
What do you want to be when you grow up? ?

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I may be getting older but I refuse to grow up.

It was avoiding answering the "what do I want to be when I grow up" question that got me where I am today. ;)

Shit! You mean if I keep putting this off i'll end up owning a gear store, hanging out with cool peeps all day, making skydives when I please, and deeming 12:30pm beer-thirty if I want? :o

Oh, no.. I better decide quick, cuz that would be pure misery! :S


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A shiftless layabout, a hopeless dreamer, like Gomez Addams -- more than enough cash to keep me skydiving in the manner I want to be accustomed too! :P

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Shit! You mean if I keep putting this off i'll end up owning a gear store, hanging out with cool peeps all day, making skydives when I please, and deeming 12:30pm beer-thirty if I want?

Worked for me! Your mileage, of course, may vary. :ph34r:

But who knows? I may figure out what I want to be when I grow up and toss all this misery for a nine to five with a real paycheck someday....

Nah. B|

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When I grow up can I just be happy? Like the kind of happy that makes other people wonder what you're up to? Can I have someone to love that will love me back and help me take on everything life throws at us? Can I do all the things I dream about and keep striving for the things I can't quite reach? Can I live somewhere beautiful and play outdoors as much as possible? And, can I have really good friends who know me and still like who I am? B|

Umm, I don't know WHAT I want to be when I grow up, but if I can have all these things...then I will have made a good life for myself.
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Well, I'm sure this is a popular answer, but I don't want to grow up. Not Now, Not Ever.

But since I have bills, rent, truck payments, etc.... I guess I will have to someday.

My new goal - Now searching for a sugar Momma!!
25 - 40yrs old prefered. Rich, and open to my skydiving, snowboarding, and drunk night at the DZ tendencies. Send all applications through PM. ;)

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What, no POLL?? :P

I want to be a child when I grow up...I got MY wish. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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