
Ann Coulter on John Kerry FORWARDED

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******NOTE, THIS IS ONLY A FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Just what we don't need again in the White House!!!!!!!

Just a gigolo
Ann Coulter
January 29, 2004

After the New Hampshire primary,

Dennis Kucinich's new slogan is:
".001 Percent of America Can't Be Wrong!"

John Edwards' new slogan is:
"Vote for Me or We'll See You in Court."

Joe Lieberman's new slogan is:
"Sixth Place Is Not an Option."
(Bumper sticker version: "Ask Me About My Delegate.")

Al Sharpton's new slogan is
"Hello? Room Service?"

Wesley Clark's new slogan is:
"Leading America's War on Fetuses."

Howard Dean's new slogan is:
"I Want to Be Your President ... And So Do I!"

That leaves John Kerry (new slogan:
"Nous Sommes Nombre Un!"), who
is winning Democratic voters in droves on the basis of his superior ability to taunt George Bush for his lack of combat experience. Like every war hero I've ever met, John Kerry seems content to spend his days bragging about his battlefield exploits. Wait, wait ... Let me correct that last sentence: like no war hero I've ever met ...

As everyone has heard approximately 1 billion times by now, Kerry boasts that he has REAL experience with aircraft carriers, and if Bush
wants to run on national security, then ... BRING IT ON!

I note that when George Bush directed that precise phrase at Islamic terrorists who yearn to slaughter American women and children,
liberals were enraged at the macho posturing of it. But they feel "Bring it on!" is a perfectly appropriate expression when directed at a dangerous warmonger like George Bush. ("Bring it on!" was deemed better than Kerry's first
impulse, "Let's get busy, sister!")

Kerry was indisputably brave in Vietnam, and it's kind of cute to see Democrats pretend to admire military service. Physical courage, like
chastity, is something liberals usually deride, but are tickled when it accidentally manifests itself in one of their own. One has to stand in awe of Kerry's military service 33 years ago. Of course, that's where it ends, including with Kerry - inasmuch as, upon his return from war in 1970, he promptly began trashing his fellow Vietnam vets by calling them genocidal

But if Bush can't talk to Kerry about the horrors of war, then Kerry sure can't talk to anyone about the plight of the middle class.
Kerry's life experience consists of living off other men's money by marrying their wives
and daughters.

For over 30 years, Kerry's primary occupation has been stalking lonely heiresses. Not to get back to his combat experience, but Kerry sees
a room full of wealthy widows as "a target-rich environment." This is a guy whose experience dealing with tax problems is based on spending his entire adult life being supported by rich women. What does a kept man know about

In 1970, Kerry married into the family of Julia Thorne - a family estimated to be worth about $300 million. She got depressed, so he promptly left her and was soon seen catting around with Hollywood starlets, mostly
while the cad was still married. (Apparently, JFK really was his mentor.) Thorne is well-bred enough to say nothing ill of her Lothario ex-husband. He is, after all, the father of her children - a fact that never seemed to constrain him.

When Kerry was about to become the latest Heinz family charity, he sought to have his marriage to Thorne annulled, despite the fact that it had produced two children. It seems his second meal ticket, Teresa Heinz, wanted the
first marriage annulled - and Heinz is worth more than $700 million. Kerry claims he will stand up to powerful interests, but he can't even stand up to his wife.

Heinz made Kerry sign a prenuptial agreement, presumably aware of how careless he is with other people's property, such as other people's
Vietnam War medals, which Kerry threw on the ground during a 1971 anti-war demonstration.

At pains to make Kerry sound like a normal American, his campaign has described how Kerry risked everything, mortgaging his home in Boston to help pay for his presidential campaign. Technically, Kerry took out a $6
million mortgage for "his share" of "the family's home" - which was bought with the Heinz family fortune. (Why should he spend his own money? He didn't throw away his own medals.) I'm sure the average working stiff in Massachusetts can relate to a guy who borrows $6 million against his house to pay for TV ads.

Kerry's campaign has stoutly insisted that he will pay off the mortgage himself, with no help from his rich wife. Let's see: According to
tax returns released by his campaign, in 2002, Kerry's income was $144,091. But as the Washington Post recently reported, even a $5 million mortgage paid back over 30 years at favorable interest rates would cost $30,389 a
month - or $364,668 a year.

The Democrats' joy at nominating Kerry is perplexing. To be sure, liberals take a peculiar, wrathful pleasure in supporting pacifist military
types. And Kerry's life story is not without a certain feral aggression. But if we're going to determine fitness for office based on life
experience, Kerry clearly has no experience dealing with problems of typical Americans
since he is a cad and a gigolo living in the lap of other men's money.

Kerry is like some character in a Balzac novel, an adventurer twirling the end of his mustache and preying on rich women. This low-born poseur with his threadbare pseudo-Brahmin family bought a political career with one rich woman's money, dumped her, and made off with another heiress to enable him
to run for president. If Democrats want to talk about middle-class tax cuts, couldn't they nominate someone who hasn't been a poodle to rich women for the past 33 years?

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

Sharpton is a piss-poor example. He, with his fellow "Black Three Stooges" members, Mason and Maddox, makes his living off racial shakedowns, just like Jesse Jackson.

The bogus Tawana Brawley case is only one egregious example among many. He's not fit to wait on tables in DC.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

I agree with the first sentence. The second sentence is totally erroneous.

never pull low......unless you are

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

I agree with the first sentence. The second sentence is totally erroneous.

What do you find totally erroneous about it, these are the only folks who came from middle or even lower class backgrounds, am I wrong about that?

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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All of the candidates have a clue about some Americans. Kerry knows he has bandwagon appeal. Sharpton knows all the tricks of pimping poverty. Dean got educated. Clark was once a butter bar.

But the "average American." Who is that? What are the qualities of the "average American?"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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don'tchya know, we've got 2.5 kids a dog and a quarter, 3/4 of a cat, a job we hate, a mortgage... blah blah blah, I was just pointing out that when Coulter attacks Kerry for not representing the middle class she forgets to mention how... oh shit, I'm really not going further into this. I think you got my point.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Dude, Kerry, nor Bush, nor Anne Coulter have a fucking clue how the average American lives. The only candidates who have a shot at claiming this are Edwards, Clark and Sharpton, most of all Sharpton.

I agree with the first sentence. The second sentence is totally erroneous.

What do you find totally erroneous about it, these are the only folks who came from middle or even lower class backgrounds, am I wrong about that?

I'd bet that none of them know what a gallon of milk costs.

never pull low......unless you are

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Maybe she has no credibility, but both MSNBC and FoxNews have been heavy on the rich wife thing. It's a fact, he marries and is supported by rich women. It was reported early on about his anti-war demonstrations. Maybe Coulter is a wack, but that's no different than James Carville saying something negative about Bush.
- Does this small canopy make my balls look big? - J. Hayes -

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I'd bet that none of them know what a gallon of milk costs.

Ha, and I bet Karl Rove has hired a white house staffer specifically for the purpose of keeping track of milk prices. It may have brought daddy down but we won't let those dirty dems get junior that way!;)

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Nobody in the Senate has greater personal wealth than Kerry. Sharpton? He has as much of an understanding of the "Average American" as Jesse Jackson.

Frankly, I don't know if I am an average American. I don't care whether I am or not. And I want my President to do what is best for the country. At times, this could be to cause temporary pain for a long term good.

Frankly, I want someone willing to commit political suicide. I don't think any of the candidates are willing to do that. You know, at least Walter Mondale had balls enough to state his intentions, and he could relate to average Americans, too.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I'd bet that none of them know what a gallon of milk costs.

Ha, and I bet Karl Rove has hired a white house staffer specifically for the purpose of keeping track of milk prices. It may have brought daddy down but we won't let those dirty dems get junior that way!;)

Yeah, that will go along with Kerry planting "average Joes" in his audience to ask prepared questions for him to answer.

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Law, I think you should reread my first post in this thread. I said that Kerry doesn't have clue what it's like, yada yada, what's the average American? I dunno, but I can guarantee you that the three I mentioned as having no clue, have no clue, and the other three well... They surely have grown up with more hardship than any of the other candidates on either side of the aisle.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Yeah, that will go along with Kerry planting "average Joes" in his audience to ask prepared questions for him to answer.

No more egregious than the parade of minority Republicans displayed during the 2000 convention...

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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The bogus Tawana Brawley case is only one egregious example among many. He's not fit to wait on tables in DC.

Much as I hate Sharpton for being a worthless opportunist, I think the Brawley case was not of his doing. She claimed to have been attacked and he made a political opportunity of it. Then her claims were found to be lies and he was stuck.

He does plenty of other stuff to dislike, but I think he just got suckered like everyone else on that one.

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