complain sometime.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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It was a bit of a mix as Paul is English and Rameh is Iranian so the blending was cool but obviously the bride had a major contribution to what happened. Her mother had stayed with them for a while before they got married and even became a US citizen. Her family (dad, brother, uncles and cousins) and friends had as dancing etc.

Really, really good time.


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Well, some people here are more concerned about the poor terrorists, and the actions taken to defend US soil.

Until found guilty, they are just "alleged terrorists", not "poor terrorists".

There is a reason for due process, although it seems to have escaped you.

Due process is important. The right to a fair trial is crucial. and yadda yaddati-yadda.
What of the right not to be tortured?

Are we all in agreement that after 'due process', when certain 'alleged terrorists' are actually 'proven terrorists', that it will be okay to torture them?

I hope not.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I was asked if I was calling somone a liar because i asked for documentation of an event.

I didn't say it couldn't happen.

I didn't call him a liar.

I simply don't think it was as bad as his position in the mix or his percetion led him to believe. If I'm wrong, I apologize, it just doesn't seem likely to me.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Well Kevin, I was not being sarcastic about your laundry charges, for it not only would be really shameful, but also expensive when you go there if that ever happened.

Yes, there are people like me who think it is ok, people who did loose someone special, who happened to be infidels to the eyes of a fundamentalist muslim. Call it racism, hatred, whatever it makes you feel good about, but I prefer to hold a gun, shoot first and ask questions later, while defending US soil.

I am bound to expose myself to more dangers, in protecting the very constitution you are defending too, and it also implies the sacrifice of my own freedoms and life. War will always be bad, and many atrocities will be commited when it happens. I am not the first and certainly not be the last one, who this happens either, I am just honored to be permitted to be part of the effort to stop these terrorists and whatever this may imply, yes, you can read WHATEVER, particulary in my case, in which I joined when 37, and not even a US citizen yet.

I agree that there has been many atrocities in the past, yet the perspective or notion that all current worldwide problems are US only, are just a lies, and only seek to bump the ego on nations who have long lost status as world dominants, and by this I mean the let me conquer and enslave other cultures for my own benefit nations. Do you realize how many people worldwide dream to come here and live here? Do you have any idea how appealing life in the US is to many cultures, including in those muslim nations who can only dream to be able to come here and study in Harvard?

Life will never be perfect, but lets all assume our guilts before pointing fingers. If you are not happy with GWB then go vote and period. I am tolerant of you, even though I dislike many things you stand for…..But it is a free countr after all or is it not?
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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