
Where was George during those Months

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To infer that McVeigh was a good conservative is an insult to true Conservatives

And he was a member of militias and Ultra Right wing groups.. seems that is about as conservative as it gets... just like the CCC who is solidly behind this administration as well.

And NAMBLA is a staunch supporter of liberal causes. Are you trying to make some actual point here?

. . =(_8^(1)

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I asked my husband to name, by first and last name, 4 people that he served with during 68 to 72, while he was in the Air Force. He could come up with the first names of 3 people.
Guess it doesn't surprise me that it's hard to find anyone who 'remembers' serving in the guard with Bush.

Hey Aggie Dave, I don't care if the roads get scary, long as I've got Magnetic Mary!
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I asked my husband to name, by first and last name, 4 people that he served with during 68 to 72, while he was in the Air Force. He could come up with the first names of 3 people.
Guess it doesn't surprise me that it's hard to find anyone who 'remembers' serving in the guard with Bush.


That's really curious. No one can remember anyone from 30 years ago?

All those war stories I hear from veterans of WWII and Korea and Vietnam when they described exactly who did what and who shared a foxhole with whom. Do you mean they were just making that stuff up?


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I asked my husband to name, by first and last name, 4 people that he served with during 68 to 72, while he was in the Air Force. He could come up with the first names of 3 people.
Guess it doesn't surprise me that it's hard to find anyone who 'remembers' serving in the guard with Bush.

That's really curious. No one can remember anyone from 30 years ago?

All those war stories I hear from veterans of WWII and Korea and Vietnam when they described exactly who did what and who shared a foxhole with whom. Do you mean they were just making that stuff up?

It would be reasonable to have more vivid memories of time shared in a fox hole while under fire, then sitting at a desk in the States.

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I asked my husband to name, by first and last name, 4 people that he served with during 68 to 72, while he was in the Air Force. He could come up with the first names of 3 people.
Guess it doesn't surprise me that it's hard to find anyone who 'remembers' serving in the guard with Bush.

That's really curious. No one can remember anyone from 30 years ago?

All those war stories I hear from veterans of WWII and Korea and Vietnam when they described exactly who did what and who shared a foxhole with whom. Do you mean they were just making that stuff up?

It would be reasonable to have more vivid memories of time shared in a fox hole while under fire, then
sitting at a desk in the States.


30 years ago I was sitting at a desk in an office with 6 other people. I can remember the names of everyone else in the office, and the names of their girlfriends/wives.

I can remember the names of dozens of people I was at high school with 45 years ago.

I can particularly remember the names of people I knew 30+ years who went on to become famous - Bill Wyman (Rolling Stones) and Stephen Hawking (scientist).

In this case we're talking about someone that was the son of a prominent politician, became owner of a major league baseball team, Governor of Texas and President of the USA. And you reckon people would simply forget his name?

Sorry, that argument is just totally BOGUS.


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I can remember the names of dozens of people I was at high school with 45 years ago.

Sorry, that argument is just totally BOGUS.

Unless you can remember the names of everyone that you went to high school with, my argument is not totally bogus.

False logic. We just need a few who remembered GWB, not everyone. How probable is it that only one person remembers the guy from their unit who was a congressman's son and went on to become Governor of Texas and President of the USA?

(but then, I suppose we do have to account for it's being in Alabama);)

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What's really funny is we named our second kid after a Soul singer from an airforce band that Dave played at in Vegas while he was in the service. Can't remember the guys last name. When he was in Anchorage, there was a good friend of Daves' with a gorgeous wife. He remembers everything about HER, (whom he met a couple of times) and very little about HIM, the guy who sat at the desk next to Dave for 2 years. Memory is a funny thing.
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people simply got a presidential candidate's voting record while he was in government

For ease of access, here's Kerry's history:
And of course, Bush's history

I cannot vouch for the completeness of either record, however. This is a good site to look up people's positions and their votes and which "special interest" groups they have voted for in the past.


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Bush, as President, doesn't vote. I would assume that's why there is no record. I found none during his governorship, as well, and am assuming the same reason. Further, just to make sure I was doing this correctly, I ran Bush (senior) (no data), Reagan (no data), Clinton (no data), Bush, Jeb (no data), Pataki (no data).

However, that doesn't preclude me from including Kerry's record.

If you have trouble with what I've done, find a better site, with no rhetoric, and factually based. I'll use it if you can find it.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
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No shit 'chele, I was just pointing out that you can't compare their records as one doesn't have one. That site is pretty decent actually, doesn't seem biased in any way that I can tell. We could I guess look at every piece of legislation the GWB has signed into law though, why don't they give that history? Or maybe talk about his half a trillion dollar deficit budget proposals?

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Well, it would be one thing if we could actually compare the voting records, but being that Bush doesn't have one....

Because Bush's background is in the executive branches of government, a true "apples-to-apples" comparison would be on legislation supported/opposed, etc. This is actually better in a lot of ways because Kerry's voting pattern is not 100% reflective of his views. The political spectrum would require compromise which would mean that votes would be "bought" and "sold".

Now having said that (or written it), I am not saying that all should ignore Kerry's voting record either, as it is an indicator of how he prioritizes his political platform. That, in my opinion, benefits the President in the campaign.
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Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
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No shit 'chele

Oh. I thought you were being intentionally obtuse again.


I guess "obtuse" is just polite enough that the moderators don't consider it the personal attack that you intend it to be, that, or they just don't give a flying f....

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Because Bush's background is in the executive branches of government

God, conservatives are just f#$ing great at stating the obvious aren't they. Refer to post above your last.

Dude I was writing my post the same time you were replying to Michele. Geez... :S
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Because Bush's background is in the executive branches of government

God, conservatives are just f#$ing great at stating the obvious aren't they. Refer to post above your last.

Dude I was writing my post the same time you were replying to Michele. Geez... :S

Yeah yeah. I kinda figured. Apologies where they are due.

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Benjamin, if you weren't trying to provoke, you might have said something along the lines of "the President doesn't vote, nor do Governors". Instead, you did it in a way that was deliberately either provoking or obtuse. Instead of assuming you are trying to provoke something, I thought it better to think you were being obtuse again.

As your comment to Gawain indicates, you're on a short fuse tonight. Relax, it's just the internet.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It may have had a slight tendency toward provocation but this is nothing more than I could claim of a good deal of your posts too Michele and considering a good deal of this was about a candidate's voting:


This is a good site to look up people's positions and their votes and which "special interest" groups they have voted for in the past.

I was just pointed out that you can't compare Bush to any of the democratic candidates in that regard because he has no voting record. Why he doesn't have a voting record is not an issue. You can't compare Al Sharpton's voting record to Kerry's either.

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And XXXXXX is a staunch supporter of liberal causes. Are you trying to make some actual point here?


Isnt that in direct violation of the RULES of the site?

When someone brings up that organization with the political bent that the poster has exibited.. I just think of the retired marine in American Beauty. What might he actually be trying to hide??????

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