
Japanese IQ Test

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Here is something that I received in my email. Don't know for sure if its true that this is used on IQ test but here it goes.

The goal of the game is to help the family cross the river in a raft. The rules are:
- Only 2 people max. must be at the raft at the same time.
- The father must not be alone with any of the girls.
- The mother must not be alone with any of the boys.
- The thief must not be alone with any family member.
- Only the father, mother and the cop knows how to use the raft.

To start the game press the BIG blue round button.
To move people just make single click on them.
To operate raft just press the red balls.

Result if you succeed in:
4 minutes: you are a Genius
6 minutes: You are exceptionally intelligent
10 minutes: You are very intelligent
20 minutes: You are average
25 minutes: You are a bit slow
30 minutes or more: You are terrible and you should go to work in Europe


Ivan "Rock On"

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4 minutes: you are a Genius
6 minutes: You are exceptionally intelligent
10 minutes: You are very intelligent
20 minutes: You are average
25 minutes: You are a bit slow
30 minutes or more: You are terrible and you should go to work in Europe

I just took the raft and went sailing. That family will just have to take care of itself B|

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it took me a little over 5 minutes, the first minute of that was me trying to make invalid first moves and watching the people whack each other until I "figured out" what the rules were.

I'm clever, but reading was never my strong suit.

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From a friend RULE: Thief cant be alone with any family members (cop must be with thief at ALL TIMES if family members are present)
SOLUTION: Cop takes thief across river and leaves thief on other side. No family member has been alone with thief.

RULE: Mom cant be in presence of a boy unless Dad is also there, and Dad cannot be in presence of a girl unless Mom is also there.(they must have a big problem in Japan with incest if they felt it necessary to have THIS rule)
SOLUTION: Mom and Dad ride on raft ACROSS the river and back again. Now THEY have "crossed the river" BUT neither have been in the presence of a child without the other parent being present.

RULE: Only the Mom, Dad and Cop know how to operate the raft, so the kids cant ferry THEMSELVES across the river.
SOLUTION: The COP ferries each kid to the other side and brings them back again until all kids have "crossed the river". Whether the thief remains on the far side by him(her?) self remains up to you, since there is no mention of this in the rules, AS I SAW THEM.

If ANYONE has a different solution, please let me know. Somehow this one doesnt seem very appealing,
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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the program has a bug. I was using the father to bring the last boy across, and it showed that the father would be alone with one of the girls, which isn't true. Same thing happens when I do it so that the mother brings the last girl across.

so I actually figured it out according to the rules written in the first post, but since either 1) the program has a bug or 2) the directions were not translated properly, I could not solve the problem using the animation.

edited to add: ok I figured it out, but the written directions were not complete.:P
Speed Racer

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