
Tomorrow is the start of the swim season!!

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Well atleast thats the first day of practice hehe. I'm setting a goal to break 55 seconds in the 100 butterfly. Last season i was able to go from a time of 1:07 after not swimming for 2 years down to a hair over one minute. I'v signed up for a weight lifting class to help get the muscle i'll need to get my time :):S:D. oh and i'm taking a few other book work class' *ugh*

I'll keep you guys updated on the season as it happens and i'll be shooting pictures for the school paper every now and then so you guys will see those as well. :)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Best of luck to ya this season Arthur!! Thats a great goal and the wight lifting will help! My times dropped dramatically after i started lifting..i went from being stuck at 32 seconds for a 50 free to 27 seconds in just a few weeks.

Good luck with school, swimming, and your goals! Can't wait to hear about all of it!:)


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Well atleast thats the first day of practice hehe. I'm setting a goal to break 55 seconds in the 100 butterfly. Last season i was able to go from a time of 1:07 after not swimming for 2 years down to a hair over one minute. I'v signed up for a weight lifting class to help get the muscle i'll need to get my time :):S:D. oh and i'm taking a few other book work class' *ugh*

I'll keep you guys updated on the season as it happens and i'll be shooting pictures for the school paper every now and then so you guys will see those as well. :)

Use power gloves if you want to build up your arms. Weight lifting wont tone up the right muscles for the job.

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Use power gloves if you want to build up your arms. Weight lifting wont tone up the right muscles for the job.

For swimming it will. Our coaches had us in the weight room 3 times a week. Arthur, if you haven't already, try to get your hands on some stretch cords. They'll do wonders for your fly....also theres certain things you can do with them to build up muscle in our shoulders...i remember you having trouble in the past with them...my coach gave me some great exercises to do with stretch cords to help both my fly and my beginning shoulder problems...what a difference they made!! If your interested in knowing them, let me know :)


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No they won't but 2 1/2 hours in the pool swimming atleast 5k-7k yards every day will. The weights will give me the extra muscle mass i need to yank my body through the water in a more quick like fashion.

Also the butterfly is not just an arms stroke!! You have to use your abs and legs to get your upper body back out of the water to bring your arms around and start the cycle again. The weights will be to get the rest of my body into the shape it needs to be to do the 200 fly without killing myself like I did last season.

and yes Kristi i have the stretch bands to help my shoulders.:)
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Dont forget to work on your legs.. for your starts... explode off the blocks and get that little extra jump on the competition. Its easier to fly thru the air in that first few feet than being deep in the water having to fight it to get your arms up out of it on your first stroke.

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yup yup, there was a guy on the team last year that could get all the way out to the flags before touching the water!!! Dude looked like a frog coming off the blocks:D Gonna do alot of squats and calf work.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Good luck, Arthur! Lifting weights helps a lot, my coaches started me doing it 3 times a week at age 12. If you can discipline yourself, working out twice a day helps also. If you can't get to a pool in the mornings before school, go on a run and follow it up with sit-ups and push-ups and such. I know it's a pain, but it all depends on how much you want it. I got up every morning at 4:15 as a teenage girl for our before-school workout...if I can do it, you can do it. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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A buff Viking. Wow, something even better to hug!:P

hahahahaha YA BABY!! B|:)


Good luck, Arthur! Lifting weights helps a lot, my coaches started me doing it 3 times a week at age 12. If you can discipline yourself, working out twice a day helps also. If you can't get to a pool in the mornings before school, go on a run and follow it up with sit-ups and push-ups and such. I know it's a pain, but it all depends on how much you want it. I got up every morning at 4:15 as a teenage girl for our before-school workout...if I can do it, you can do it.

LOL there is no way i'll be even looking at a clock at 4:15!!! I need my ugly sleep damnit!!:D:D
My weight lifting class' are twice a week and I imagine i'll be doing the dry lands stuff a couple times a week at like 7:30am (ughB|) But its the only way so YAY!!:D:D:)
Oh and Jeanne I just realized there is a good sized foot hill with a steep grade right next to one of the parking lots. I can use that to help with my legs.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Oooooh...those were the days...I had a coach that I dubbed "Hitler" because the man had us swimming full workouts at the very beginning of the season (almost 10k), and we did dry land everyday of a meet and of course Saturdays..what joy!!:S...Try doing some T2000s where you put your goggles on, hit the water and do a full 2000m without stopping...those always wore everyone out...B|...then we would finish the workout...man this brings back memories...and despite the fact that I had to quit because of a frozen shoulder, I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!!;)
Some recommendations, since you are a fly person(no pun intended;)) Pull sets, pull buoys, and lots of dolphin/flutter kick sets...some flyers I have met have a terrible kick!! Keep the weight work going hardcore...and tons of push-ups...we usually did over a 100 of different kinds, diamonds, knuckle, clapping hands...man those hurt!!

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I have a question & this seems to be the best thread...

anyway, i use to swim (3rd - 9th grade), then I found partying... a few years a go I started doing triathlons, then I found skydiving.

Well, recenlty I started going to the gym doing laps & the whatnot... anyway...

my shoulder (L) HURTS!! I can barely pick up my arm. After 50m of butterfly I can barely feel my hand. When I use the kickboard my arm throbs & my shoulder feels like it's going to crumble.

I heard that there are exercises to strengthin the rotater cuff... and RoadRash, you mention a frozen shoulder...

any ideas on exercises or ways to get rid of this?

I use to swim the 800IM w/ shorter races in brest & butterfly. Now in races I do brest to keep pace & regulate my breathing, but when I need to pass someone I break into a free sprint (races are only 800-1000 yards).

But this pain sucks & I'm afraid of losing swimming... the BEST exercise around!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Kick ass lil' bro!!

Good luck to ya on meeting your goals, but I know you can do it even without the luck. ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Ya there are. I had to do them last season after my left shoulder dislocated in the middle of practice. I used the tube bands. I have a bunch of exercises that the docs gave me. One i remember is to take a kick ball and put it against the side of a door frame and bounce it back and forth off either side of your hand.

But before you do anything i would go to a doc and get your shoulder checked!!!!!
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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Thanks for the advice... I gotta get a doc! But then he'll think I'm a hypochondriac.:S

Good luck to you. Working out sucked (as a swimmer, I just wanted to be in the water), but when the results showed up, it was so encouraging.

Good luck to you... certainly you'll reach your goals this year too!!B|

It's so good to be back in the water. As an "adult" when @ the gym, swiming "serious" laps, everyone thinks your on a team or something... kinda an ego booster.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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