
Yep, screwed again!

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Story of my life, man. I get this email on Wednesday calling me in for a one-on-one project status meeting at 3:30 Friday at work, then Im being told to make sure all the code is backed up on CVS (hmmm, suspicious), then on Friday at 3:30 I am to find out that that "status" meeting was my termination meeting.

So they tell me my position had been cut and theyre not hiring anyone in my place (Merry Christmas!). Im okay with that, what Im not okay with is their behavior, wouldnt even let me go back to my desk and get my stuff, just boot out the door like Im a piece of fucking trash, after over two years of some pretty amazing successes on thier fucked up spaghetti code.

And thats why I dont make my job my life. Been thinking about another jump to get my head all cleared up and shit after that. Leap out of a plane and leave all your problems behind.B|

Or, to put it bluntly, worry about something worth worrying about. And we all know what that is...;)

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And thats why I dont make my job my life.


Sorry to hear for the loss jumprunner, but with the attitude you have, you'll be back on the horse in no time.

Jobs are just means to ends...there are plenty of 'em out there.

Peace bro.



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That's how they do them here too, bud, and they announced the day before Thanksgiving that 650 are to be given the boot over the next year. So now we got 12 months to wonder if you are going to make the cut or not...

Screw em! Time to move on to bigger and better things!


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And thats why I dont make my job my life.


Sorry to hear for the loss jumprunner, but with the attitude you have, you'll be back on the horse in no time.

Jobs are just means to ends...there are plenty of 'em out there.

Peace bro.


Yea, you know, its like WTF, I jumped a few times earlier this year and I figure if I can handle what seems like leaping to my death then I can handle this BS without any problem.

They couldnt handle it if it were them cause theyre a bunch of burnouts and theyre "scared" of everything. Probably start whining or something if they were the ones getting canned;)

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That's how they do them here too, bud, and they announced the day before Thanksgiving that 650 are to be given the boot over the next year. So now we got 12 months to wonder if you are going to make the cut or not...

Screw em! Time to move on to bigger and better things!


Right on Bra...they could just be more civilized about it and like take you out to lunch or something, then let you go get your things, you think they could just give you a little respect on your way out.

So thats my attitude too, screw em!, because that shit they pulled is just disrespectful and I wouldnt have an attitude about it otherwise. Maybe Ill get to move to Cali now! We'll see...:)

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I feel for you jumprunner. That's rough. [:/]

I'm facing the termination of my position on December 31st. I have to re-interview for the position I held prior to this one, which was terminated in June of this year...so sick of jumping thru their hoops. >:(

-So if your position was terminated, & it wasn't anything that you did, they should be giving you severance pay and you should be able to collect unemployment, I would think. That's how it would be here in Washington anyway...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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That is called "Compassionate Conservatism".

perhaps it would be better if the company went bankrupt and put all the "workers" out of a job. I disagree with the way they went about it, but life is seldom fair. What is good is he lives in a free nation that has many That is called "Compassionate Conservatism".
. Every time I quit or lost a job I always ended up making more money.

edit to add

hope you get a better job

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wouldnt even let me go back to my desk and get my stuff, just boot out the door like Im a piece of fucking trash


That is called "Compassionate Conservatism".

No, it has nothing to do with Conservatives. Do you have some bone to pick with them?

It's all about this comment from jumprunner: "I hope you screwed up the code before you backed it up."

It's called: not letting a disgruntled employee who has the access and power to destroy computer systems, do so.

I had the same thing once for a voluntary layoff - the day I accepted the deal, a security guard appeared to watch me clean out my office and escort me off the property.

The company has the right to protect their vital assets.

But it's true that getting layed-off, stinks, and they could have handled it in a more respectful and dignified manner.

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I've been told that 20 years ago there used to be something called "job security." It sounds crazy! Anyone ever heard of that?

No one has ever been guaranteed a job for life. You have to perform. You have to adapt. Your company has to do the same, to survive. There are hundreds of things that can go wrong to cause you to lose your job. That's life.

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That's low . I hope you screwed up the code before you backed it up .

And this is why they lock you out after terminating you. I've been on both ends of this and it sucks either way.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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That's low . I hope you screwed up the code before you backed it up .

And this is why they lock you out after terminating you. I've been on both ends of this and it sucks either way.

I wouldnt screw up thier code for a multitude of reasons, mainly, why would I screw up something I busted my ass on? It doesnt do any good to be vindictive about it, but Ive seen it happen over and over again.

The worst case Ive seen was when I worked at a company called Neoplanet, they had this browser they were marketing. Anyway, they started layoffs, the VP kept getting his truck vandalized in the parking lot, and one morning there was a gunshot hole in the main window. They did the same thing, treated you like shit on the way out.

If they would just be respectful, ie "you did a good job, sorry to have to see you leave but due to cutbacks...ect", take you out to lunch, this kind of stuff wouldnt be happening. Its always...like they want to go out of their way to either be impersonal or even vindictive about it, and then comes the "pay back" from the laid off employee.

To me, respect is a two way street, not a one way street. I hate to say it and I absolutely didnt want it this way, but I left the company with a negative attitude towards the company and its thier fault for letting that happen.

On the other side of the coin, I had companies in the past that did show that kind of respect and I stayed in touch with them for some time after that, and always left the company on positive terms, everything positive. Thats the way it should be for any company that claims to care about its image.

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I feel for you jumprunner. That's rough. [:/]

I'm facing the termination of my position on December 31st. I have to re-interview for the position I held prior to this one, which was terminated in June of this year...so sick of jumping thru their hoops. >:(

-So if your position was terminated, & it wasn't anything that you did, they should be giving you severance pay and you should be able to collect unemployment, I would think. That's how it would be here in Washington anyway...

Actually, I got two weeks severence pay, two more weeks "2 week notice" pay, paid for 60+ hours of vacation, and the last direct deposit paycheck on the last day, amounting to over 5K. But I can tell you, it doesnt last long when youre out of work, as far as Im concerned Im broke. Thats the attitude you want to have when youre not generating an income.

UI I dont think will start till after Jan 1st, but in Arizona, this only tops out at 205/wk, not like other states which are about 5 times more.

In other words....dont lose your job in Arizona, if youre going to get laid off, do it in another state (no telling how long you might be out of work looking).

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