
What made your day today??

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I was on my lunch break from work today and sitting under a tree on 7 mile beach. This girl was walking down the beach throwing rocks into the sea and walking with a skip in her step. She said hello as she passed me and continued to a rocky part of the beach. Then she turned around and asked me to borrow my shoes so she could get to the other side. I gave them to her. About 5 mins later she came back and sat down next to me and we had a great little chat for the remainder of my lunch hour. It was so good that I forgot to eat anything. This is the third time in a week that a total stranger has just made my day......

ok.....enough soppyness from me for one night. Just thought id let you all know there are some really cool people out there.B|B|:)

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well it's a little late in the day, but I just got back from my hour walk/jog. I'm 50lbs overweight and haven't been able to jog more than a lap around the track at a time before having to walk, for the last 3 or 4 years. Tonight I was able to jog 3 laps in 7 minutes before having to stop and walk. Stretched a bit, walked a half lap and jogged the last half, ending the mile in 11:09. I'm quite proud of the progress I'm making :)

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well the day is only half over here but it's been cruisey as at work today, no irate customers at all which is fantastic. Also i know in 2 hours it will be 5pm and i have tickets to see a live performance at the opera house (not opera btw) tonight. i've never actually seen anything performed there so i'm looking forward to it.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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Getting an email from my friend Nikki, who is in kosovo, telling me that the letter, valentines day card, candy, and picutres that i sent her made her day!

And getting a call from my ex-girlfriend(who i am still head over heals for), serving at Sheppard AFB, saying that she was sick and just wishes i was there to hold her.

By the time you read this you have already read it.

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My 17 yr old daughter has been having severe, dibilitating headaches every day for months.
She has missed so much school that she is on a home bound program to get her caught up.
Many tests and several doctors later, no one can explain the cause of these headaches.

Shorting the story to what made my day...

On a scale of 1-10 her headache, this evening was
only a Four!

The lowest the pain has been since December.
Maybe she is FINALLY going to get better.:)

earthbound misfit

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well it's a little late in the day, but I just got back from my hour walk/jog. I'm 50lbs overweight and haven't been able to jog more than a lap around the track at a time before having to walk, for the last 3 or 4 years. Tonight I was able to jog 3 laps in 7 minutes before having to stop and walk. Stretched a bit, walked a half lap and jogged the last half, ending the mile in 11:09. I'm quite proud of the progress I'm making :)

Cool, good to hear that you're doing something about it and making progress.
Me, I'm not overweight, but in the last two years I've put on a layer of padding on my otherwise flat stomach and I need seriously to resolve to work it back off before it becomes something noticeable. Right now, no one knows about it but me, and they can't see it in my clothes. But I used to wear a 31 waist, now I wear a 34. I don't like that. Gotta start more exercise.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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My day was made both yesterday and today by getting to send flirty messages back and forth with this girl at work.

She's a really nice, good-hearted girl one year older than me, who has a 2-year-old son and a deadbeat-dad husband who's totally screwed up her life by using all their money to buy drugs. He's pretty much out of her life, heart and mind at this point, but he left her with a heap of bills and troubles. On top of that she has to commute over an hour to work where she makes only about $11 something an hour. (The health benefits are almost 100% of why she stays on.)

Anyway, she's had herself quite a past, too. She talks about her crazier younger days, and the whackos she spent time with, and her alcohol abuse (which she's recovered from). Now she's still hot -- but lacks self-confidence about her looks now, even though she's plenty fine and has a GREAT figure!). Anyway, she and I were sending instant messages at work and they started to get so raunchy that we instead began just dropping off sticky-notes at each other's desk!

I'm not sure if I'm correctly sensing that she has an attraction for me, but we're building this buddy friendship that I could see turning into something. For cripes sake, I actually feel like I have a CRUSH on someone, for the first time in years! :$

Some of the stuff in her messages today made my day. Even if this doesn't go where it seems like it could, it will have been fun just for the anticipation.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Well the great sex last night and the fact that there were doughnuts waiting for me at work, has sure made my day!!!!!:)

"Beware how you take away hope from another human being."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

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yesterday, it was getting a call from the DZ saying that if i could make it there was a load going up for sunset. So I said - Hey y'all (kinda loud) I'm sneakin outta here - everyone just smiled at me and a few smirked and said that they would see me tomorrow. *Sigh* Yeah, that was cool.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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