
Good Tax Returns?

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Mine is spent on bills....and on my state return where I owe plenty. One small 1099-Misc form and Unemployment can screw ya good.

aaaahh, spoken like a true 'full-time' skydiver (been there, done that). [:/]


I'm getting about $4500.00!!! To bad it's spent already.

uh..congrats dude..can you catch the next round? ;)


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Now that I'm divorced and in a lower tax bracket, I'm getting money back. Being po' finally pays off! :P It's going straight to my Visa bill from Christmas and the Eloy boogie, then I'll be debt free again. Yahoo!
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I haven't decided if I want to spend mine on my visa bill, my car loan, or put it toward either a trip to California or new gear.... hmmm, decisions, decisions...
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I haven't decided if I want to spend mine on my visa bill, my car loan, or put it toward either a trip to California or new gear.... hmmm, decisions, decisions...

gear is always important :)
i'm just saving mine. pathetic, eh?
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I only got 680 back.

That might mean that you do a good job. Keep in mind that your tax rebate is just your money that the government kept for a year and doesn't pay interest on. My target every year is to be plus or minus no more than $500. That means that I got to use my money all year long. Look at it this way, would you put money in a savings account if the bank didn't pay interest? That's what you do when you over pay taxes and get the refund. Of course, there are other issues involved but this is my opinion on it in broad strokes. Sorry that I went on so long, but Darius, it looks to me like you really came out ahead. Good Job!
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I win! Well, depending on how you look at it. :S

we're getting ~$15,000 back.

I know we should adjust our withholding, but most of that is from deductions, so there was really no way to predict how much we'd have to deduct this year.

All in all it's a wash, since we spent 4 times that on my hubby's racing last season.
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$7500 DAMN!! How'd you do that?!?!

Darius, I'm in the same place as you, but since I don't even look @ my pay check, I don't knwo how much the govt has borrowed from me, It's nice getting a decent size check every year that you're not expecting.

I was gonna buy a new canopy w/ mine, but just found that my job might be gone by summer, so it's going into a savings acct instead [:/]:(>:(

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If you're unemployed, how can they expect you to pay taxes?!?! Even if you finally get a job, you're prob trying to make up for lost time & have no spare cash.
Why don't they tax unemployment pay straight away like regualar income?
That sucks!

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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I'm getting about $4500.00!!! To bad it's spent already.

Wow. Congratulations. You let the government borrow $4500.00 for a full year, interest free. You made out like bandit. :S

I'm going to get about $200.00 back this year. To me, that's pretty good.

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