
Painting in BLOOD?

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Is it wrong for an artist to paint with their own blood as paint?
It's not like the artist is sending an ear to his girlfriend (Van Gogh), but simply to use their own blood as a red colored paint?
I know a person that is considering this. I don't ask him questions, but I am wondering what the rest of the skydivers think.


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paint in whatever you like...blood, shit, piss, roofing tar etc.....its all about the expression and the intent..

however there are some serious logistic and permancy problems with painting in blood, to begin with if you use your own your likely to run out before your done unless it is a rather small work...in addition the colors will change significantly as it deteriorates and it doesnt mix well with many mediums... lin seed oil works fairly well, but honestly the effect is rather under whelming...no one will recognize it as blood once its dried unless you label it so and then your getting into more the conceptual/performance arena than you are 'painting'

if your just going for shock value....get over it, its been done before and done better than you (or your friend) is likely to do....
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Good point. He did ask me about the "longevity" of such a creation. I don't think he intended for it to be so large he passed out from blood loss.
Preservation of "blood" paintings? is there such a thing? like varnish over the top of them? or white wash them with some setting paint? or is the fading just part of the picture?
I just told him to try it and find out.
The biohazard issue.....hmmm...like if he has aids, people will get AIDS if they touch it? I don't think that is possible, but maybe they will get Monkey Pox. He does talk about spanking monkeys alot.
Anyways, I don't know what he intends with this, but he was asking me what I thought about blood on canvas. I said, "Better have Band-Aids ready", and drink more alcohol if you want more blood to flow. From what I hear, alcohol thins the blood, and makes a person bleed more. Like, don't drink and get a tattoo, because the bleeding will be increased.

Thanks for the info,

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standard medium varnish (damar is a good brand name) will work to preserve it, but the blood will still dry and change colors before the varnish dries enough...unless its rather thick blood dries fairly quickly. a shilac (however its spelled) spray may dry fast enough to retain the bright red color, but there are easier ways to get the effect.

as far as biohazard hep C is something to worry about, but if coated well it shouldnt be a real issue..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Zenister, you are a gem :)
Thomas, Zenister's right -- most art is for the artist, and only incidentally shared with others. So if your friend is doing it for others, he needs to consider why it's blood. If he's doing it for himself, then party on, and don't make it a mural.

Wendy W.
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No, I don't think it's wrong.

It's a difficult medium to work with as it dries almost immediately in small qualities when exposed to air.

I would recommend greater volumes - perhaps about half litre quantities at a time, and broad sweeping strokes. My brush type would be a Remington 870, and I'd have a camera on hand to photograph the painting at stages prior to completion, as any other method to preserve that bright scarlet the instant it hits the fabric will do it no justice at all.

Since a piece like this is usually intensely private and intended more for the artist than an audience, a quiet environment free from distraction or interruption is ideal, and would recommend you avoid signing your name to the work or developing the pictures at any commercial lab.


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God damn Tonto!! You make it sound as if you know what you're talking about!! B|

I'll throw in my $.02. Blood will dry and lose color, yes, and must be dealt with accordingly by the techniques given here. However, the amount of blood needed for even a small piece will be too much for the human body to handle, considering its consistency. Has he considered going to a butcher shop and picking up somne pigs blood? Or does he want it to be his own for "personality"? If he wants his own, he will have to take it little by little and store it in one of those shaky things. (I forget the name right now.) B|

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