
Kerry Implodes ????

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There'd be one thing that, in my opinion, would call into doubt whether it happened.

If it turned out that this woman was worth anything less than 100 million dollars, I would seriously question whether Kerry would actually have anything to do with her.


Wait till Theresa Heinz finds out. This may get really interesting. My guess is Kerry will be dragged down by the DNC, Dean and Edwards if this turns out to be true.

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. . . reporters violated their own ethics . . .
Ethics? :S That's your funniest post to date. :D:D

That's a wonderfully veiled personal attack implying that I have none when in reality you don't have a clue.

Benny - Did you get a reporter's job?

I wish, oh I wish.[:/] No job at all for me yet. Second interview today, and another 2 tomorrow. Nothing serious though, just cooking at restaurants. Something to make dough to jump with, I don't want a "real" job.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Nothing serious though, just cooking at restaurants. Something to make dough to jump with, I don't want a "real" job.

Ladies and gentelmen...a Dem for you.
I don't want a "real" Job.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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My guess is Kerry will be dragged down by the DNC, Dean and Edwards if this turns out to be true.

I seriously doubt you'll see Edwards get negative, he would alienate what base he has if he did. Sure, he may be the beneficiary of this (I like him better than Kerry anyway) but I doubt he'll go attacking Kerry. If Edwards does come through and win, Rove better have a direct link to Bushie during the debates or everyone is finally gonna realize just how stupid that man is when compared with Edwards.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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And why if Clark's comment was off the record have said reporters violated their own ethics and publicized the comment and source anyway?

Ethics? :S That's your funniest post to date. :D:D

That's a wonderfully veiled personal attack implying that I have none when in reality you don't have a clue.

Calm down Benny. The only one that I was attacking was the media. :P

never pull low......unless you are

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"It's not right, no, but neither is doing coke, DUI, lying to the American public about WMD, etc."

So, when Bill Clinton, many prominent Democrats, the UN, etc, etc, etc, also said that Iraq had WMD, was there anything wrong with that? Oh wait, it's ok because they're on "your" side.

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Weren't some of you Libs proclaiming it was all over when you found Kerry was ahead of GWB in the polls a few days ago? Didn't I tell you a lot can happen in 8 months and to take polls this far out with a grain of salt?

Dude, you need to learn how to read. Actually read the letters that make the words, not read what you think people are saying.

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Nothing serious though, just cooking at restaurants. Something to make dough to jump with, I don't want a "real" job.

Ladies and gentelmen...a Dem for you.
I don't want a "real" Job.

Note, by this I mean a job commensurate with my level of education as I don't have any desire to end up stuck behind a desk in a 9 to 5. I'm willing to work very hard for my money but would rather do this for awhile simply to make dough because I really want to jump my ass off every chance I get and eventually occupy a trailer on a DZ somewhere and teach new skydivers. That's m true ambition and I'll do whatever is necessary to get there.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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"It's not right, no, but neither is doing coke, DUI, lying to the American public about WMD, etc."

So, when Bill Clinton, many prominent Democrats, the UN, etc, etc, etc, also said that Iraq had WMD, was there anything wrong with that? Oh wait, it's ok because they're on "your" side.

A fine example of the liberal art of mis-direction.

never pull low......unless you are

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Weren't some of you Libs proclaiming it was all over when you found Kerry was ahead of GWB in the polls a few days ago? Didn't I tell you a lot can happen in 8 months and to take polls this far out with a grain of salt?

Dude, you need to learn how to read. Actually read the letters that make the words, not read what you think people are saying.

Umm... dude you need to like learn how to like speak clearly.umm... you like know what I like mean DUDE??

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Calm down Benny. The only one that I was attacking was the media. :P

Duly noted, sorry I took it wrong. True, the media does not display the tendency (it is all about $$ after all). However I was taught by a man whom I very much respect in Journalism 101 that you don't reveal a direct quote from an off the record source.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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If Edwards does come through and win, Rove better have a direct link to Bushie during the debates or everyone is finally gonna realize just how stupid that man is when compared with Edwards.

I hope, as a conservative, that this happens. I hope that you do have your finger on the Democratic pulse, as this would indicate that the Democrats do not study history (maybe they are all engineers instead of liberal arts majors - Naaaahhh! :P)

Recall that this was the strategy that Gore employed with the debates with GWB. For months, the American public was told by the Dems and Gore that GWB was an idiot and a moron, and would not be able to keep up with Gore in debate. The ultra-intelligent Gore, along with his Alpha-male training, would show the world what a fool GWB was.

It turned out that Bush held his own. Gore was excited and stammering quite a bit when he realized that Bush was not a fool. I thought the substance o the debate was a draw. Bush performed better, though. Bush shot up in the polls following that first debate because he did not appear to be the idiot that the Dems and Gore said he was. At the very least, Gore couldn't beat him.

The Dems may be trying this failing tactic again. Anyone with a military background will know to NEVER underestimate the enemy. Over-estimate, overtrain and be prepared to fight the best.

Kerry was busy killing babies, women and children in Vietnam (just ask him - that what American troops did). Bush did NOT kill those babies and women and children, nor commit war crimes like Kerry did.

Apparently, nobody has uncovered any dirt on Bush cavorting with reporters. Was carry looking for a quid pro quo?

Maybe this should be Kerry's mantra - "an 'inside scoop' for 'an inside scoop.'"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>Expect all sorts of accusations from both sides of the aisle.

Agreed. I'd expect the top hitters to be:

Kerry's "smearing" of vietnam vets
This thing

Bush's cocaine usage
The missing year in the national guard

Good to know we will be focusing on the issues at hand. Oh well, guess the next four years will be a wash as well. I wonder who will run in 2008?

I am not a fan of Kerry's special interest group associations, and would much prefer Edwards to run against GWB. However, him getting laid will not sway me either way. Sorry, it just doesn't matter to me. However, it will make me think differnt of him as a person.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Recall that this was the strategy that Gore employed with the debates with GWB. For months, the American public was told by the Dems and Gore that GWB was an idiot and a moron, and would not be able to keep up with Gore in debate. The ultra-intelligent Gore, along with his Alpha-male training, would show the world what a fool GWB was.

It turned out that Bush held his own. Gore was excited and stammering quite a bit when he realized that Bush was not a fool. I thought the substance o the debate was a draw. Bush performed better, though. Bush shot up in the polls following that first debate because he did not appear to be the idiot that the Dems and Gore said he was. At the very least, Gore couldn't beat him.

It's exactly that, Bush performed better, better than expected anyway, and Gore didn't do as well as expected. Edwards happens to be a much better and polished speaker, off the cuff or otherwise than either of them. He'll do what Gore couldn't, and he'll do it without looking arrogant. And people will realize that Bush leading this country is like hopping in the car with a blind man behind the wheel.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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you like know what I like

I know you are so incredibly biased that all your posts related to politics are becoming very predictable.

Well, like you know DUDE, you like need to like stop trolling the like website and like I like really don't care for your like personal attack, DUDE, because like it will like get you banned DUDE. Like you know what I mean DUDE. And like dude, I like never pretended to be like unbiased. And unlike you dude, I like admit I'm biased you like get my drift DUDE?

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Kerry was busy killing babies, women and children in Vietnam (just ask him - that what American troops did). Bush did NOT kill those babies and women and children, nor commit war crimes like Kerry did.

Ann Coulter:

While there is indisputably nothing cooler than having fought for your country, John Kerry's status as a Vietnam veteran is unlikely to change a single vote. Military guys will support Bush, and liberals don't admire bravery. The only reason Democrats will tolerate someone who fought on the same side as the United States is to fuel their rage against Bush.

After starting the Vietnam war, the Democratic Party suddenly decided it was an illegal, immoral, undeclared war, and soldiers like John Kerry were baby killers. Today, vast majorities of Democratic primary voters tell pollsters they opposed the war in Iraq -- which their darling Kerry voted for. Kerry's sole appeal is that he gives pacifist cowards cover to fume about Bush.

Just a few years ago, the Democrats thought a pot-smoking draft-dodger would make a splendid president. But now they are enflamed at the thought that Bush didn't fight in Vietnam! In other words, it's honorable to march in anti-American protests in Europe when America is at war, but not to be a fighter pilot in the Texas Air National Guard.

Democrats know they can't beat Bush, but they intend to enjoy being hysterical about him throughout the campaign. Calling Bush a draft-dodger, which he is not, will join the Democrats' list of other cogent, reasoned arguments, such as "You're stupid" and "Halliburton!"

Democrats think they invented war heroes, but being a war hero didn't help Bob Dole. It didn't help George Herbert Walker Bush. It didn't help John McCain. The Democrats didn't invent war heroes. What they invented is the scam of deploying war heroes to argue for surrender.


Bold emphasis is mine.

This oughta stir the pot - heh >:(

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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>Expect all sorts of accusations from both sides of the aisle.

Agreed. I'd expect the top hitters to be:

Kerry's "smearing" of vietnam vets
This thing

Bush's cocaine usage
The missing year in the national guard

Good to know we will be focusing on the issues at hand. Oh well, guess the next four years will be a wash as well. I wonder who will run in 2008?

I am not a fan of Kerry's special interest group associations, and would much prefer Edwards to run against GWB. However, him getting laid will not sway me either way. Sorry, it just doesn't matter to me. However, it will make me think differnt of him as a person.

Most of the hard core base of the Democratic Party will not be swayed if this turns out to be true. However elections aren't won by the hard core base on either side. They are won by the Undecided. Whether this will swing them is yet to be seen.

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Well, like you know DUDE, you like need to like stop trolling the like website and like I like really don't care for your like personal attack, DUDE, because like it will like get you banned DUDE. Like you know what I mean DUDE. And like dude, I like never pretended to be like unbiased. And unlike you dude, I like admit I'm biased you like get my drift DUDE?

You sound just like Bush in his interview on Sunday. :)

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