
california here i... am

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I'd forgotten how brown and ugly (err... I mean "golden") everything is here compared to Florida, but other than that, and the fact that I'm bored to tears... Gee it's good to be here.

Spent most of Wednesday hanging out in Perris. Stopped by Square One and Bonehead's, then hung out at the dz for awhile. So good to see everyone... it's been months since I've gotten that many hugs! :)
My plan was to spend most of today sorting through the storage unit and pulling out what I'm taking back with me. Advice to all -- never, ever allow your 19 year old son to pack a storage unit. :S I lasted just over an hour before I determined that I am not currently physically capable of climbing around and moving (heavy!) boxes around... so the rest of it is going to have to wait until tomorrow and Sunday when my kid can help (ie do the climbing and lifting ;)). Hopefully the Robaxin and Darvocets I just took will kick in soon cuz my neck and shoulder are not real happy with me at the moment...

So now I'm sitting at my parent's house, monopolizing their phone line. Dial up sucks! :D

Oh, and it's freakin' cold here too! It was 75 when I left Florida; I doubt it's going to hit 65 here today. [:/]

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Oh, and it's freakin' cold here too! It was 75 when I left Florida; I doubt it's going to hit 65 here today.


Just jokin', Lisa! Aren't you glad you raised your son right? If you need me to come down and help, just let me know! :ph34r:
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Trade ya that 65oF for our -5oC. Trade you Perris for OSA. WON'T trade you your storage for mine!:ph34r: Mine is all nice and organized.:)Enjoy your visit.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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So did you pick up my helmet while you were at bonehead and are you bringing it with you on your way back???


And no.

Considering how much crap I have to bring back, I'm beginning to doubt that I'm going to be able to fit myself in the van... much less that big ol' helmet of yours. :D

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It's still cold. I'm still bored. Dial up still sucks.

But I got to have Jack in the Box for dinner last night. I miss Jack in the Box. How come Jack hasn't expanded into Florida yet?

Got an In n Out urge too; a double double with grilled onions and fries... is it lunch time yet? In n Out is another chain that needs to get into Florida dammit!

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Got an In n Out urge too; a double double with grilled onions and fries... is it lunch time yet? In n Out is another chain that needs to get into Florida dammit!

Mmmmmm. "Animal Style". Bring me one. Please?

You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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