
Speaking of 2nd Amendment rights...I jost lost mine!!!

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Oh...and by the way, went to the DA today to file a complaint about the phone calls I got the other night of laughter and then hanging up. I traced 2 of the calls. The DA told me they won't open a complaing and subpoena the phone records until there are 4 traced calls. So her hearsay is ok to screw me over, but I need her to call 4 times before I can use that in my defense. >:(

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Oh...and by the way, went to the DA today to file a complaint about the phone calls I got the other night of laughter and then hanging up. I traced 2 of the calls. The DA told me they won't open a complaing and subpoena the phone records until there are 4 traced calls. So her hearsay is ok to screw me over, but I need her to call 4 times before I can use that in my defense. >:(

Yeah, unfortunately we've had to document 'multiple calls' to get any kind of restraining/harassment charges on an issue in the past too. Sucks man. Call your phone company, there should be a '*81' or something like that which you have to press EACH TIME you receive a call to put some kind of 'mark' or 'trace' for that specific call.

Your answering machine calls should count towards that total as well though, I would think.

Good luck.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Yeah...it's *57. I did that two of the times, but the other I had already made a call before listening to my messages so it wouldn't work. You're right though, I would think that one should count. And the text message I got which said "I HOPE U DIE" should probably count as well. I brought that up and they said, no, they need 4 traced calls to do anything.

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ok, apparently, some people dont understand just how fucked up the government can be, and some of the shit they can do to you......

im not going to go into "domestic violence" and confiscation of firearms, because the laws vary from state to state, but......there are federal firearm laws that do apply to all states.

part of the 1994 federal crime bill makes it a federal offense for anyone who is subject to a domestic violence restraining order to purchase or transport firearms until the restraining order is removed. (dosent mean the state laws wont keep them from just coming in, and taking all of your weapons and let the court system sort it out)

heres another one. under the lautenberg domestic violence misdemeanor gun ban, individuals with misdemeanor convictions for domestic violence related offenses also became retroactively disqualified from owning firearms.because of this, apparently tens of thousands of law enforcement and military personnel have lost jobs.even organizations like the fop who supported clintons reelect have brought legal charges against the law.

i could go on and on but im finished here and not going to go into a big gun debate thing....i try to stay out of this kind of shit. its just that the whole bogus "domestic violence" thing pisses me off because of what they can do and how you become pretty much guilty and are violated without so much as the slightest bit of proof. all they have to do is take the word of the accuser and poof, they can legally confiscate every gun you own.

Well what amazes me is that they so badly want to confiscate guns that they will dig up any excuse to do so.

And thats questionable, why do they so badly want guns from people that are non-criminal while they at the same time dont even seem to be concerned with guns (like fully automatic Uzis) that are owned by street gangs?

And thats not to mention how quickly you can get shot and killed in certain places like South Cental LA, but noone really seems to be concerned about it. Just guns owned by average people who arent any kind of a threat, or people merely accused of domestic violence who arent any where near as much of a threat as someone in the Bloods who doesnt like the color of shoes youre wearing...

"Hey man, where you from?"

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And thats not to mention how quickly you can get shot and killed in certain places like South Cental LA, but noone really seems to be concerned about it. Just guns owned by average people who arent any kind of a threat.

If you want to talk about the murder rate in the US, don't talk to me about guns, talk about the places where it happens and who it happens to, and who does it to them.

Oh, look at that, it happens in inner cities, to black youths, by black youths. OK, so tell me again how this is an argument against me owning guns that have never even been pointed at anyone.
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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why do they so badly want guns from people that are non-criminal while they at the same time dont even seem to be concerned with guns (like fully automatic Uzis) that are owned by street gangs?

Some people think that anyone who owns a gun is a "bad guy".

And it's a lot easier to take guns away from the law-abiding folks, than it is to take them away from criminal bad guys.

And once all the guns have been taken from the good guys, their logic goes, then somehow (magically) the bad guys won't be able to get guns anymore.

And the bad guys, now lacking guns, will then transform themselves (magically) into law-abiding hard-working honest folks.

Voila! Crime is solved! (magically)

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>Well what amazes me is that they so badly want to confiscate guns
>that they will dig up any excuse to do so.

Threatening someone else's life is a crime; it doesn't seem unreasonable to take away a gun from someone who a) has committed a crime and b) has threatened to use that gun against someone else. Once the state cannot prove any such thing, of course, they get the gun back, and it should be a felony to make such a false accusation. However, it seems foolish to allow someone who intends to kill someone else to hang onto the means to do so easily.

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>Well what amazes me is that they so badly want to confiscate guns
>that they will dig up any excuse to do so.

Threatening someone else's life is a crime; it doesn't seem unreasonable to take away a gun from someone who a) has committed a crime and b) has threatened to use that gun against someone else. Once the state cannot prove any such thing, of course, they get the gun back, and it should be a felony to make such a false accusation. However, it seems foolish to allow someone who intends to kill someone else to hang onto the means to do so easily.

See, the problem here, Bill, is that A) I have not been accused of a crime. There have been no criminal charges filed against me. B) I have not had the opportunity to defend myself. Out of the blue, 2 police officers come to my house and hand me a piece of paper that says I have to immediately turn in my firearms or I will be imprisoned based on the hearsay of a convicted felon.

Now just suppose, it's because that was done because I spurned a lover, who happens to be friends with a number of Pagan gang members. (so far, true). And suppose, it was done in order to disarm me so that her friends could come after me without worrying about me defending myself (hopefully not true...but could be).

And as far as allowing someone the means to kill someone else. Couldn't I just as easily wait outside her work with my car running and run her down, or take a 10" butcher knife from my kitchen and slit her throat?

Like I've said before...this issue has me torn up, becaue I have known abused women who have needed protection, but you know what? The only one that I've know who was killed, was killed by someone who had a PFA filed against them, but killed her with a shotgun anyway....that was my cousin.

And you know what else? There is no registration of firearms in PA. They ordered me to turn in my guns and I did. But if I didn't, they would have no way of knowing. I could turn in some or none of them, but they wouldn't know how many I had left. The only purpose it served, much like most other firearm legislation, was to force me, a law abiding citizen, to obey the court order and turn in my guns. But if I were someone who was hell bent on going after her with a gun, I wouldn't have needed to turn them in and they would never know it.

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Well what amazes me is that they so badly want to confiscate guns that they will dig up any excuse to do so.

And thats questionable, why do they so badly want guns from people that are non-criminal while they at the same time dont even seem to be concerned with guns (like fully automatic Uzis) that are owned by street gangs?

Who are they?

"Government .... by the people."

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>And as far as allowing someone the means to kill someone else.
> Couldn't I just as easily wait outside her work with my car running
> and run her down, or take a 10" butcher knife from my kitchen and
> slit her throat?

Yeah. You can kill someone many ways; it only requires a gun if you want to do it from a distance.

>The only one that I've know who was killed, was killed by someone
>who had a PFA filed against them, but killed her with a shotgun
>anyway....that was my cousin.

Hence the genesis of the law, I think.

It sucks that someone can lie about something like this and cause you so much grief. But I also think that cops have to take threats like this seriously. I can understand erring on the side of caution when it comes to domestic violence.

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Rick, that's offensive. Do you categorize everyone that way? What are all conservatives like? What are all college graduates like? What are all skydivers like? And does it make the little wheels whiz around when you get a skydiver who's also a college graduate and a social liberal and a fiscal conservative?

How about if they're also gay and in the army?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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. . . or take a 10" butcher knife from my kitchen and
> slit her throat?

No, No, No, you have to be wearing expensive italian shoes to do that . . .oh and gloves - gloves that shrink - that would be good too.


Yeah. You can kill someone many ways; it only requires a gun if you want to do it from a distance

- Oh, so we should also ban: Cross bows, slingshots, slings, and spears, along with some that I am sure someone else will point out.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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. . . or take a 10" butcher knife from my kitchen and
> slit her throat?

No, No, No, you have to be wearing expensive italian shoes to do that . . .oh and gloves - gloves that shrink - that would be good too.


Yeah. You can kill someone many ways; it only requires a gun if you want to do it from a distance

- Oh, so we should also ban: Cross bows, slingshots, slings, and spears, along with some that I am sure someone else will point out.

You can have my Crossbow when you take it from my cold, dead, fingers.:D

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Well, went to court...she showed up wearing spandex pants and a belly shirt, after having put on about 15 pounds since I last saw her.

We go into the court room, get sworn in, judge puts on spearker phone with my atty asking for a continuance. She gets all pissed off, stamps her foot and sighs. We leave, in the elevator together, I haven't made eye contact with her at all the whole time. She's staring at me in the elevator, we get off, she says my name and i keep walking.

Think this will be easier than I thought.

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a college graduate and a social liberal and a fiscal conservative?.

What takes precedence? The 'social liberal' or the 'fiscal conservative'.:)
As it stands, you want all your programs but you want someone else to pay for them.........:S

EDIT: Careful Kev. And good luck.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Rick, that's offensive. Do you categorize everyone that way?

You offend too easy. My response was refering to numerous posts made in a thread about gay marriage. It was being advocated to just ignore laws if you don't agree with them. I think that pressuring elected official to change offensive laws is the proper way.

And does it make the little wheels whiz around when you get a skydiver who's also a college graduate and a social liberal and a fiscal conservative?

I don't judge people. Some ones politics are of no consequence to me. I don't make my friends show me their voters registration card.

How about if they're also gay and in the army?

What about it? Just because I'm a republican doesn't mean that I hate gays.

never pull low......unless you are

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