
How's Kate Cooper doing?

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Well since my computer at home is a piece of shit, and I can't get to my e-mail there, I don't know>:( But it should be all fixed by the time I get home today. Hope someone post something while I'm at work.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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She's doing ok, but in pain. I don't think she'll mind me posting this. In addition to the dislocation, she broke her collar bone. She's probably going to head off to Belgium to have surgery real quick (She's got a friend whos a doctor there). Knowing Kate, she won't let this keep her out of the air long at all.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Someone obviously didn't read and adhere to the last rule of Big Way Formations.....


Heal quick hon.

Edit cause I can't spell and type at the same time[:/]

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Someone obviously didn't read and ashere to the last rule of Big Way Formations.....


Heal quick hon.

Ha ha.. I remember that one when I jumped with her in Davis (at the NorCal FreeFly festival)
She said something along the lines of: I am bad with names, unless you hurt me....

Heal quick Kate!


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Which day did she get hurt on?

I am only now starting to hear of all the jumpers who got hurt and hospitalized on the 672 person mass jump. There was no mention made of these injuries on the official site or on this web-site.

Does anyone have any details on the injuries and condition of all the injured jumpers? Also knowing how many jumpers got hurt would be good too. Just seems weird that it was kept so quiet.

I hope they can fix up Kate's shoulder and she makes a complete recovery.


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>Which day did she get hurt on?

I _think_ it was Tuesday, the second day of "real" (i.e. 372ish way) jumps, due to an exit collision.

>Does anyone have any details on the injuries and condition of all the
> injured jumpers? Also knowing how many jumpers got hurt would be
> good too. Just seems weird that it was kept so quiet.

Kathy Leslie - doing well. She's home and recovering from facial surgery. Rusty talked to her last night and she's in good spirits.

Val Thai-Slocum - again, doing OK, getting around on crutches. She was with us for most of the dives (on the ground, of course.) She broke her ankle, I believe. She and Kate were planning an expedition further south after the attempt which had to be cancelled.

Mary Bauer - her ears are better; she was able to make the record jump with us after being grounded for a few days. She grounded herself after she started discovering blood in her ears.

Jennifer Behrens - mainly OK. She was in a lot of pain on the last jump but she made it with us. I believe she had a pre-existing shoulder injury that was aggravated by her efforts on the attempts.

Karin Sako and Rhonda Joyce had minor (but ugly) injuries from the demo, mainly abrasions and cuts. They made all the jumps with us.

Dieter (I think) was injured when his reserve deployed on the ramp. He was getting around just fine, but in too much pain to jump. Pulled muscles I think.

There must have been 30 jumpers on the Bangkok jump who had abrasions and cuts serious enough to require either medical attention or care over the next week (big bandages etc) but they continued jumping.

I think perhaps 8 jumpers on the 672 way had moderate to serious injuries, including 4 on the final 372 way team. There were another 4-6 during the attempts themselves. Hard to get an accurate number since some people had injuries (like Mary) that grounded them for a few days, then they got back in the air. I didn't keep it quiet in my updates; I didn't check the world team site often enough to see what was going on there. We were joking that we should start an "injury status" board so that the constant "How's X doing? Is she jumping?" questions could be answered more easily.

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Also, Caroline Hughes suffered a fracture and 30% compression of the L1 vertebra during a hard landing inside Sanam Luang. She's home now, doing ok, and should be fine in 6 weeks. I'll tell her of this thread and she is online now so may chime in later.

There was a German guy (sorry, forget his name) and a Thai guy in the room across from Kathy, Val and Caroline at the hospital. Also heard a French guy was injured and repatriated very quickly after the demo? Although not sure about that one.

Edit: Wishing everyone a speedy recovery!
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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